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Need Help With My First Lvl 60!


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Okay basically, I've finally managed to reach 59, I'll be 60 in a day, I've never endgame geared or anything before, I don't know what legacy gear is or anything, I've been running FA and SoR solo and managed to get I think it was 178 gear? But the gear I'm getting looks the same as the basic comms vendor, I'm playing a Marauder, all the basic comms level 60 gear I've seen is the Pummeler I think it was and quests on Rishii already gave me that, the strength seems to decrease with it and it just looks so awful, my played looks like he has a fishbowl on his head😂

Okay so I just need to know, what should I get? What gear, how do I go about it? I'm up too just under 1000 basic, oh and will my comms go a little over 1000 or will I stop receiving them once I reach 1000 cap?

Sorry for the many questions, thanks in advance guys

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Currently gear progression goes like this:

178 > 184 > 186 > 192 > 198


You get 178 from Rishi and Yavin questline. 184 drops from Hardmode Flashpoint, but they're barely worth picking up as you can easily get a set of 186 from the vendor in Yavin or Fleet for about 1200 Basic Commendations. 192 can be bought with Elite Commendations, dropped by bonus bosses and last bosses in HMFP, or acquired by exchanging token that drops in storymode Ravagers and Temple of Sacrifice. 198 can be brought with Ultimate Commendations and token drop from hardmode Ravagers and TOS. (Also allegedly dropped by Manaan and Rishi HMFP bonus bosses but I have never personally witnessed this.)


To start, full set of 186, which includes earpiece, implants, relics, mainhand and offhand, is recommended if you want to run HMFP/storymode operations. For mainhand and offhand, rip mod and enhancement from chestpieces and buy Might Hilt 36 from GTN. 186 Ruusan relics are ideal, but 178 blues served me pretty well in HMFP. There are several must-have that must be filled, generally above 100% accuracy, 30% crit and 70% surge. Each class has different priority, Dulfy has excellent guides on this. Don't be hesitant to rip mods from other pieces and buy crafted mods from GTN if you have to.


Run dailies and weeklies to gather Elite comms and get a few pieces of 192, augment your armors, and do storymode operations. Token drop is vastly superior to vendor gear stat-wise, more importantly it gives set bonus. Same goes with 198; either gather Ult comms or run HM operations. That's about it.


If you don't like the look of vendor gear, you can always rip the armoring, mod and enhancement and put them in an adaptive armor of your choosing. :D

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Thanks pal, that was great, not one thing that you left out, you've helped me with stuff I've been wondering about for weeks :) So you can just rip out the mods and enhancements and put them in any other gear? That's not to bad then, and what happens when I reach 1000 basic comms, and the best way to farm/earn ults?
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No problem, mate. Yes, you can rip armoring, mod and enhancement and put them in an armor you like. Be warned, you can rip mod and enhancement from a chestpiece and put them in boots/head/leggings/etc, but the armoring can only go into another chestpiece.


You won't be getting any Commendations if you've hit the cap, be it Basic, Elite and Ultimate. Best way to prevent this is by spending them, or sending comms to alts by using legacy armor and/or legacy storage. It's really hard to get Ult comms nowadays; the quickest way to get Ultimate comms is to finish weeklies, doing SM and HM Ravagers and TOS, and NIM DF/DP/TFB/SNV.


I usually finish Galactic Conflict, SM Ravagers and TOS, and Classic Operations, which gives me about 40 Ult comms per week per toon. (Finishing Ravagers/TOS through groupfinder gives additional 16 comms, but be warned pugging 16m has a high failure rate.) I run three toons at the same time; by the end of third week all of them would have gotten about 120 each (360 in total), which I would use to gear one toon. Repeat the process until everyone is in 198. :D

Edited by iusCogens
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You can transfer Basic comms to your other charcaters on the same account/server by purchasing Aftifact storage cases (36 basic) or crafting schematics (60 basic) on the fleet. Put them in your legacy storage then log on to the toon you which to transfer them to, retrieve them from storage and sell them back to any vendor for comms. You have two hour to do it or the items become non-refundable.


The best gear that you can get as a fresh level 60 players are the 186 rating gear from the level 60 gear vendors on Yavin 4 or the fleet. None of your gear up tro that point should be better than what you can purchase with the basic unless you did a Hard-mode Flash Point and got a 192 rating gear drop.


Get an adaptive gear set for your main toon and augment it. It will net you close to a mil unless you can craft your own augment kits and augments (unlikely). Ripping mods is costly. The cost is about 11.4k per item of 186 rating and about 12.7k per item of 192 rating. So you are looking at roughly 230k per piece of gear (example, a glove) not including the cost of the gear (if you buy from GTN).

Edited by Yezzan
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Sorry guys what's an augment? Don't think I spelt that right haha :p I'm on Yavin now and have 990 basic so I'm gonna go buy some level 60 marauder gear which I think is the pummeler? But I'm sure every armour set is minus strength? Surely there's one with pure strength and endurance for dps marauder? And I have about 1.2M from selling old loot and running FA, I need to clear my cargo hold and that, shall I just throw away all green bound gear and mods/enhancements etc?
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So I found the gear I need but can't buy until I'm 60, (one more full exp) so im leaving Yavin and just gonna try level to 60 in the next hour or 2, pummeler gear doesn't look too bad, but I look like alien :') any suggestions on some good looking marauder gear?:D
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Augment is basically a way to increase the stats a gear give you. There are a lot of them; pick ones that you need. (For DPS, it's either Power or Mainstat.) The highest available augment is currently 186, which requires firstly the augment itself and the thing that gives an armor its augmentation slot, it's called Augmentation Kit MK-10. As mentioned by Yezzan, if you buy MK-10 and augments from GTN, you might have to spend about 200k per armor (the cost of MK-10, augment and adding the slot itself, not counting the cost of ripping armoring, mod and enhancement). There are 14 pieces that can be augmented, though I don't recommend augmenting earpiece, implants and relics until you have the best available i.e token drop 198.


This is a bit outdated, but still relevant:




I sold old greens because I had no need for them and they clustered my cargo hold. :D You can try mix and matching looks for your Marauder. Mine looks like this:




This is where I get my inspiration from:



I really don't know why 186 drops in Strength. I would have to check inside the game first, and tell you what I've found. As long as there's no shield/absorb/defense rating in the armor you're looking at, it's armor for Marauder.

Edited by iusCogens
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Not sure if you're on same server as me, I'm on red eclipse? I wouldn't mind the in game help haha, so far throughout my level 60 I've solo'd due to only meeting ***** :') Your marauder looks nice, what armor is it? I was looking for a look like Darth Marr? :p want something either mysterious or scary haha :p I have like 1.4M now from saving up if that's enough to gear my marauder? What's the quickest way to make credits? I've done dailies but each daily only gives me like 10k-16k? :/ thanks for the help, you've really helped me :D
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I play in Harbinger, unfortunately. If we were in the same server I would run HMFP and Ops with you. :o I've checked in-game and Pummeler is gear for DPS Jugg/Marauder. It should be an upgrade to 178; I really don't know why there is a drop in Strength. Then again, comm gears don't give optimal stats; they give too much Endurance and not enough of other stats. For DPS, the gap between Endurance and Mainstat should be between 200 - 300 points, if the gap is more than that Endurance must be replaced by Mainstat/Power/Crit/Surge. You can always craft/buy individual crafted 186 pieces off GTN, but I recommend upgrading to 192 over fussing with 186.


Thanks! :D My Marauder is wearing Trimantium set minus Satele Shan gloves and Theron Shan boots, can't remember what the mask is called. All armors that have been released in Cartel Packs can be seen in Collections.


Before you augment your Marauder, it's worth a consideration that endgame content can be quite difficult on mDPS. It doesn't really matter whether you are melee or ranged provided you know your class well, but there are times that you wish you could hit enemies without needing to chase them. All current HMFPs (except Blood Hunt, it hates you and everything you holds dear) can be done without augment. You might want to try them out and decide to augment the Marauder, or perhaps invest in another class.


Here are some guides on Dailies:




I usually run Black Hole + Section X + CZ + Rishi + Yavin, which gives between 400k-500k per toon, depending on loots. Another way of making credit is crafting, but I don't know much about it. :o


Joining a guild will help you immensely in-game. I'm sorry that you've had terrible experience in the past, but most people are very helpful and willing to teach the ropes. No worries, mate! Pleasure of sharing knowledge. :D

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lol I don't mind, but I recommend staying in your current server so whatever class you roll next can be funded by your endgame toon through dailies. Can't really help with looks as it depends on individual taste, but you can find me in Harbinger either on my Sin tank Mirvak or Op heal Shervasc, usually most active at night time in APAC timezone.
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There are literally hundreds of armor pieces to choose from. Asking folks their advice is approaching the limits of the absurd, which is why you haven't gotten any. To be honest, though, I don't know ANYONE who uses the look of the set as-is from the vendor. Nobody worries about how it looks.


Go here and make up your own mind: http://tor-fashion.com/


As far as losing strength goes, that's Comm gear. Comm gear, in this game (gear purchased using Basic, Elite or Ultimate Commendations) is sucky. You will get more Endurance, and that's about it. For truly good gear, you have to go run an Operation, down a boss and win the token. Then you exchange the token for a piece of gear that you like (you get to choose between several, so you can get the one with the secondary stats that most fit what you need). Comm gear is to throw on before you start acquiring token gear.

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