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Another 2 cents on helping IO mercs in pvp YOLO


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I'll throw some more ideas on top of all the other good ones. This comes from my own personal experience of 10/14 slots of Dark Reaver and many matches under my belt. This is to help us become viable in Solo Ranked and has nothing to do with how it parses on a dummy.




Not much to change here, to be honest. Assuming Force Storm gets a nerf our DPS is par with all other ranged classes in 8v8. In 4x4; we need a slight change. The biggest problem is that the ramp up time to get your dots going is just too slow and we don't have time to cast 2 dots and then spread them with two other abilities. In that same time span; it is possible that a PT will have already killed someone.


So, in my opinion either Fusion Missle or Explosive Dart needs to go and the remaining ability spreads both dots. This also helps with the ability bloat. My vote would be to eliminate Fusion Missle because it's another cast ability that takes too much time. Explosive dart would then get additional dot damage to use for supercharged gas. The next step would be to extend Explosive Dart's explosion range because it currently is just too small of an AOE (not saying it has to be as big as Death Field but it should be much closer to that). This would also be a good time to give ED a new explosive graphic affect :cool:


This would allow us to spread our dots at the same rate as other classes; so we can move back towards single target damage.




With electro net and hydraulic overdrives we have excellent kiting ability. The problem; as everyone knows, is that we don't have disappearing act, vanish, focused defense, shroud, etc. that we can use when focused.


I think most other ideas that have been suggested are very good; especially the idea of being able to use kolto overload anytime below 70% and having damage reduction while in use would be a big help. Activating while stunned goes without saying.




My only 2 cents here is that energy rebounder should be a native talent in the discipline; not a utility.



All in all, I believe these are very minor changes that would help our viability greatly without becoming OP

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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