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Time to roll something else


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So I'm absolutely in love with the Sentinel class and concept. 35 years of gaming and I've rolled exactly 1 mage (played for three sessions, killed him off), 1 rogue, and unknown hundreds of fighter types. Where given the option, I always go with the guy using two swords, so the Sentinel was MY class with no questions.


Started on day 1, created my Sentinel, leveled to 55 on PvE (on Pot5, because I figured I'd eventually want to do PvP). Tried PvP, got my *** handed to me so frequently it wasn't even funny. Eventually grew bored and unsubbed.


Came back with the RotHC expansion. Created another Sentinel because I couldn't remember how to play the first and wanted to practice. Did some PvP, got to where I was passable. Not good, but okay. Took that one to 55 because I was actually gaining PvP comms, gear, etc. Eventually unsubbed due to boredom.


Came back again, rolled another Sentinel (again, for practice). Took that one to 35, then switched back to the 2nd Sentinel, earned more PvP comms, got some Obroan / Conq gear. Rolled a Marauder to see the same class from the Imp side. Took that one to 55 as well. Rolled a few other alts to see what they could do to a Sent, so that I could be better prepared. Eventually unsubbed again.


Came back a couple weeks ago and took a Hatred Assassin to 50 because for once, I wanted to play the FotM spec. Tried a IO Mercenary as well; took that one to 49. Haven't been back to the Gunslinger yet, but you know what I found?


Good God Almighty...


It may just be my imagination, given that I'm old and half senile, but it seriously feels like I'm blazing through content now that was kicking my *** as a Sent/Mara. Even with Treek or Doc, I never burned through the game as quickly as I did with the Assassin, and even the Mercenary did pretty damn well. Shadow of Revan with the Sentinel was a bit challenging. With my Concealment Agent it was an absolute joke. Haven't tried the Assassin yet (twice in two weeks is enough SoR for me right now). Don't get me wrong; I'm honestly not that good, but with four and a half Sent/Mara alts worth of practice, you'd think I'd be better at them.


I think Atlanis said it best:


Reroll to another Class, Leveling a Sent is a waste of time nowadays


...but I still love my Sentinels.

Edited by georgemattson
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I so feel you Bro I just love my Marauder it's why I started to play and as much as I want to play him I too had to succumb out of playability to lvl my jugg instead so disappointed, while i enjoy my jugg its not really the toon I want to play but until such time duel wielding sabers becomes viable again he is retired...
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