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Force barrier ruins pvp completely.


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Seriously, what were the developers even thinking allowing this ability in pvp? It ruins pvp completely, especially when someone is at 1% health, uses force barrier and just gets spam healed back to 100% health. They should change this BS ability in pvp, or give each class a god mode ability :mad::mad::mad:



2 sages on enemy team in 4 man arena. 2 of them almost completely dead, both force barrier, instantly restored back to full health, essentially giving them two lives. Trooper has what, reactive shield and adrenaline rush, which is basically a joke anyway because good luck activating that useless ability at anything less than 35% health and surviving with 4 people attacking you at once. Additionally, adrenaline rush only brings you to 35% health, and nothing more. If it activates at 32% health (that is below 35, is it not?) it will bring you up a mere 3%. What a serious unbalance in pvp....

Edited by xilc
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Typical PVPer tripe an ability meant for PVE gets used in PVP and next thing you know someone starts yelling "OMG OP OP OP REMOVE IT REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME NOW!!!!"


I could see making certain skills unusable in PVP but asking for the outright removal of it from the game is just going to *********** far.

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You could try, like, adapting.


If you think 'PREVENTING DEATH ONCE EVERY ~10 MINUTES' is god mode, you have a really interesting view on the world.


Oh, so adapting is pressing a button and becoming invincible until you can be healed to full health?

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Typical PVPer tripe an ability meant for PVE gets used in PVP and next thing you know someone starts yelling "OMG OP OP OP REMOVE IT REMOVE IT FROM THE GAME NOW!!!!"


I could see making certain skills unusable in PVP but asking for the outright removal of it from the game is just going to *********** far.


Okay, in that case I want heroic moment able to be used in pvp, but it cannot be used within 5 minutes of force barrier being used. If they deserve a god mode spell, why the hell do we get nothing that counterbalances that? ESPECIALLY if you go up against a team in arena with 2 sages, they both force barrier and get healed to full health. That's completely fair amirite? At least when they copied bubble from world of warcraft (yes, force barrier is an obvious copy of paladin bubble) it was breakable in pvp.


P.S.: I did not say remove it from the game, just limit it in PVP.

Edited by xilc
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Seriously, what were the developers even thinking allowing this ability in pvp? It ruins pvp completely, especially when someone is at 1% health, uses force barrier and just gets spam healed back to 100% health. They should remove this BS ability from the game, or give each class a god mode ability :mad::mad::mad:


Might want to re read your own post. You clearly said to remove it.

Edited by Anaesha
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Yeah, why should the squishiest DPS class IN THE ENTIRE GAME get some kind of defensive utility! I call hax!


Seriously, every other DPS in the game has medium or heavy armor (with the exception of Assassin/Shadow, which get...stealth, I guess? I don't play one). Get /over/ it.


Also, you're full of it, I was like the fourth or fifth post and I saw you say to remove it. Seconds =/= Minutes.

Edited by Djiini
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Yeah, why should the squishiest DPS class IN THE ENTIRE GAME get some kind of defensive utility! I call hax!


Seriously, every other DPS in the game has medium or heavy armor (with the exception of Assassin/Shadow, which get...stealth, I guess? I don't play one). Get /over/ it.


Also, you're full of it, I was like the fourth or fifth post and I saw you say to remove it. Seconds =/= Minutes.


Do they not already have force armor, a castable buff to protect them from all damage? I see no reason why we can't get heroic moment in pvp if they can have force barrier. Seriously, you can have your force barrier, I'll gladly take heroic moment to level the playing field. You can be invulnerable, and I can be healed unfairly too!

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come on it's not that big of a deal.. as long as he's comfy in his little bubble he's not doing anything usefull.. so i say that's pretty fair..


But don't you realize, kills are more important than any kind of objective in the wonderful world of PVP! How DARE they deny him a kill by taking themselves out of the action for 8 seconds!


The simple solution is to not bother fighting Sorcs/Sages and just killing their allies instead.

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come on it's not that big of a deal.. as long as he's comfy in his little bubble he's not doing anything usefull.. so i say that's pretty fair..


It's completely unfair.... Sages can trade off use of force barrier where one heals the one in the barrier, and then the other one gets attacked and nearly killed, and then they heal each other like that. It was intended to serve as a spell to protect a sage in pve, not to make them invincible in pvp.....

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Do they not already have force armor, a castable buff to protect them from all damage? I see no reason why we can't get heroic moment in pvp if they can have force barrier. Seriously, you can have your force barrier, I'll gladly take heroic moment to level the playing field. You can be invulnerable, and I can be healed unfairly too!


If they made heroic moments in pvp. Id stop playing pvp and i can assure many others would to. Also how does that even compare to a ability that sages and sorcs have?

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But don't you realize, kills are more important than any kind of objective in the wonderful world of PVP! How DARE they deny him a kill by taking themselves out of the action for 8 seconds!


The simple solution is to not bother fighting Sorcs/Sages and just killing their allies instead.


Your solution is really to never attack a sage/sorc in pvp before they barrier....? Really, is that it? My hat is off to you now, good sir, I never thought of that. :cool:

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Your solution is really to never attack a sage/sorc in pvp before they barrier....? Really, is that it? My hat is off to you now, good sir, I never thought of that. :cool:


I bet you think that was a good comeback.


It was not.

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If they made heroic moments in pvp. Id stop playing pvp and i can assure many others would to. Also how does that even compare to a ability that sages and sorcs have?


2% max health every 3 seconds is no big deal compared to a bubble that reduces 100% damage from all sources and allows the user to be healed from 1% to 100% health in seconds.

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2% max health every 3 seconds is no big deal compared to a bubble that reduces 100% damage from all sources and allows the user to be healed from 1% to 100% health in seconds.


You know that the bubble does not HEAL THEM, right?


That's all their healer.


Their squishy, unprotected healer.

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I bet you think that was a good comeback.


It was not.


It wasn't a comeback, it was an actual appeal to logic. What is your brilliant solution to this arena situation in which the sage/sorc healer is nearly dead (because it's always optimal to kill the healer first) and then they just go godmode and get healed to full health? That's not even logical to have that as a possibility in pvp. Maybe if he ran away, LOS'ed us or hid, MAYBE, but a button to avoid all damage is just lazy.

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PVP rule one. Find and kill healers.


...And if they're a sage, you kill them to 1% health, they use god mode, and then their dps with heal abilities just heal them to full, and you lose.

Edited by xilc
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