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Hi everyone.


I'm new to the game and I've decide that in the theme of things I'll roll a jedi sentinel. I'm level 26 now, and I'm leveling synthweaving, archeology and underworld trading. However I've recently read that artificers can make all sorts of mods, enhancements, lightsaber hilts and suchlike, which begs the question; since I'm wearing nearly a full set of orange armour, wouldn't it make the most sense for me to roll artifice instead of synthweaving?


If not, why not?



Edited by saffaa
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Hi everyone.


I'm new to the game and I've decide that in the theme of things I'll roll a jedi sentinel. I'm level 26 now, and I'm leveling synthweaving, archeology and underworld trading. However I've recently read that artificers can make all sorts of mods, enhancements, lightsaber hilts and suchlike, which begs the question; since I'm wearing nearly a full set of orange armour, wouldn't it make the most sense for me to roll artifice instead of synthweaving?


If not, why not?




  • Artficers can craft Enhancements, Hilts, relics as well as some other generally useless things if you are going the route of orange/customizable armor. They also make dye module to color your gear. (Note, they do not craft mods.)
  • Synthweavers can craft Jedi appropriate armor as well as some other generally useless stuff.
  • Cybtertech, which you didn't mention, can craft earpieces, armorings and mods as well as some other generally useless stuff.


Anyway, I wanted to clear up who could craft what first. As this is your first character if you want to craft more of your gear, you would be better served by choosing Cybertech as there are simply more armorings and mods than enhancements and hilts.

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Hmm, alright, thanks. I'll give cybertech a shot.


By the way, are all professions in this game viable at max level?




Oh, and I've found myself at a point where after the story told me to go to both Nar Shaddaa and Taris at the same time - Taris, to find Dr Godera, and Nar Shaddaa because reasons - I'm now level 26 doing quests in Nar Shaddaa, a level 20-24 zone. I would go to a different planet, but the story points to Nar Shaddaa and nowhere else at this point in time. Have I done something wrong?

Edited by saffaa
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Hmm, alright, thanks. I'll give cybertech a shot.


By the way, are all professions in this game viable at max level?


Depends what you mean by viable. If you are using your crew skill to earn credits than no, they are not all viable. If you are using your crew skill to craft yourself/companions/alts gear then sure although some are still better than others. I suggest reviewing the Crew Skill sub-forum as there are a number of good thread/resources that can better explain crafting.

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I disagree. I make millions on all my crafters, you just have to know the market and what to sell. I don't even sell endgame stuff yet. =D Just don't expect to make 100k+ on one item, for me its an assortment of stuff at lower prices that add up quickly when they do sell. I think they are all viable in some way!


Synthweaving also makes orange gear if you are interested in that, but cybertech is a good way to go. I find its best to make grade blue/purple armorings as you level because those are the most expensive with basic comms (7 a piece).

Edited by blindxsecrets
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Psandak has an excellent thread on this very topic here:

[guide] what's the best crew skill for <insert class here>?


However, having been in your exact shoes on four separate occasions (10 if you count all my non-Sentinel alts as well), I thought I'd offer an opinion as well.


Before you commit to anything, you really should ask yourself what you want out of crafting. Do you want to make money, do you want to level quickly, or do you want to make your own gear. Those last two, by the way, are mutually exclusively, IMO.


Insofar as making money is concerned, I've rarely been able to do it as I enjoy the PvE (and some PvP) content too much to spend the time on it. While it can be very profitable, it requires a pretty significant time investment to follow the market and see what's going on, not to mention leveling your crafting skills to the point where you're marketable at all. 7 of my 11 alts are at 500/500/500, and the other 4 are closing in. During my time, I've never spent significant amount of time crafting; mostly I'd do it in between PvE and PvP content, but it's never been a money maker for me. It has allowed me to consistently have better gear than others, but that's at a cost of having much less money and spending less time overall on non-crafting activities. Also, no one ever mentions this, but it takes a while before you get to a point where your skills are even remotely in demand. Nobody buys level 3 armorings, even if they are purple.


Insofar as specific skills for Sentinels (and other Force users, to a larger extent), I'd suggest keeping this in mind:

- Synthweaving is useful to your character a total of 21 times; 7 pieces of orange gear and 14 augments. That's a slight bit of exaggeration, but the point is that once you have your orange armor, you're not upgrading it unless it's for cosmetic reasons.

- Artifice is useful a total of 11 times each time you want to upgrade; 2 hilts, 2 relics, and 7 enhancements each time you want to upgrade. Personally, I think it's okay, and the damage bonus that comes from having a purple hilt at your level as opposed to a blue hilt two levels below you because that's the closest thing they had at the commendations vendor is pretty nice, but it's not the best option.

- Cybertech is pretty damn cool, IMO, in that you get armor (again, purple armorings at your level vs blue ones two levels below is pretty big), mods, and earpieces, but they also give grenades. At the higher levels, those grenades become reusable (meaning you craft one and never need another after that). For a class that has doesn't have a lot of interrupts, this one fills a gap. This might be my winner.

- Biotech is somewhat okay as well, in that you can create and use reusable adrenals, medpacs, and stims (you can't even use those if you don't have Biochem at all), so if I wasn't doing Cybertech, this might be my winner, but if you want to do PvP, the medpacs don't compare to the PvP medpacs, which heal 35% of your health (which is usually in the 28-32k range, if you're at 2018 expertise).


If you want to level quickly, I'd suggest doing the crafting as a hobby (it's a fun side thing when you're burnt out on other things), but buy your gear & mods with coms. Craft a purple hilt or two on occasion or, if you get the bug to do it, spend a bunch of time on gathering purple mats for gear 2-3 levels higher than you are currently. You can otherwise easily outstrip those awesome mods before you gather all the resources you need to make them.


If you play on Pot5, hit me up at any time and I'd be happy to help you further. I've made a lot of mistakes with the crafting professions and I'd be happy to help you steer clear of the ones I know about.



Rexorshan: 60 / Combat Sentinel (Synthweaving)

Arlenvoss: 55 / Sentinel (Artifice)

Keyira: 35 / Sentinel (Slicing / Treasure Hunting / Underworld Trading)

Rainashan: 27 / Sage (Biochem)

Aldenack: 19 / Gunslinger (Armstech)

Johnnybravo: 14 / Commando (Scavenging / Slicing / Underworld Trading)



Karnad: 60 / Carnage Marauder (Biochem)

Cheldiarr: 55 / Imperial Agent (Cybertech)

O'rama: 50 / Hatred Assassin (Scavenging / Investigation / Underworld Trading)

Scrubb: 49 / IO Mercenary (Armormech)

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