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Make lore and codex entries account wide


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Hi there,


One of the things I really like about the game that I can finish an achievement with any of my characters. But as for lore and codex entries it is really time consuming that to discover everything again and again with new characters. Also some of the codex entries are missing, can't be accessible by other classes (Not talking about for example Sith Assassin codex, talking about Nem'ro the Hutt for example. Classes other than bounty hunter and imperial agent can't seem to reach it). Those 3 codex entries in Dromund Kaas aren't accessible for 3 years now. Small things like these can be fixed soon instead of waiting for 3 years. I know somethings like datacrons can be discovered by other characters but a codex entry, or lore I think they should be account wide so that people can deal with game content and achievements more. I wanna do and finish everything in game but I don't wanna feel an emptiness about them with every character I open. So these are my suggestions.

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