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Combat/Carnage idea : BS/FS come back and new CB/DB effect


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Just a quick idea for Combat/Carnage :


Give us our Blade Storm/Force Scream back as our hard hitting skill, and change the effect of Clashing Blast/Devastating Blast for it to be a medium hitting skill with a passive effect.


This in addition of our 4.5 sec Precision/Gore window back of course.


What I'd like to see is something like this :


Clashing Blast/Devastating Blast :


"Unleashes a blast of Force energy at the target dealing X energy damage (where X is a little bit less than the current Force Storm/Force Scream damage). In addition, you build 3 stacks of Ataru Blast, making your next 3 Ataru Form strikes deal (200%?) more damage. Each Ataru Form strike consumes 1 stack."



Please feel free to comment =)

Edited by DarkNecroCrusher
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