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198 Deceiver Mender's MK-1 Shotgun - showing 186 barrel (***)


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Posted in-game but the CS said that it is a bug and I need to report this issue to you on the Bug Reports


Please fix my [Deceiver Mender's MK-1 Shotgun [Augmented]], it is saying my barrel is 186. I grind my butt of to get the gear the right way at least it should give me the stat i "paid" for!


Subscriber since beta! have a look.


Oh and while your at it please look at my conquest log...its saying that my Invasion Force crafting is complete..."WRONG" been broken for two months and i can't even get a reply.


this is all wrong treating a paying customer this way!

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Are you trying to pull the same "trick" as this guy has reported and cheat customer support out of an unbound/unrestricted 198 barrel, or what? :mad:


The Deceiver Mender's MK-1 Shotgun comes with 198 barrel unless you put another barrel in it yourself.

Edited by Sindariel
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Please fix my [Deceiver Mender's MK-1 Shotgun [Augmented]], it is saying my barrel is 186. I grind my butt of to get the gear the right way at least it should give me the stat i "paid" for!


They should be able to investigate the item but I highly doubt you will get a new barrel since it can be used with the mainhand aswell.


Actually I really hope that they do not send out 198 barrels/hilts to players without a proper investigation

Edited by Icestar
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Deceiver Mender's MK-1 Shotgun comes with a 198 barrel.


You cannot put in a crafted 186 barrel and claim that is what the barrel came with, in order to get a free MH.


Nobody cares whether you joined in beta or yesterday, and nobody cares how many guilds you're in. It doesn't change the fact you're not providing any proof, and are claiming a commonly used exploit to gain gear.


If this was a legitimate problem, CS would have told you that in their reply, and given you a barrel. Instead, they ignored the issue because it is obviously false, gave a stock-standard "this is a bug" reply, and now you're complaining to get them to fix an issue that does not exist..

Edited by mbfhl
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Deceiver Mender's MK-1 Shotgun comes with a 198 barrel.


You cannot put in a crafted 186 barrel and claim that is what the barrel came with, in order to get a free MH.


Nobody cares whether you joined in beta or yesterday, and nobody cares how many guilds you're in. It doesn't change the fact you're not providing any proof, and are claiming a commonly used exploit to gain gear.


If this was a legitimate problem, CS would have told you that in their reply, and given you a barrel. Instead, they ignored the issue because it is obviously false, gave a stock-standard "this is a bug" reply, and now you're complaining to get them to fix an issue that does not exist..


Posting original reply from Customer Service so the tolls will die horrible deaths and let legitimate players receive assistance from veteran gamers and members of the community for issues and not have to put up with the likes of the idiots who posted on my thread.


You can clearly see that Customer Service said my issue was a bug and suggested I use the "Report Bug" -- so there it is!


Original help ticket -

Ticket 16231317 Date Created: 03/05/2015

Status: Closed Last Modified: 05/05/2015


03/05/2015 - Hello


I purchased Deceiver Mender's MK-! Shotgun, and the stats for the barrel are reflecting 186 not 198.


Not sure what is happening here? Please look into this and assist me here.


thank you


Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service <support@swtor.com>

Your Ticket# 16231317




I am Protocol Droid M0-T0, Human-Cyborg Relations.


Thank you for contacting us about the issue you encountered. This particular case appears to have been caused by a bug within the game that will need to be corrected in a future game update and as such, cannot be corrected by Customer Service.


To allow us to identify and correct these issues, we would request that you submit a Bug Report on this issue. Bug Reports submitted though the In-Game Help Center go directly to our development QA team and not to Customer Service. To submit a bug, you can type /bug in your chat window or select Bug Report from the drop down when creating a new ticket in the In-Game Help Center.


We also recommend checking the latest patch notes at http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes for information on any fixes or changes in our game updates or our Known Bugs list, located at the top of our Bug Forums which can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=417.


We would like to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and to thank you again for the valuable feedback you have provided. Please do not hesitate to report any other issues you may encounter while playing.


Galactic support is our specialty…




Protocol Droid M0-T0

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