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A little worried...


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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


1) I don't think anyone is in a position to tell. Only time will determine that. Personally I think it'll do fine.


Don't worry about all this negativity. It's common, especially during a game's release, a major patch or when expansions are released. Often the negativity is a extremely small vocal minority. The people who are actually enjoying the game are......playing the game. The forums are a hive of negativity. It's on every forum. Even World of Warcraft's. And it's the most popular MMO out there.


2) Yes.....They're already working on fixing issues.

Edited by Oappo
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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


1. The maturity of gamers seems to have dropped off once WoW came out. Back in EQ days people were actually nice and friendly on forums and general chats. Sad that it's a thing of the past.


2. I encounter bugs but nothing so major that I'd freak out over. Not sure if people remember when WoW launched... but there would be server rollbacks and you'd actually LOSE progress. I know people are saying Bioware should learn from years of other MMOs. In some aspects I agree (*** UI), but I would imagine the voice overs, story quest areas, choices affecting outcoming, etc. create a whole new animal to test.


3. Slicing needs to be fixed. Tempted to drop a gathering skill and just buy materials with slicing...


Anyway, I'm not worried. This is the most fun I've had in an MMO launch in a while. I feel like such a bad*** as a bounty hunter!

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


You should be worried but more importantly Bioware needs to be worried. They have to be fast dealing with the gamebreaking issues or we will have a Warhammer Online Episode II.

Edited by Rendekar
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Lol, don`t you just love post like these, full of bugs, rofl


I think that since I got in in early access I encountered maybe 2 bugs...


You people coming here just to diss the game are so funny :)


How am I here to "diss" the game? Im saying Im worried because I love this game and don't want it to do poorly. I can list all my bugs I have found if you would like.

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Lol, don`t you just love post like these, full of bugs, rofl


I think that since I got in in early access I encountered maybe 2 bugs...


You people coming here just to diss the game are so funny :)


Point of this post was?


I also didn't encounter many bugs but there's plenty people out there who can't even advance their story line because their class quest bugged out on them.


Should they shut up because you didn't encounter any bugs?

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


1. Only your typical crying troll that want the world are crying here, all the satisfied people don't even bother to come to the forums just because of that, it's a 0.0001% of the playerbase that's crying here.


2. *Yawn* (just to make it clear, this is by far the least-buggiest MMO launch in history) i've personally only encountered some visual bugs myself (level 31), and once i've CTD'd in the 9 days i've played.


3. This question belongs to the category 1. crying. (you do know skills cost about 10k a pop in the 30's and around 40k in the late 40's, also mount skills combined from 40 to 50 are around 100k + mount(s), so making a 100k in a day is nothing amazing tbh.

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?


2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


1. Negativity and gaming forums go hand in hand. This is normal. It's the people who have a beef who generally take the time to post on the forums, just like the people who call product help lines generally aren't doing so to thank the company for making a good product. It's a self-selecting group, and tends to be centered mostly around people who have one beef or other.


2. NOt sure.


3. Slicing is going to need to be addressed, because it's a bit too much of a money pump right now. But in general I don't expect much from the economy of this game, really.

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This is pretty standard for MMO Launches.


You have 3 basic food groups. Haters, fanboys and those who actually want the game to get better.


Problem is, the haters label anyone who likes parts of the game as a Fanboy. The Fanboys label anyone who has issues with the game a Hater. And those of us who want a polished, playable, enjoyable product end up wondering who we are while important posts regarding issues with the game are buried under threads such as:


"WOW VS TOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and "WE KNOW THIS GAME IS A WINNER!"


The game is good fun, it has issues, it needs time. Whether it will get that time (subscribers are fickle) is debatable. I would hope that it lasts and does well. I have issues that I believe need to be fixed if it is going to do so. Whether they get fixed or not will be very determinate on whether the game lasts for me, on a personal level.

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About a couple of things:


1. All the negativity I'm seeing on the forums. Is this game going to flop?




2. Bugs. There are so many bugs I have seen since launch it is unreal. Will they all be fixed soon?


There isn't that many.


3. Slicing. Free money for everyone. There seems to be something incredibly wrong here. I made over 100,000 credits yesterday alone. Not that I'm complaining, but it's going to severely hamper economy balance.


Wrong. It isn't quiet that simple. I know of about a dozen glaring. Which isn't many compared to other MMOs I have launched.


Is there any reason to be pushing falsehoods? You can't make 100K off a slicing in one day even if that's all you did. You made money off of quests too, not just slicing.

Edited by Daeborn
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3. This question belongs to the category 1. crying. (you do know skills cost about 10k a pop in the 30's and around 40k in the late 40's, also mount skills combined from 40 to 50 are around 100k + mount(s), so making a 100k in a day is nothing amazing tbh.


It's not about the cost of skill and mounts and the like, it's about the point that, at the moment you are better off taking slicing and buying the crafting materials instead of taking a gathering profession.


Also, there are some bugs, fps issues and the like, but i haven't encountered anything game breaking.

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No Daeborn, it was in fact 100k from slicing alone. I made 130k or so total.


Bull, I know.


When you get high up slicing the time between sending your comps out is long. If all you did was slice, and not play one quest I doubt you still could.


Slicing in zones is slow and mobs are all over.


No, that's a complete falsehood.

Edited by Daeborn
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Nope.. you can send your comps every 30 minutes while running the game in the background to slice for you and you don't have to do anything else than tab back in the game and redo it after the 30 mins are over.


You can make even more than 100k/day. Esp if you bother selling the epic missions you get for other professions.

Edited by Skeelol
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MMO forums are always full of negativity. If one were to judge an MMO's success or failure by the forums, every MMO in existence (including WoW) would have long ago "failed".


Forum goers are a small percentage of an MMO's player-base, just a very vocal one. People who come to the forums and post do so to (generally) complain, most players don't even bother with the forums and are in game enjoying themselves.


Bugs will always exist in any piece of software (games, operating systems etc). They will be constantly fixing bugs the entire life of the game.

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1) nobody knows


2) yeah, I've spent my time wondering what the hell they even did in beta. If you're going to have a beta test LISTEN TO THE DAMN TESTERS!


3) it's not ruining the economy, because there is no economy. Gathering skills would outdue slicing if people actually used the GTN, the ui is so bad and I mean it's terrible don't think they could have designed a worse system, nobody uses it.

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how does slicing work i may as well swap to it now and make a fortune then


Your companions can be sent on lockbox missions where they get credit boxes. Much of the missions make a small profit, but some of them make a bonanza level profit. Either way, you can stockpile a volume of credits if you chain run the missions with your crew, with pretty much no cash sink because failed missions are rare and missions that make a loss are limited to a small loss, usually.


You can also send them on schematic missions and sell these on the market.

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Nope.. you can send your comps every 30 minutes while running the game in the background to slice for you and you don't have to do anything else than tab back in the game and redo it after the 30 mins are over.


You can make even more than 100k/day. Esp if you bother selling the epic missions you get for other professions.


Wrong, but do let everyone know how you like to make crap up.

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