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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why no Vanity Collectibles in HM 60 FPs

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Taken from another post I wrote (as you can tell I like collecting stuff :) )


...I would love to see more vanity rewards and collecting. I'm perplexed that many of the items that you can collect in tactical can't be collected in HM. I would love to see this: All HM bonus bosses guaranteed deco drop that drops in tactical version (Korriban Statue of Ancient Slave for example) All HM bosses in Manaan should drop a research data and relics for KI and AoT. While some may not like collecting vanity items, I for one would run them more often to get decos. Heck throw in the pets as well. HM fps imho should be for fun challenge than gearing and what other way would be fun than have fun things to collect. But that's my 2cents and others might disagree.


Thoughts and Opinions? I find it weird and a maybe make people more likely to queue up.

Edited by FerkWork
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Well there is one sought-after vanity collectible in HM FPs, that's the command walker mount.

But agreed, the drop rate on decos and recovered relics is just bad, and more optional stuff wouldn't hurt. When decos were added to 55HMs, they were a guaranteed drop off the bonus boss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
lack of deco drops is what pisses me off. badly. a bonus boss must grant them at 100% chance, not less then 10% (sorry for necroposting if someone is bothered, thats a sore spot of mine and i visit forums more seldom then i might xD)
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