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Full darkside warriors are so ridiciously over the top evil psychopaths that you wonder how they actually can pull off some of the crap they do even in the Sith empire.

I mean the scene alone where you land on Dromund Kaas and kill can kill Darth Baras' slave that greets you. It serves zero purpose to kill him and Baras shrugs it just off. This should at least have resulted in a severe lightening punishment for the warrior from Baras. After all you did just destroy your masters "property" for no reason.

And then there are all the dark side choices that are motivated by nothing but pure sadism. Yeah sure let's shock the slave that was nothing but helpful ever since you met her. And while we are at it might as well kill the lover of the woman who has already given me all the information I wanted, just cause I can. Oh and let's send an couple of normal civilians off to Baras' torture-center because.... they dared to have a daughter I guess.

That's the kind of stuff that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth even though it's just virtual pixels and also why I mostly play lightside characters even on the empire side.

(I guess I'm just too much of a softie to enjoy darkside much)


What bothers me the most is this. Such choices are NOT designed on a whim by Bioware... they do more than a little market analysis etc to see how things can go because things can go too far.


So the fact they included them means we have enough REALLY maladjusted teenagers, or adults still living in mom's basement, to justify that kinda of sociopathic sadism. Why do I say sociopathic and not psychopathic? The Sociopath knows better but does it anyway on impulse. The psychopath never had the hardwiring to begin with to develop a sense of right and wrong.

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With my warriors my Mara is light and my Jugg is dark. I notices the drastic changes especially with Jaesa. Overall the effort with light and dark choices with the story is huge with warriors yet to be honest I really got to Dark 5 with Jugg because I am using Biochem so everything 15mins or so i'm getting 30+ dark side points from diplomacy.



Like with Jaesa storyline differences she respects you if you're neutral or light. Yet she's broken by you if you done dark the whole way by killing Yonlach, then her parents, forcing her to read Karr, then you ( if you're dark 4+ she's overwhelmed by it.) and finally you make her kill Karr. To be honest being cruel to Vette only shows when you get dark Jaesa and you give her the shock collar switch that -255 drop is the like the biggest one I've seen from a choice.


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"Great moments". Welcome to SWTOR; where the sadists are easy to find. Just look for the nearest Sith Warrior with Red eyes and you'll see a possible serial killer in-game.:rolleyes::rolleyes:


That statement doesn't work if you are a Sith Pureblood whose eyes are naturally red...


The Sociopath knows better but does it anyway on impulse. The psychopath never had the hardwiring to begin with to develop a sense of right and wrong.


The above statement is blatantly false. A Sociopath and a Psychopath are fundamentally the same disorder, the difference however lies in the acts of the afflicted individual. A Sociopathic individual is not on their own of any danger to anyone else. The term Psychopath is generally used by the medical community to refer to a Sociopath who has crossed the line into the Criminal Element.


As such it is quite incorrect to label the Sith Warrior (or heck any of the Imperial classes with the possible exception of the Bounty Hunter) as a Psychopath due to the way the Legal system of the Empire is structured. The Imperial Agent IS the Law, thus they cannot be seen as violating the Law. The Sith Warrior, once they become the Emperor's Wrath gains the effects of an Imperial Carte Blanche making them immune to all legal prosecution within the Empire (though if the Republic captured them they could still be tried as a Prisoner of War). The Sith Inquisitor sits on the Dark Council and gains Diplomatic Immunity equal to that of all other Dark Council Members, meaning only the Wrath can try him.


Point is, from a purely Imperial point of view none of those three classes (even as Dark V) can be classified as Psychopaths. The can still however be viewed as Sociopaths as if they are Dark V they obviously lack a Moral Compass which is the defining trait of Sociopaths and Psychopaths. Also, a True Psychopath is almost never going to be as obvious about their dementia as the Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor happen to be. It would always be the person you least suspect who is the most dangerous when a True Psychopath is involved. That is what made the people upon whom Hannibal Lecter was based so downright terrifying.

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Santos it is not false...in terms of treatment you are correct, they both fall under the Anti-social personality Disorder diagnosis in the DSM-V. However there is a debate in terms of seperating the two for the purposes of Forensic Psychology and creating a psychological profile (to help define different types and more importantly methods of certain criminal acts) and they are definitely seen as different in a few key factors when used in Sociology.


Perhaps I should have specified that I was not looking at them from the point of view of Clinical Psychology and also used the terms "criminal psychopath" and "criminal sociopath" because I am coming from the sociology/criminology aspect This is the most simple representation of the differences (again from the Forensic point of view) I could find from a quick google and not copying lecture notes and text book pages...

http://psychologia.co/psychopath-vs-sociopath/. I know its just a blog and there are some in depth articles I can also link if you want, I just linked this one because it gets the point across in the simplest fashion. However here is an article (yes also shilling for his new book) by Dr. Scott Bonn, an Associate Professor of Sociology and Criminology. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wicked-deeds/201401/how-tell-sociopath-psychopath


Now I was never a student of that guy but these differences were taught to me when I was getting certified as a Crisis Intervention Specialist, however I am also certified from a LEO perspective...needing to understand how the person I am dealing with may react in order to avoid possible violence and injury to either the suspect or to others...get the person to hopefully give up and then we hand him over to someone else for Clinical Evaluation... using the criteria of the DSM-V

Edited by Ghisallo
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