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Its not even a joke this ....


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Been playing for a while now on and off, and i really enjoy this game 3.0 defo had big changes and all classes got some nice changes, BUT what the hell happend to mar/sent classes seriously.


Ive read the forums quite a bit over the last few weeks and its seems its nothing new in people asking for changes to this class, i truly understand now how bad they are all its takes is one cc and its game over really ??? how on earth can this be fun for anyone to play this class is beyound me, if it come to the worst case scenario just take them out the damn game, and i know nobody is forcing anyone to play this class, but i play all classes and this one is clearly lacking in every department....and yes i pvp and play pve, its actually not fun in either.


There's just no fun in this class.. :(

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There are mara changes coming in 3.1.1, hopefully they'll be effective.


P.S. I could write that exact response in the majority of these mara threads... amazing how many times the same thing can be said.

They won't be. They don't address the key issue which is up-time.

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spend a mill ,buy some authorunlocks and stop paying subs until they fix maras/sents. thats the only thing they will understand cause currently they are only focusing on the assassins and sorcs :p .maybe this will stop them from ignoring dps and pvp leaderboards that clearly show how much the class is underperforming
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spend a mill ,buy some authorunlocks and stop paying subs until they fix maras/sents. thats the only thing they will understand cause currently they are only focusing on the assassins and sorcs :p .maybe this will stop them from ignoring dps and pvp leaderboards that clearly show how much the class is underperforming


No. No. No. NO. Using PVP as a metric for game balance is the cancer that kills MMOs.

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There are mara changes coming in 3.1.1, hopefully they'll be effective.


P.S. I could write that exact response in the majority of these mara threads... amazing how many times the same thing can be said.


You mean Nerfs, thats what is rolling out

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so true ..when i read that the marauder will be better in 3.1.1 i had hope agian ...but now i read the changes and have to laugh out loud :


from dulfy:


Force Camouflage now additionally grants immunity to controlling effects for its full duration. Dealing direct damage ends this immunity.

Unyielding now additionally reduces the cooldown of Unleash by 30 seconds.


how should this help to survive when you jump into enemie ???


in other forum i read that the penalty from undying rage should be removed ....that would be an good step ..... but in the same step goes the time uo to use it again .... 60 seconds :eek: ..... so useless too


and when i read that the assasine should be become in the 3.1.2 again more damage --thats more then ridiculous .....


I had the feeling that Bioware dont like lasersword classes .... but why they made SWTOR then .... if they want make a shooter !!!!

Edited by Uebli
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Sucks what's happened to Marauders. I have a sent that I leveled in the XP boost but due to what they've done to Mara/Sent, I've not bothered playing them.


The #1 patch notes for Sentinal actually looked pretty good, giving them roots and a number of other things ( I couldn't find a link to the old page) But the #2 patch notes are really bad.


I saw this video and thought it was hilarious. Hopefully it'll cheer you guys up abit :p


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