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PTS Changes


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Assault Specialist

Degauss now increases defense chance by 35% (up from 25%) when activating Diversion. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.

Rapid Recharge no longer benefits from a 2% alacrity increase.


Redesigned Decoy: Diversion grants 5 charges of Decoy. Each charge of Decoy intercepts and absorbs an incoming Force or tech attack. Each time you absorb a Force or tech attack in this manner, Decoy loses 1 charge. Lasts up to 10 seconds.

Curtain of Fire may now be triggered by activating Hail of Bolts, in addition to Grav Round.


Bounty Hunter


Innovative Ordnance

Degauss now increases defense chance by 35% (up from 25%) when activating Chaff Flare. This effect lasts for 6 seconds.

Rapid Venting no longer benefits from a 2% alacrity increase.


Redesigned Decoy: Chaff Flare grants 5 charges of Decoy. Each charge of Decoy intercepts and absorbs an incoming Force or tech attack. Each time you absorb a Force or tech attack in this manner, Decoy loses 1 charge. Lasts up to 10 seconds.

Barrage may now be triggered by activating Sweeping Blasters, in addition to Tracer Missile.

Edited by revvvvvv
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This is a massive buff to Arsenal. Massive. Immunity to 5 force/tech attacks every 45 seconds, that is nuts. Pretty much, if you don't play Arsenal in PvP after these changes you're doing it wrong. And in PvE it makes absorbing big hit attacks trivial, as you don't have to time it so it only absorbs the one big hit anymore.
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i like this.. it isnt OP, but gives the intent of buying us those added seconds.

only other thing i would have loved was raising the percentage limit on KO to 50% or even 70% inline with other similar skills.


ive said before ill say again.. i dont want to be OP, i just dont want to be fodder.

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Got to admit I'm liking the sound of this. The only change I would like to see is Chaff Flare/Diversion usable while stunned - perhaps with a reduction to 3 charges. This would protect us through those stun deaths, which are (for me at least) the biggest issue. Edited by JarenWelen
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sorry i dont see the big buff.


its ok, its nice.. but we speak about 4 attacks.. this could be 4 dots.. or anything... thats not so much.. its a buff yeah, but we needed much more & our other specs, like bodyguard or IO get even less than this buff. I dont unterstand it.



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This is a massive buff to Arsenal. Massive. Immunity to 5 force/tech attacks every 45 seconds, that is nuts. Pretty much, if you don't play Arsenal in PvP after these changes you're doing it wrong. And in PvE it makes absorbing big hit attacks trivial, as you don't have to time it so it only absorbs the one big hit anymore.


Well, if you play solo ranked gunnery is off limits - you simply cannot do enough damage compared to assault's massive AoE damage (you'll have 2-3 guys on you, dotspread is über-strong there).


After the nerf to assault (how much is it, anyways), and the buff to gunnery, I really don't know what is best in solo ranked...

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