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Bioware, your are losing casual customers.

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I dont understand why players arent running the old OPS (SV, TFB, DF,DP) in HM and NiM anymore. Is like all those that run TFB - SV SM when DF-DP was introduced.

Bak in those days, when DF-DP was introduced to the game, every day i was able to run any of the older TFB-SV in SM and HM.

Now there is no chance to find a pug even for those.

Dont know what happend to players in this game. It seems CASUALS already left.

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You need time for training. For proper training, this at least.


Who trains you ? NOt a PUG. Not at all. You'd need a guild.


And at that point the OP becomes an guild's run, because only in guilds there are the best performers for raids to be found. Not in PGs. Not at all. Except if you know a person who prefers to stay free personally.


And guild runs are not casuals. At least in my opinion. A guild might contain casual players[/iu],

but as a body , a guild is not to be called "casual". It isn't, in my opinion, because guilds train people. They're "privately owned companies" (compared to join-stock companies, for example), so to say, bad analogue, I know it, but I didn't have a better term available to express what I mean.


But I admit that there do exist so-called "casual guilds". Do they do HM ? Do they do NIM ? I don't know, but I have a strong tendency towards "no" in the case of NIM.

To me, "casual guilds" are the middle between "casual players" and "raid guilds".


In "raid guilds" people get trained. In "casual guilds" not so much.

Which implies that "raid guilds" are so much faster at adapting *any* difficulty - because of the better in-guild knowledge, the better in-guild training etc. ...


Thats not true a pug can completely train you if there's somebody willing to do it of course.

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As a "casual" I have no problem clearing content, old or new. A lot of people say these bosses are too hard but then they acted the exact same way with Styrak for S+V.


Casuals don't write or even check the forums.But then again you don't have an avatar so you might be one. :rak_01:

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Ultimately it will boil down to this:


Biowares pocketbook.


Because if they're numbers drop too much, they're grand idea of upping the stakes will change. No mater how much casuals whine, no matter how much progression players drink in the agony and laugh..if enough people stop paying subs they will change it.


This is one of those items that is really easy to tell the results of. it unfortunately takes time, but we will eventually see.


Who knows...they may have plans in the near future to nerf SM anyways...they have done it countless times in just about every stage of raiding and HM FP's in this game. it's just a question of when

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It is great to see that content is harder for harder runs fp and sm BUT we should remember that sm is the easy version and you shouldn't have to be nim runners in a guild on ts to be able to get through it and the drops therefore should be accurately reflecting the difficulty...itll be ok when all your party/ops have ultimate comm gear is not really right AND you shouldn't havent to be hugely overpowered to complete stuff in SM.


AT THE MOMENT IT DOES NOT FOR SURE and it really needs work.

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I dont understand why players arent running the old OPS (SV, TFB, DF,DP) in HM and NiM anymore. Is like all those that run TFB - SV SM when DF-DP was introduced.

Bak in those days, when DF-DP was introduced to the game, every day i was able to run any of the older TFB-SV in SM and HM.

Now there is no chance to find a pug even for those.

Dont know what happend to players in this game. It seems CASUALS already left.


I don't understand this as well. Now almost everyone seems to be trying to do the new OPs & FPs, and NO-ONE seems to be interested in older content - except Karagga, of course. Karagga is and has always been kind of an "entry-.point OP" for learning for Newbies to OPs.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I don't understand this as well. Now almost everyone seems to be trying to do the new OPs & FPs, and NO-ONE seems to be interested in older content - except Karagga, of course. Karagga is and has always been kind of an "entry-.point OP" for learning for Newbies to OPs.


I think the big issue here (and don't get me wrong, they are good "training spots"), is that about 99.9% of the casuals and noobs (reference noob, not newb) have already done those a gazillion times. and the problem with most of them is that you still can ignore 90% of the mechanics. with the exception of HM an up ,where you can only ignore 75% of the mechanics. and I note, they have all done them a gazillion times. AND....


there really feels like there's a gap on the progression process. entry level op gear is almost too easy to get, and oversimplifies even many of the new HM FP's. but the new raids are a step above. it feels like there's no middle ground. I'm either pugging content that can be done with half the team there...or running pug Ops that constantly fail.


Although i wonder in retrospect if its part Bio's fault for making too many things too easy for too long in the game. people dropping a pug group after one wipe tells me that we have a huge bunch of quitters and people who want an easy comm night. its like living in a city with 24 hour stores and malls, and then moving to a small farm town where all the shops close at 5 so everyone can go hit the pub. There's going to be a transition conflict there :) .


But...at the same time, after playing this game for 3+ years, this is the first expansion that really felt clunky in terms of end game progression. half the HM FP's are steamroll (literally...), but 2 of them make just about every pug group quit when it pops up. back in the LI days, this was solved with 2 tiers of FP's (regular HM and high level HM). but they've thrown that concept out of whack...as the 'new" low tier is SOOO ungoldy easy, that it literally deskills people (tacticals). Most horrid idea in MMO gaming IMO. the new HM FP's should really be the baseline, with Rishi and BH being a "tier 2".


Gear is lopsided as well. It's so easy to get the initial tier of Op gear that people don't even think about it...then they hit a wall. progression beyond that is running lvl 50 and 55 dailies to get your elite comms going while you struggle through HM FP's that are all mixed up. gear progression should start lower, and stage things more effectively. But again i think Bio shot themselves in the foot with the Class skill redesign, AND a stat and gear redesign both in the same expansion where they also added 5 new levels. End result is we didn't gain much in power and abilities, many classes got borked (and they're still working out the issues), and with all the energy put into those items, it left little Dev time for new content. And balancing new content effectively (staging here folks, not just Ops difficulty).


The planets are great. but end game is borked atm. I really think that until they hash out class balance a bit more. eradicate the bugs in the current new Ops, and the gear progression smooths out a bit...it will be hard to say if the new ops really are unbalanced. i get the feeling its more like the progression path, classes, and token acquisition are unbalanced, and the current crop of FP's are NOT preparing players for what to expect in Ops if they are new to the whole performance thing.

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entry level op gear is almost too easy to get,


When my Sage became 50, I had only very few actually fitting gear for him and his Companions to wear - carried over from my Smuggler main.


I was honestly surprised how hard it was to do dailues at Black Hole 1 I dies a LOT - which both surprised and frustrated me.


I must admit, though, that I didn't do the Corellian planet-story. That would have provided me with better gear, I gues.

But there I was, doing dailies, on Section X as well, and I was SO GLAD about every single Basic Commendation I got ! Grinding good gear was a chore back then !


When my Sage became level 5, however, everything went almost too fast. It was only a few days - or so it felt for me - until my Sage was level 60 - compared to those WEEKS from level 50 to level 55, this was imho a *huge* difference in levelling speed !


At level 55, everything almost becomes a cakewalk - from level 50 to 55 there definitively is some kind of gab, imho. That's how it felt to me.

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