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GTN Item Expiration - Never got item back


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Listed an Item on GTN for 120,000, item never sold, so naturally it expired and was sent back to me via mail. However, when I finally got around to gabbing it from mail (maybe 2-3 days after posting it on GTN) I only received ONE credit as the return deposit amount and the item itself.


***HOWEVER*** I right-clicked the item in the mail message and clicked the "receive credits" button and both the single credit and item disappeared. I assumed that they went to my inventory and the mail message disappeared.


I thought it was unusual that I only received ONE credit back for an item that was listed for 120,000. I thought "listed item deposits were scaled to how much they were being sold for" Essentially meaning I should not have gotten ONE credit back but rather several.


Moments later, I checked my inventory and saw only 12 items. Six different crafting materials, a schematic, a droid motor, warzone adrenals/medpacs, PvE medpac, and reflex stims.


I refreshed UI and logged and restarted game, but nothing has happened so far. Also I made a ticket 10 minutes after my own troubleshooting.


Not too concerned about the item/credits, but would be nice to know anything regarding this issue was rectified before I, or anyone else, put a much more pricey item on GTN only to have both credits and item disappear.


Not sure if this is some exploit conducted by sketchy players or a bug. Very confident there was no user error.

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