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Khem Val won't Tank for me?


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Well make sure he's in Shadow Killer stance, it's the one that say's it puts him in tanking stance and increases his threat generation. At level 19 I don't think he has Consume Essence yet, which is his best damage AOE ability that generates a lot of threat. You can manually turn on Cleave, I believe that is turned off by default, to give him an aoe attack that hopefully pisses off the npc's enough to keep them off you. And of course make sure his taunt is toggled on (it should be by default).


Khem's ability list and levels.


Also, if you yourself are in Dark Charge, you're building threat and could be stealing it from him. That's the Assassin's tank stance. Try leveling as Hatred or deception, you'll generate lower threat then you can switch back to tank spec when you get your second companion (a dps companion). Oh wait, are you a Sorc or Assassin, I just assumed a Sin. lol

Edited by Ridickilis
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You may need to open up his skill panel and make sure he is in Tank stance rather than DPS stance. You can see his full skill bar by clicking on the little "+" sign next to his normal portrait display.

You might also need to manually click on his "attack" skill to get him to attack first and grab agro.

Don't forget to keep his armor and equipment up to level.


Ninja'd :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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You may need to open up his skill panel and make sure he is in Tank stance rather than DPS stance. You can see his full skill bar by clicking on the little "+" sign next to his normal portrait display.

You might also need to manually click on his "attack" skill to get him to attack first and grab agro.

Don't forget to keep his armor and equipment up to level.


Ninja'd :)


Heh well did I forgot to mention manually sending him in first, which is also an excellent tactic.


Let Khem get a couple of attacks off before you do anything, then if you are a Sorc dps, don't open up with an aoe (chain lightening/death field). Use those as finishers for when a bunch on the npcs are close to death. Start off with your single target attacks, preferably hitting the same guy as Khem is hitting. If you open with an aoe you'll generate too much threat for Khem to get it back. Later levels when he gets his aoe taunt and consume essence, you don't have to worry about this as much and can open with aoe's if you want. But something to keep in mind early on.

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And make sure you don't accidentally put him in Passive mode (Ctrl+2) when trying to have him attack (Ctrl+1), or he'll just stand there and watch while you die. (Unfortunately, you can't rearrange the companion quick bar to put these two things further apart to make it less likely you'll do this). Edited by Adric_the_Red
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Thanks for the help and replies guys, gonna try this tomorrow morning, yeah I always have dark charge on (assassin) so maybe that's a bit of the problem? I always have him in shadow killer stance with cleave enabled?
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yeah I always have dark charge on (assassin) so maybe that's a bit of the problem?


Yeah, if you want him to tank for you it's rather counter-productive to be in tanking stance yourself.

Edited by PLynkes
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