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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What's your Favorite Boss (and Least Favorite)

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Seems I havent done many ops yet and wont till my internet is sorted mine are all from flashpoints.:


Foundry-HK-47 as you find out just how good you are at your class especially if you are healing it is hard and fun.

Maelstrom Prison-Grand Moff Kilran I just loved killing this guy, I was rude to him on my imp chars and I didnt like him in Esseles

Maelstrom Prison again-Lord Vanithrast had a great what just happened moment killing this guy when we all got one shot for no apparent reason twice before we figured out what was going on.



Lost Island-Sentinal Droid. Done it twice once on hard once on normal and hated it both times

Cademimu-Xander and Droid. this one is recent purely because of how many times i have recently had no chance to run from the droid and its arrested me

Cademimu again-General Ortel purely because of the amount of times i've either been locked out of the room and everyone but me had died (I'm often the healer) or people standing in stupid under the rockets and therefore dieing even after watching half the team run to a different area and call them over.

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Favorite: Mentor (D7) and Lorrick (Lost Island)

Least favorite: Project Sav-Rak (Lost Island, takes forever to kill solo)


Can't say anything about Ops bosses because I'm not geared enough for any operation.

Edited by Halinalle
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Favorite: Mentor (D7) and Lorrick (Lost Island)

Least favorite: Project Sav-Rak (Lost Island, takes forever to kill solo)


Can't say anything about Ops bosses because I'm not geared enough for any operation.


not geared enough for ev sm? ok :rolleyes:

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Isn't 192 the minimum for SM?


Doesn't matter tbh. I don't have achievements anyway.


Level 50 sm ops (Eternity vault, Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict): 124 (at lvl 60 naked). Drop 146.

Level 55 sm ops (Terror from Beyond, Scum and Villainy, Dread Frotress, Dread Palace): 156-162. Drop 162-168.

Level 60 sm ops (The Ravagers, Temple of Sacrifice): 186. Drop 192.


Edit: Level 50 sm ops can be 1-2 manned at 60, depending on mechanics.

Edited by CheaterLL
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Not possible. These two get stuck in puzzle bit.


Actually, it was 2 manned on hm a while back


Now at lvl 60, the mobs don't even hit you, so the sm pylons become a joke.


On topic now, favorite boss is probably op 9, fun and required the group to work together.


Least favorite definitely goes to lurker, just because of having to change strats each time they attempted to fix the fight and instead broke it in a new way. Runner up would be Nefra for being the largest ops dummy in the game, with slightly more action than the one on your ship.

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Level 50 sm ops (Eternity vault, Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict): 124 (at lvl 60 naked). Drop 146.

Level 55 sm ops (Terror from Beyond, Scum and Villainy, Dread Frotress, Dread Palace): 156-162. Drop 162-168.

Level 60 sm ops (The Ravagers, Temple of Sacrifice): 186. Drop 192.


Edit: Level 50 sm ops can be 1-2 manned at 60, depending on mechanics.


What i don't quite understand is - in terms of story progress (the only kind of progress that matters to me), that one HAS to get through the WHOLE story line until Yavin 4, amnd THEN has to RETURN to Rishi because of that OP there ?


This still feels like the odd man out to me. Almost as if that Rishi OP was *originally* meant to be an OP in the Risji range of difficulty - but was later changed.

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So far, I rate Dread Master Raptus...some of the best taunts in the game :D

(An honorary mention to Bounty kingpin boss, Eryn Talosa, for similar reasons LOL !!)


Other favourite, or rather memorable boss, is LR-5 of Lost Island. This was back in the day when it used to mean a certain wipe fest.

I'd just joined a guild, and being my first mmo, I wasn't too familiar with the conventional roles of healer, tank and dps. At the time I was one of those willing to go along with the game for the story and solo content. So using my consular shadow, I always ran around combat spec'd purely for survivability, but never actually 'tanked' anything.

So now, I'm being asked to tank this boss !! Took 3 hours of wiping before killing it. Felt like a massive achievement !!

An epic fight too, with so much going on; molten lava eruptions, plasma bubbles all over, and the adds.


Least favourite...hmm. I've yet to play some of the ops, but I'd have to lean towards the Enhanced Vrbrither of CZ Core Meltdown. Easy tank and spank, but very annoying stun jumps.

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