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Mercenary Spotlight! - Hope I repped you all well


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Nice spotlight, I think you hit most of the drawbacks.


However, there are a few things that I slightly disagree with or where not mentioned.


1: I really think that you should have mentioned that our heals also have relatively long cool downs to go along with the cast times.


2: I don't think KO should heal to full even though I really would like it to. To 50% definitely, 70% maybe, but not 100%. The simply reason for this is that BW will never give out a true heal to full ability like that.


3: For stealth scan, I thought about tossing the idea of a root or stun being attached to my idea but then I realized that SWTOR already has way too much CC and, honestly, too many ways to get around roots/snares/slows etc. so I just left that part out.


I do really appreciate the mention though.


Edit: Instead of a CC attached, I would rather it kept the stealth class from restealthing for X number of seconds even if they leave the scanning area.

Edited by DariusCalera
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Nice spotlight, I think you hit most of the drawbacks.


However, there are a few things that I slightly disagree with or where not mentioned.


1: I really think that you should have mentioned that our heals also have relatively long cool downs to go along with the cast times.


2: I don't think KO should heal to full even though I really would like it to. To 50% definitely, 70% maybe, but not 100%. The simply reason for this is that BW will never give out a true heal to full ability like that.


3: For stealth scan, I thought about tossing the idea of a root or stun being attached to my idea but then I realized that SWTOR already has way too much CC and, honestly, too many ways to get around roots/snares/slows etc. so I just left that part out.


I do really appreciate the mention though.


Edit: Instead of a CC attached, I would rather it kept the stealth class from restealthing for X number of seconds even if they leave the scanning area.


Well like I said in the video, if we had better dcds, the heals wouldn't feel like much of an issue. On kolto shot, which you can spam, I get 2k heals more than I don't. That with the others, medpac, and a better KO - I think we'd be fine. They COULD give us a passive that ties into our tracer missile/grav round that lowers the cd of the castable heal by 1s every 3s. Do it like that. That way, when you're at around 5 stacks, you should be able to have that heal close at the ready again.


Also, with KO, heal to full should be based on percentages. Not "BAM" you're healed. Make it like the guardian/jugg's enrage defense, where your own stats come into play. If you use ED/FD as a tank, it barely heals you at all. No power.

So mercs that are geared compared to those that aren't, with varying crit percentages would probably get more from the heal.


Far as stealth scan goes. I was thinking more in terms of ranked. Which as of right now is dominated by sins/shadows lol. So just popping them out won't help, neither will them being rooted. As they have the sorc sprint now. (why I have no idea). A small stun, so you can get some distance would be invaluable.

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dear god thankk you jesus!! ahaha im sorry for the wall of text that you used but when i type on here i just let my thoughts flow out of my brain, through my fingers and onto the keyboard. I appreciate the mention too =) heres a few things i wanted to say, ONe, stealth scan root/stun? there already is one for us its a talent point. I remember if we pop them they are stuned for x seconds.. maybe it was PT..... i dunno i am pretty sure though but i like the around the body idea, though i do like seeing someone poof and then anticipate where he will be and ddrop it there. OKAY i just saw the end and you mention it ahahahah we think alike! you forgot to mention ideas to fix shields. Did you see my idea? the one that SWG did and it totally worked well.. check my posts about fixing merc and all my ideas are there.
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Well like I said in the video, if we had better dcds, the heals wouldn't feel like much of an issue. On kolto shot, which you can spam, I get 2k heals more than I don't. That with the others, medpac, and a better KO - I think we'd be fine. They COULD give us a passive that ties into our tracer missile/grav round that lowers the cd of the castable heal by 1s every 3s. Do it like that. That way, when you're at around 5 stacks, you should be able to have that heal close at the ready again.


Also, with KO, heal to full should be based on percentages. Not "BAM" you're healed. Make it like the guardian/jugg's enrage defense, where your own stats come into play. If you use ED/FD as a tank, it barely heals you at all. No power.

So mercs that are geared compared to those that aren't, with varying crit percentages would probably get more from the heal.


Far as stealth scan goes. I was thinking more in terms of ranked. Which as of right now is dominated by sins/shadows lol. So just popping them out won't help, neither will them being rooted. As they have the sorc sprint now. (why I have no idea). A small stun, so you can get some distance would be invaluable.


I agree that we definitely need a more powerful kolto shot. I've discussed with others in the forums about the length of time that it takes a dps merc/mando to heal themselves vs a dps sorc/sage. Increasing kolto shot's healing effect by 50% would bring them more in line with each other. Though I would still like them to remove the cd from Progressive Scan.


The difference between the two is about 6 seconds, low to mid teens on a sorc/sage vs high teens to low twenties for the merc/mando, which doesn't sound like much and I know that some will say it isn't but these are generally people that have never tried to heal themselves on a dps merc/mando. This is also in a static environment with no pressure, in a PvP match, regs or ranked, the time between the two is going to increase dramatically.


Even with a stun, there is no guarantee that it would actually work as a sin/shadow could pop their immunities before going in to help insure that they could start applying pressure first. Now if the scan removed a stealther's ability to restealth for 15 seconds after leaving the scanning area, either because the merc/mando died or the stealther managed to get out of the scanning area, then they become a target because one of their greatest advantages, the ability to reenter stealth, has been removed for a short time.


Also, I'm trying to think out of the box a little here and stay away from the devs go to solution for everything which is adding more CC.

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dear god thankk you jesus!! ahaha im sorry for the wall of text that you used but when i type on here i just let my thoughts flow out of my brain, through my fingers and onto the keyboard. I appreciate the mention too =) heres a few things i wanted to say, ONe, stealth scan root/stun? there already is one for us its a talent point. I remember if we pop them they are stuned for x seconds.. maybe it was PT..... i dunno i am pretty sure though but i like the around the body idea, though i do like seeing someone poof and then anticipate where he will be and ddrop it there. OKAY i just saw the end and you mention it ahahahah we think alike! you forgot to mention ideas to fix shields. Did you see my idea? the one that SWG did and it totally worked well.. check my posts about fixing merc and all my ideas are there.


I didn't forget about shield. I had to cut it. Was too long.

Plus, I'd be happy with a 10% increase to ES dmg reduction, and maybe add a utility that lets us use it while stunned.

Honestly, if they just gave us the PT's HO speed boost, with an accuracy debuff on chaff flare, and improved KO heal. Then we'd be in a MUCH better spot than where we are.

I like that we are a kiting class. I don't want to be TOO tanky. Just give us something to help stave off being globalled (so easily)

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I agree that we definitely need a more powerful kolto shot. I've discussed with others in the forums about the length of time that it takes a dps merc/mando to heal themselves vs a dps sorc/sage. Increasing kolto shot's healing effect by 50% would bring them more in line with each other. Though I would still like them to remove the cd from Progressive Scan.


The difference between the two is about 6 seconds, low to mid teens on a sorc/sage vs high teens to low twenties for the merc/mando, which doesn't sound like much and I know that some will say it isn't but these are generally people that have never tried to heal themselves on a dps merc/mando. This is also in a static environment with no pressure, in a PvP match, regs or ranked, the time between the two is going to increase dramatically.


Even with a stun, there is no guarantee that it would actually work as a sin/shadow could pop their immunities before going in to help insure that they could start applying pressure first. Now if the scan removed a stealther's ability to restealth for 15 seconds after leaving the scanning area, either because the merc/mando died or the stealther managed to get out of the scanning area, then they become a target because one of their greatest advantages, the ability to reenter stealth, has been removed for a short time.


Also, I'm trying to think out of the box a little here and stay away from the devs go to solution for everything which is adding more CC.


how about a dmg debuff if they are popped then? For first 6 sec after being popped by stealth scan, they do -30% dmg.

It would help with the efforts to make our class not so easily global'd lol

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One question... *** was up with that cat in the beginning?


Seriously though well done, i applaud the effort. Those who give us the visibility will always have my support even if i dont fully agree with all the points.. though in this case i do.

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One question... *** was up with that cat in the beginning?


Seriously though well done, i applaud the effort. Those who give us the visibility will always have my support even if i dont fully agree with all the points.. though in this case i do.


haha - that was actually a still image I moved a bit frame by frame to make it look like it was peekin' up XD


am glad you liked it. Am 3 new videos tonight. Different games, and a vlog. I'll be doing a star wars video, at least one, once a week.

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Awesome video.

Too bad devs won't react to it anyway, but thanks a lot for the effort. Waiting for the next spotlight.


That'll be the guardian.

Already compiling footage for it.


If anyone is on the bastion, just give a me a holler if ya see me.


OH and there are new videos all the time. I bring you gameplay vids, reviews, and I've other things planned in the future. Next week I'll be starting a couple big projects. So be sure to subscribe if you like what all I'm doing



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