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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can I get verpine kell-dragon or underworld gear post 3.0 ????


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Hey, so I have rolled a new toon with the last batch of double xp, and I want him to be rocking kell-dragon or verpine gear. There are several different varieties of gear available that have the look of the verpine gear, but I don't know if any of them can still be obtained anywhere after patch 3.0. Does anyone know anywhere I can get this gear, or is it gone forever? I've looked around on fleet and don't see it anywhere. Here's a link to the assassin gear. Scroll down and you can see the different varieties of it that all look similar. Any of them will work for me. Know where I can get any of these? Thanks for your help! http://tor-fashion.com/kell-dragon-stalker-survivor-force-master-force-mystic-imp/
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Underworld and Verpine can still be collected from HM SNV/TFB with a random drop from DF and DP weekly and last boss. Underworld Vendor is in supplies. Also TC HM drops a random piece.

Kell Dragon/Shadowed can be still obtained from NiM SNV/TFB. Their Vendor is on the Ziost Shadow/Gav Darragon. (Also NiM DF and DP gear has been moved here as well)

Edited by FerkWork
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Oh ok great, I was looking on main fleet, not the other fleet ships. I don't do much pve, so I didn't even know there were vendors over there. Thanks so much for your help. I'll be looking cool soon!


Despite the level increase these Ops (specially NiM) can still prove a challenge as they have a lot of one shot mechanics. If you don't do much PvE I recommend looking at Dulfy guid and getting a good group to clear it. If not possible and you are swimming in credits some Servers have guilds that you can pay for vanity runs (Check server forums)

GL in your quest.

Edited by FerkWork
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