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Ideas- Small to big tweaks for tanking specs


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So I had a couple Ideas bouncing around in my head for small and big changes for Pt and Vg tanks. now i pretty sure the first one has probably been brought up before, but here go my ideas anyways.


- Igniting Oil Slick/Energizing Riot Gas

It would really get across the whole area denial aspect of the ability to add a mild to moderate area dot to these abilities if you use a fire/lightning skill while in them. Its a long cooldown so its not like damage numbers will go through the roof with this added unlike a lightning sorcs storm


-Adding a cripple to riot gas/Oil Slick

As it stands with the skill being on a much longer cool down than any of the movement abilities in the game and the dps version of the BH and Troopers getting one. It would be nice if the oil slick crippled as well id even give up the accuracy reduct for the cripple so those pesky sorc and ops cant just roll/force speed outta a minute cool down ability


-Some kinda bonus for shielding someone

Right now both jug and assassins get a bonuses for shielding a person. Jugs get 30% move speed and assassins give their guarded target up to a bonus of 3% more damage reduction. Bh and troop get nothing. I was thinking since they are supposed to be shielding specialists that they (extreme buff but an idea in the right direction) Their shield always procts on received guarded damage even if its crits (still dont know why we dont get a chance to shield crits it annoys me to no end).


-Improved interrupts

This one is for all tanks really they should get some form of improved interrupting on targets since they are supposed to be controlling the battle fields. I was thinking either upping the lock out time to 6 secs from 4 or a more extreme proposal is locking out all healing abilities,lightning abilities, tech abilities, etc if they interrupt that type of abilities (example if i use my quell on a sorc doing force storm the cant use it or any other lightning abilities for the next 4 secs)




Well thats it for my ideas feel free to comment or suggest tweaks to my tweaks.

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So...all of your proposed changes are just for PvP? And what about the other aspect of the game?


Oil Slick changes:

Igniting Oil slick...sure fine for pve, would actually give us a bit more aoe threat.

Snare on oil slick, already is a 70% speed reduction on Oil Slick for those standing in it. And don't you effin DARE touch my accuracy reduction. Which is still beneficial in PvP. 70% accuracy reduction is huge.


Shielding bonus stuff:

As said, how is this beneficial to the PvE side of the game? None at all.


Improved Interrupts:

The only change I would want to see with interrupts in PvE would be a decrease in the cooldown further for Quell.



What I am getting at is that when it comes to nerfs/buffs in MMOs, devs need to look at the impact of a change to both sides of the game and not just one or the other.

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Yes most of these are Pvp benefits Igniting the oil slick and a shielding bonus are both pve and pvp. And shielding can work in a pvp setting for large aoes or a random agro boss. But aside from those There are no affect on Pve so it wont break them when it come to Pve. You cant interrupt most if not all bosses so improved interrupt is pointless there and the boss or cc immune and dont really have movement abilities so the cripple is not affective pve either.


On that im not asking for a snare on oil slick im asking for something similar to what merc get in electro net a cripple where force speed or combat roll (etc) just wont be able to be used while they are in the 70% slow. Also the accuracy reduc in only 30% not as amazing as 70% reduct. if it was 70% it would feel better.

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