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Truly addressing Mara/Sent issues


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To say the changes that were made to our class in 3.1.1 after the thousands of responses that were given by our community is beyond pitiful and indescribably underwhelming.



Devs you need to seriously address the issues at hand with this class. I'm at a lose for words to how we are preforming in all facets of the game right now.



Defensive forms

Channeled hatred grats fury stacks


One of our main issues is not our dps but STAY ON THE TARGET TO DPS. Our mobility is our biggest pitfall right now. We are a true melee class we need to tools to stay on a target. Here are some suggestions i have seen on forums/discussed with top preforming PVPers


Pred/Trans: 35 second Cd grant 8 seconds of movement impairing immunity and breaks current movement imparing affects. Its a needed and easy fix. An option out of this to make the class more dynamic is replace the fury system tied to pred and gives us a new utility/tool.


at 30 stacks increase party defense by 15% and armor pen by 15% breaks all roots and root/knock immunity for 2 seconds(eliminates the movement imparing galore this class has to deal with). Slight dps and survive ability buff. This adds utility to party while allowing for our burst windows to hit hard or sacrificing our dps for the well being of the party (ex. Pop new @30 stacks then talent pop frezy and berserk for dps)


it is in the game mechanic for ranged to hold an advantage to keep us at a distance. Reward us for getting to our target and applying damage.


adjust pacify- keep the 90% reduced acc of ranged and melee and add 25% force/tech acc reduction.


Ad new passive from Jugg utility: melee dmg is increased by 2/4/6/8/10 while slowed/rooted/knockback/pushed


Cooldown comparability. The change to undying is nice however not justified by the cooldown increase and we are the only class without a self heal (outside of watchmens underwhelming dots)


With UD being our largest t cooldown add justification to our largest coolddown. After undying affect subsides mara gains (insert whatever name u chose here) and rapidly heal to to 35% health for 5 seconds. This grants us a on par cooldown to other classes and justifies the long cooldown.


These are minor class wide tweaks that arn't over powered we are still susceptible to being stunned locked and being kited. This is balanced because we have cooldowns to situationaly deal with these weaknesses.


Just some overall Suggestions I have . Feel free to comment and apply feedback

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To say the changes that were made to our class in 3.1.1 after the thousands of responses that were given by our community is beyond pitiful and indescribably underwhelming.



Devs you need to seriously address the issues at hand with this class. I'm at a lose for words to how we are preforming in all facets of the game right now.



Defensive forms

Channeled hatred grats fury stacks


One of our main issues is not our dps but STAY ON THE TARGET TO DPS. Our mobility is our biggest pitfall right now. We are a true melee class we need to tools to stay on a target. Here are some suggestions i have seen on forums/discussed with top preforming PVPers


Pred/Trans: 35 second Cd grant 8 seconds of movement impairing immunity and breaks current movement imparing affects. Its a needed and easy fix. An option out of this to make the class more dynamic is replace the fury system tied to pred and gives us a new utility/tool.


at 30 stacks increase party defense by 15% and armor pen by 15% breaks all roots and root/knock immunity for 2 seconds(eliminates the movement imparing galore this class has to deal with). Slight dps and survive ability buff. This adds utility to party while allowing for our burst windows to hit hard or sacrificing our dps for the well being of the party (ex. Pop new @30 stacks then talent pop frezy and berserk for dps)


it is in the game mechanic for ranged to hold an advantage to keep us at a distance. Reward us for getting to our target and applying damage.


adjust pacify- keep the 90% reduced acc of ranged and melee and add 25% force/tech acc reduction.


Ad new passive from Jugg utility: melee dmg is increased by 2/4/6/8/10 while slowed/rooted/knockback/pushed


Cooldown comparability. The change to undying is nice however not justified by the cooldown increase and we are the only class without a self heal (outside of watchmens underwhelming dots)


With UD being our largest t cooldown add justification to our largest coolddown. After undying affect subsides mara gains (insert whatever name u chose here) and rapidly heal to to 35% health for 5 seconds. This grants us a on par cooldown to other classes and justifies the long cooldown.


These are minor class wide tweaks that arn't over powered we are still susceptible to being stunned locked and being kited. This is balanced because we have cooldowns to situationaly deal with these weaknesses.


Just some overall Suggestions I have . Feel free to comment and apply feedback


Having knoback and root immunity (not CC)would be enough for sentinels to say on target in both pvp and pve; though I suggest a 30 sec fix CD with 6sec immunity.

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Hey OP.

I have played a sentinel since launch.

Elite Warlord & Endgame PVE.

My thoughts on the class:

1. Saber Ward: Give us the utility ability Zealous Ward that heals for 3% every 1.5 seconds. The ability is on a 3:00 cool down anyways. Having a separate utility slot for that is pointless. We are not able to reduce its cool-down like a Vanguard's Reflexive Shield in High Energy Cell. This one change would free up a utility point I could make better use of.

2. Guarded by the Force: Reduce the HP cost to 25%, or remove the cost completely. We used to be able to spec into this in the Focus Tree. There is no point anymore in having a defensive cool-down with a HP cost, because of all the self-heals given to other classes. This is a kamikaze ability, "Hmmm. I'm at 50% HP at the moment. Well, there's no point in trying to stay alive longer because I'm made of paper, so I'll leap in, hit guarded, and yolo for 4 seconds! BONSAI!"


I would prefer #1 if anything. Having that utility built into Saber Ward, and freeing up a utility point would be a game changer. If #2 happened as well, I would not complain. It just a matter of common sense.

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We've come full circle. Just return us to game launch. 2% self-heals on Zen. GbtF no health loss or at very least health cost on immediate use, reduce from 50%.


And for something completely different:


Add to rebuke duration immunity to all stuns and roots from front 60 degree cone for 10m length: an advancing sentinel is a painful sentinel.


Give us rng chance to break stuns and roots on burns (each dot tick carries 5%? chance to break)

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