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Bulo hm as a sent


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Hi all.


My guild has started working on this fight now. But I am having serious issues as a sentinel dps on this fight. Spec I play is watchman.


I basicly do decent dps(same dps as the rest of the group) and dying very quickly from scatter blast or I spend 80% of the fight running away trying to avoid scatter blast/carts.


Raid setup if it makes any difference:


2 x Shadow tanks

2x Commando (both gunnery)

1x Gunslinger (sharpshooter)

2 x Scoundrel healers


The issue is coming when the boss jumps to switch position I get absolutely destroyed by scatter blast if he jumps to an awkward position.


Any tips for what to do?

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Don't leap immediately, hit cammo as soon as he moves look at where he has gone and make sure tanks have turned him then leap in basically. If you do leap straight away unless the tanks are very quick you will take something that hits very hard to the face.


You can obvs swap another cooldown with cammo but its my preferred choice as it lets me move quickly to a better angle to leap from or just wander over to the boss while the tanks are still turning him, and if yu do get shotgun / scatter to face you just reduced the dmg by 50%.


Anyway it works for me :)

Edited by WheresMyWhisky
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Do your raid group a favour and reroll to Guardian DPS, place like Sentinel just more powerful and better in all traits.


You will not be able to play a Sent in most Hardmode Encounters.


Nonsense. Been killing Bulo HM for weeks with at least one sent everytime, sometimes even two. Torque is also doable with sents, though it's a pain in the ***.


If a melee dps is eating a scatterblast, it's the tanks fault, simple as that. You have enough time after every leap of the boss to get there and turn him away before scatterblast starts. Heck you could do it in rp walk and be fast enough.


Key to that fight is paying attention to the lifters and carts and take a few steps to the side when they're not coming for you but someone close to you.

Have your tanks stand as far away from the boss as possible when carts spawn(but not over 10m, so they don't get the blue circle), so melee dps won't eat the explosions. Make sure your raid doesn't eat more damage than neccessary(as said, step aside if lifters/carts come to people near you) and it's a cakewalk. Remember: It's a surving fight, not a dps check.

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Do your raid group a favour and reroll to Guardian DPS, place like Sentinel just more powerful and better in all traits.


You will not be able to play a Sent in most Hardmode Encounters.


I have a guardian and jugg, the style is not not close to watchman/anni which is what I enjoy the most. Not looking to change character as this is what I enjoy and what I have enjoyed since beta just trying to figure how to get past this slight issue.


Nonsense. Been killing Bulo HM for weeks with at least one sent everytime, sometimes even two. Torque is also doable with sents, though it's a pain in the ***.


If a melee dps is eating a scatterblast, it's the tanks fault, simple as that. You have enough time after every leap of the boss to get there and turn him away before scatterblast starts. Heck you could do it in rp walk and be fast enough.


Key to that fight is paying attention to the lifters and carts and take a few steps to the side when they're not coming for you but someone close to you.

Have your tanks stand as far away from the boss as possible when carts spawn(but not over 10m, so they don't get the blue circle), so melee dps won't eat the explosions. Make sure your raid doesn't eat more damage than neccessary(as said, step aside if lifters/carts come to people near you) and it's a cakewalk. Remember: It's a surving fight, not a dps check.


Thanx for the tips.

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camo when boss jumps, staying at mx range and delaying leap are great tips.

a bit of movement from the tank targeted by carts is a really useful thing aswell.

i usually avoid placing mass barrage near the doors and play it safe in the middle.

doing all the above i manage to stay below 500 dtps and still having more than 3k dps.

we also have a vg dps and we do fine despite having a melee heavy group for these ops.

at torque you may want to reconsider watchman if you are not assigned in boss tunneling..

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Do your raid group a favour and reroll to Guardian DPS, place like Sentinel just more powerful and better in all traits.


You will not be able to play a Sent in most Hardmode Encounters.


LMAO!!!!! I love this guy :D I dont think i've seen a forum post yet where he says anything positive or even neutral about this class. Atlanis if you have such a dislike of the class why do you spend so much time in the forums for it? Personally i just think you're trolling but that's just me. Anyways on to more important things. :p


Hi all.


My guild has started working on this fight now. But I am having serious issues as a sentinel dps on this fight. Spec I play is watchman.


I basicly do decent dps(same dps as the rest of the group) and dying very quickly from scatter blast or I spend 80% of the fight running away trying to avoid scatter blast/carts.


Raid setup if it makes any difference:


2 x Shadow tanks

2x Commando (both gunnery)

1x Gunslinger (sharpshooter)

2 x Scoundrel healers


The issue is coming when the boss jumps to switch position I get absolutely destroyed by scatter blast if he jumps to an awkward position.


Any tips for what to do?


StefanInter this fight is a bit crappy for melee and especially Sentinels. Playing Watchman is a bit forgiving here since you have some stand off but overall you'll be up in the thick of it as you've seen i'm sure. I'd say if you're taking crazy damage from the Scatter and Shotgun blasts its coming from your tanks end. If you're always behind the boss and they're controlling his direction you shouldnt have any issues. With mine carts they should be backing away a few meters to compensate for you being melee. Load Lifter droids are what they are at times. As far as taking hits when he repositions sometimes its gonna happen man and, again, it is what it is. I'm going to post a link at the end of this comment for you to check out if you'd like. Its from my perspective and maybe it'll help you out. I make a few mistakes as does some of the other members in the group and we're still able to put him down. Note: i'm in combat spec and not watchman but all the same on this guy for the most part ;)



I have videos up on my channel for different HM fights out of the new content in case you're interested in a Sentinels perspective on other fights.



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TBH this fight requires very precise positioning by the melee and the tanks but is perfectly doable

Thing to be aware of:

Tanks should back out to 10m and melee should also back out to 4m when minecarts first appear.

Whenever the boss leaps take a second to turn and see where the boss is. Make sure there are no purple circles where he jumped (If there are, talk to your ranged and healers, there are only 5 places the boss can be). Take note on where the tanks should position themselves when they jump and move accordingly to be in the back of the boss. If tanked properly and positioned properly you shouldn't get cleaved much. Other than that, it is not as bad for melee as some make it out to be.

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LMAO!!!!! I love this guy :D I dont think i've seen a forum post yet where he says anything positive or even neutral about this class. Atlanis if you have such a dislike of the class why do you spend so much time in the forums for it? Personally i just think you're trolling but that's just me. Anyways on to more important things. :p




StefanInter this fight is a bit crappy for melee and especially Sentinels. Playing Watchman is a bit forgiving here since you have some stand off but overall you'll be up in the thick of it as you've seen i'm sure. I'd say if you're taking crazy damage from the Scatter and Shotgun blasts its coming from your tanks end. If you're always behind the boss and they're controlling his direction you shouldnt have any issues. With mine carts they should be backing away a few meters to compensate for you being melee. Load Lifter droids are what they are at times. As far as taking hits when he repositions sometimes its gonna happen man and, again, it is what it is. I'm going to post a link at the end of this comment for you to check out if you'd like. Its from my perspective and maybe it'll help you out. I make a few mistakes as does some of the other members in the group and we're still able to put him down. Note: i'm in combat spec and not watchman but all the same on this guy for the most part ;)



I have videos up on my channel for different HM fights out of the new content in case you're interested in a Sentinels perspective on other fights.




Thank you for the vids a great help :)

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Glad we were all able to help you and congrats on getting him down. Torque is a real pain for Sentinels (especially in Watchman spec) so if you need any help or advice feel free to hit me up. Good luck to you and your team.


I thought he was a pain in all specs :D. Underlurker is annoying also

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LOL yeah he is man. I dont know what it is with me and Watchman spec on Torque but I always seem to be mid Force Leap when he decides to pop Floor Vents LOL.


Floor Vents spawn every 30 secs, so just have a timer running and keep an eye on it ;)

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Floor Vents spawn every 30 secs, so just have a timer running and keep an eye on it ;)


Generally I would agree with you on that end however my experience with the mechanics have seen them get off sync sometimes and the "timer" goes out the window at that point. I'd say a solid foundation on understanding how to navigate a Sentinel through each mechanic and relying on speed and player skill will be much more beneficial to you than a timer. Although a timer does help when the mechanics sync as they should :D

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Floor Vents spawn every 30 secs, so just have a timer running and keep an eye on it ;)


Actually is not every 30 seconds

First one is a 25 sec

Second is 30 seconds later

Third one should be 30 seconds later but Rage happens at the same time so that it gets delayed and end up being 35 seconds later than second at 1:30 minutes into the fight

So simply saying it happens every 30 seconds doesn't works since is off by a few precious seconds in a fight where uptime as a sentinel is already hard.

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Actually is not every 30 seconds

First one is a 25 sec

Second is 30 seconds later

Third one should be 30 seconds later but Rage happens at the same time so that it gets delayed and end up being 35 seconds later than second at 1:30 minutes into the fight

So simply saying it happens every 30 seconds doesn't works since is off by a few precious seconds in a fight where uptime as a sentinel is already hard.


I know this. Should have specified it a bit more:o

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