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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Off to another server


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Hey all,


Due to the population on PoT5, I've transferred servers. No more Soulless Ginger roaming around. I was holding out for awhile, hoping Bioware would merge PoT5, but I just gave up. It was either quit the game or try another server.


I am posting here because even though not many may know me, I enjoyed this server while I was here and I wanted to say best of luck. I hope they merge you all eventually.


If you want PvP, Bastion is your hope for activity. If you want PvE, then Harbinger or Ebon Hawk - depending on your coast.


Take care and will miss PoT5 - one of the most crazy general chats there will ever be in a game.

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On the contrary, I've found some of the best yolo action to date here on pot5. I've been roaming the galaxy, here's my report thus far.


There was a data mine of all PvP season play and Bastion by far had more people participating so, while I'm glad you had a good experience yourself on PoT5, there is other data out there that contradicts your experiences. I unfrortunately can't find it again, I think it was posted in the PvP section or on reddit.


Also, I PvE a lot as well and that part specifically, finding pugs, has dropped off considerably on PoT5. It's harder and harder to find pugs compared to other servers. They still happen, but on the larger population PvE servers, it happens more.


But, like I said, I'm glad your experiences were good as PoT5 is like my "home". I'm going to miss the one guy talking about Thor all the time. Maybe he can write out 20 different Thor facts and I can spread the gospel on Ebon Hawk.


Soulless Ginger, weren't you in PAX republica?


Hey Soulcaster! Yes that's me. Pax Republica is still working hard to drive activity on PoT5 and just had a guild meeting to determine how to help the server as a whole. So, my moving away was a bit tougher as Pax Republica is a very strong community. To have to move servers and loving my guild, it was a tough choice to make and one I'm admittedly bitter Bioware had me make.

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There was a data mine of all PvP season play and Bastion by far had more people participating so, while I'm glad you had a good experience yourself on PoT5, there is other data out there that contradicts your experiences. I unfrortunately can't find it again, I think it was posted in the PvP section or on reddit.


Also, I PvE a lot as well and that part specifically, finding pugs, has dropped off considerably on PoT5. It's harder and harder to find pugs compared to other servers. They still happen, but on the larger population PvE servers, it happens more.


But, like I said, I'm glad your experiences were good as PoT5 is like my "home". I'm going to miss the one guy talking about Thor all the time. Maybe he can write out 20 different Thor facts and I can spread the gospel on Ebon Hawk.




Hey Soulcaster! Yes that's me. Pax Republica is still working hard to drive activity on PoT5 and just had a guild meeting to determine how to help the server as a whole. So, my moving away was a bit tougher as Pax Republica is a very strong community. To have to move servers and loving my guild, it was a tough choice to make and one I'm admittedly bitter Bioware had me make.



Yeah having to move servers to enjoy an aspect of the game sucks. I was speaking about solo que ranked, more in terms of the quality. Sure bastion has had more players que up, but the bastion is infested with trolls. Group ranked might be fine there, I couldn't say.


You'll like the ebon hawk if pve is your thing, that server gets pretty intense for those who do conquest as well. Maybe the ranked scene will smarten up there one day, but the population that plays ranked on the ebon hawk is way too small and is easily manipulated. I just want players that log on for good fights and so far pot5 hasn't had one troll in the whole week I've been here.

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