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PVP arena healing PoV


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I recently decided to record myself queuing solo ranked and regs w/o a tank to see if there were any improvements I needed and decided to make a compilation of hard-focused matches. Most matches are me kiting 2-3 dps around, surviving as much as I can while my team kills our target. I never see any healing PoV videos, let alone commando, so I decided to give it a whirl. I handle pressure pretty well (the key is to not panic) and there are times where kiting isnt suitable (I know I kite and LoS a lot.)


Critiques are welcome, "you're bad's" aren't. :jawa_biggrin:



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... hm.. interesting..


your are playing merc heal in another playstyle than me.


Sadly we see you in this compilation as good as not against madness shadows. And we must keep in mind, its a compilation. You had some nice moves from my point of view, but you missed really many oppurtunities to do an awesome move...

.. and last 2 games has to do nothing with Ranked Warzones.. looks like freewins (just by matchmaking, lol).


And i am not sure, if you are using the strengths of a merc right.. but well.. was really interesting to watch, and to see such a different playstyle than my own.

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... hm.. interesting..


your are playing merc heal in another playstyle than me.


Sadly we see you in this compilation as good as not against madness shadows. And we must keep in mind, its a compilation. You had some nice moves from my point of view, but you missed really many oppurtunities to do an awesome move...

.. and last 2 games has to do nothing with Ranked Warzones.. looks like freewins (just by matchmaking, lol).


And i am not sure, if you are using the strengths of a merc right.. but well.. was really interesting to watch, and to see such a different playstyle than my own.


Thank you for your input :jawa_biggrin:


I do admit I play merc very differently, it comes from when I played Wow arenas before this game came out. I would hate myself if I just planted my feet in cement and just face tanked all the damage which I see a lot of mercs doing in solo and not utilizing LoS to better their situation. But I do play differently if I have a guard, I rarely run unless its to LoS a ranged class if a pillar is nearby. Everything I do is very situational, I would have handled those games differently if someone else on my team was getting focused.


And the last two games were just regs. I felt that I handled the pressure of 3-4 dps on me pretty well so I decided to add it in. I probably jumped the gun and titled my video incorrectly, but arenas are arenas. =]

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i did not mean the way you are kiting, this is probably the only thing where i act in a same way like you.


But by choosing which skill is used now, and especially by playing offensive move, i play a much different style than you. For example i did not see one offensive move by you (ok you use Net.. what else)...


And yeah, you use Medical Probe, sometimes multiple times in a row, i dont know why^^.. i wouldn´t do that, but your solution works in the published games, so everything is fine, and you did well..

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