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Where is "end all" guide to gearing for PvP/FP/PvE, etc.??


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after reading through the "need a 'vote to kick' in PvP" thread and numerous other complaint threads about folks not being "geared properly," I am curious if anyone has undertaken posting a "be all end all" guide to how to gear oneself? (That is up to date with current patch changes.....)


Though I have played this game on and off since launch, I have yet to see much of the FP and operations content due to not knowing what I should be equipped with and/or what I should be doing....I mean, if it's that hard to not get wiped, there should be a somewhat easy way to learn how to avoid it.


Another thing is the "expertise" debate.....a couple of years back, it was what you aimed for at level 50....but then there is "bolstering" and last I heard it was better to leave it all off to get the best Expertise numbers....but I take it that has changed with the level 55 and 60 expansions.....


I mean, honestly....this **** costs alot of credits and I don't care to waste my time and money to learn through "trail and error" and getting yelled at in chat for not knowing something I never knew I needed to know....


I'd like to play all the content.....but from what I read and experience I am unwelcome unless I fully understand how to run it.....:(:mad::eek:

Edited by Oteefo
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What does that even mean?? #pointlesspost


It means, that instead of offering your idiotic hashtags as advice, that there are different types of damage in PvE content. Kinetic, internal ect. Different classes (inquisitor, agent, warrior, bountyhunter and their mirrors on pub side) have a natural resistance to different damages while they should gear to block other damages. This is more important for tanks as far as gearing but good dos and healers are aware of it for raids. It is the same for poisons/acids: some are cleanable by tech (agent and smuggler) while others are cleanable by sages/sorcerers.

In interest of humor, have a ignorant hashtag.



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Your swg names are familiar to me, what guild where you with on valcyn and radiant?


I started in several different guilds....I remember Axox was in some RP guild in "Elen Otha" on Rori......lol


In the end, though, most were in the "77th Squadron" guild.....in Star Haven....though the guild name is escaping me at the moment.

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It means, that instead of offering your idiotic hashtags as advice, that there are different types of damage in PvE content. Kinetic, internal ect. Different classes (inquisitor, agent, warrior, bountyhunter and their mirrors on pub side) have a natural resistance to different damages while they should gear to block other damages. This is more important for tanks as far as gearing but good dos and healers are aware of it for raids. It is the same for poisons/acids: some are cleanable by tech (agent and smuggler) while others are cleanable by sages/sorcerers.

In interest of humor, have a ignorant hashtag.




Now, those are the kind of details that offer actual "information" about what you are trying to express.... Is there a table of posting someplace that details these natural resistances by class, etc? #goodpost

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Edit: Both of these are good for understanding passives that the toons might have. If you really want to know the passives for each class and advanced class/discipline, you'll need to read Dulfy's 3.0 character threads.

Edited by -OBITUS
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While I like this sentiment, you shouldn't have to google how to play a stupid game. All of this information should be readily available in game or on the website. It's sad that threads like these come up because people legitimately want to be better at the game.


Shouldn't have to make forum posts asking for information that is pretty fundamental to playability.

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While I like this sentiment, you shouldn't have to google how to play a stupid game. All of this information should be readily available in game or on the website. It's sad that threads like these come up because people legitimately want to be better at the game.


Shouldn't have to make forum posts asking for information that is pretty fundamental to playability.


If someone doesn't want to have to do any basic research, to at the least start out with some knowledge of what to narrow their search to rather than just a blanket "I need a guide for everything plz", MMO's are not for them. dulfy show s up on the first page of any search related to SWTOR PvE, so it takes 2 minutes to realize that dulfy is the place to go for that. Then you notice wow dulfy uses youtube to host operation guides, lets see what else youtube has. Oh guides for everything from datacron hunting to every flashpoint. hmmm.

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Not quite.....It all really seems needlessly confusing....


So, I am researching on the Dulfy site and the info still does not seem to mesh with what i find in game.....


Take my Level 56 Smuggler.....


The L-Randal Guide says to keep my PvE ratings at 162 or less


the Dulfy guide to gearing specifies taking to the "basic comms vendor" to get level 162 stuff.....


Yet, the "basic comms vendor" on fleet only sells "Yavin" gear that is rating 192 and for level 60 only.....


So....is this just outdated info from guides that aren't kept up to date with patches....or is there a terminology issue where we are calling the same thing different names...


I just want to know how to gear up for ****'s sake.....

Edited by Oteefo
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Not quite.....It all really seems needlessly confusing....


So, I am researching on the Dulfy site and the info still does not seem to mesh with what i find in game.....


Take my Level 56 Smuggler.....


The L-Randal Guide says to keep my PvE ratings at 162 or less


the Dulfy guide to gearing specifies taking to the "basic comms vendor" to get level 162 stuff.....


Yet, the "basic comms vendor" on fleet only sells "Yavin" gear that is rating 192 and for level 60 only.....


So....is this just outdated info from guides that aren't kept up to date with patches....or is there a terminology issue where we are calling the same thing different names...


I just want to know how to gear up for ****'s sake.....


You are looking at an outdated portion under her website guides. Under 3.0 Class Guides, she has current BiS stats for most, if not all ACs for 3.0 of this game.

Edited by Nickious
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You are looking at an outdated portion under her website guides. Under 3.0 Class Guides, she has current BiS stats for most, if not all ACs for 3.0 of this game.


Thanks.....slowly getting there.....

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If someone doesn't want to have to do any basic research, to at the least start out with some knowledge of what to narrow their search to rather than just a blanket "I need a guide for everything plz", MMO's are not for them. dulfy show s up on the first page of any search related to SWTOR PvE, so it takes 2 minutes to realize that dulfy is the place to go for that. Then you notice wow dulfy uses youtube to host operation guides, lets see what else youtube has. Oh guides for everything from datacron hunting to every flashpoint. hmmm.


This is semantics, but this wasn't about a "guide for everything", but a guide for PVP specifically. Regardless I disagree, but it promptly comes down to opinion more than anything right or wrong. I say this, while being the person that end game raids, end game pvps, and looks up videos to get better. Just because you and I do it though, I don't believe it should be a requirement for people to have access to play a game at max level. It's just a game, and I don't believe people should be left out of content because they don't want to research outside of the game. That should be totally optional. This isn't work or school and I will always be against people making it a requirement. If you can't do everything in the game without help from outside of the game, I think that's poor development and planning on the devs part.


There aren't always guides anyhow. Someone had to actually play the game to be able to regurgitate their findings into a guide. Does that guide help people like us get better faster? Absolutely. It should however remain supplemental and just like everything else in life, if you put in the extra time, you'll have better results. I just don't expect people playing this game as a release or just for fun to make that a priority among other things in their life.

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If you are gearing for PvP:

Ignore dulfy because her forums are PvE

Go to combat section of fleet and pick up dailies and weekly for nonranked war zones

Rise and repeat


For pve:

What class and role are you playing?

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For PVP:

If you are 10-54, wear the highest rated PVE gear that you can get (162 or less).

If you are 55-59, run forged alliances and wear the 162 green stuff in warzones.

If you are 60, wear the 162 green stuff and slowly replace 162 greens with exhumed pieces.


Do not wear 186/192 stuff. Just put on the 162 greens that you inevitably have lying around (hopefully you did not toss them). If you did toss them, you may not feel like putting forth the effort to buy or craft stuff just for pvp (especially if you don't like pvp). However, bear in mind that you will certainly draw somebody's wrath at some point if you don't put in the effort to buy/craft some greens.

Edited by teclado
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For PVP:

If you are 10-54, wear the highest rated PVE gear that you can get (162 or less).

If you are 55-59, run forged alliances and wear the 162 green stuff in warzones.

If you are 60, wear the 162 green stuff and slowly replace 162 greens with exhumed pieces.


Do not wear 186/192 stuff. Just put on the 162 greens that you inevitably have lying around (hopefully you did not toss them). If you did toss them, you may not feel like putting forth the effort to buy or craft stuff just for pvp (especially if you don't like pvp). However, bear in mind that you will certainly draw somebody's wrath at some point if you don't put in the effort to buy/craft some greens.


Thanks muchly....

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