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Team Composition / Spec Balance Suggestions


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To whom it may concern:


This may be an old topic, as I am not only new to the forums, but also especially new to the PVP discussion. That said, ever since the release of 3.0 and 3.1, I have noticed a distinct imbalance in the PVP team composition as a result of "class balancing."


I'll name my bias- a lot of my warzoning experience over the last two months has come from facing down teams of the Guardians on Jung Ma running teams comprised of 1 or 2 healers (usually sages), 3 DPS/off-healers (usually sages or scoundrels, with the occasional commando to mix it up), 2 pure DPS (usually Vanguards or Vigilance Guardians) and a Pure Tank (Usually Guardian or Vanguard). While I am not complaining about these tactics, as frustrating as they are, they make for a decided imbalance in PVP when one team's spec composition makes it impossible for the other team to overcome them with tactical superiority. A total of 5 healers per team makes for nearly impossible odds, even with the current amount of focused DPS that's possible on a perfectly balanced 8-man ops team.

What would it take to institute a PVP queue for normals that would be similar to the queue in solo or team ranked? Teams could only queue against other teams? Solo-queuing players would be matched up against similarly spec'd players? Would this be viable? Would this be a drastic, break-everything change to PVP in SWTOR? These are questions I'd like to field, and discuss.

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What would it take to institute a PVP queue for normals that would be similar to the queue in solo or team ranked? Teams could only queue against other teams? Solo-queuing players would be matched up against similarly spec'd players? Would this be viable? Would this be a drastic, break-everything change to PVP in SWTOR? These are questions I'd like to field, and discuss.

I think that a lot of people would like this (those that complain about "pre-mades"). I think the reason why this hasn't happened is due to fear of queue times. Whether or not that is a legitimate argument against a regular solo queue and team queue, I have no idea. I think that there are a lot of things that could be done to improve pvp in this game, but it's in a real "status quo" funk in which few resources and little effort is going to be put into pvp development.


EDIT: Here is just one example of a similar thread currently on the front page of these forums: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=797240

Edited by teclado
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you are beating a dead horse..




it looks like you've created a slightly veiled version of the "premades vs. pugs" debate. asking for a soloQ in regs is a bad idea, given the state of the game and player populations. I have significant experience on JM and JC. your suggestion for JM would cripple the queues. pops on JC are almost instant, so I suspect that the larger servers (like JC) could absorb yet-another-queue, but it would literally cripple the queues on JM you'd be shooting yourself in the proverbial foot.


I do support role matching regs, and that would also increase queue times. I happen to think it's a far more worth goal than separating premades from pugs. you can only premade in grps of 4, and your scenario seemed to describe grps of 8. that's just random (outside of Q-synchers) that the other team ended up with a beastly 8m comp. it's frustrating sometimes. I know. but I don't think there's anything to be done. BW doesn't seem willing to able to do the only thing that I can think to fix these issues; x-server an x-faction (for solos). with cross-x technology, you can afford to build teams according to role without putting a huge dent in queue times.


allowing player to sit in multiple queues is a more realistic option. I know they have the ability to at least allow us to do that bc they did so in the past. I'm not sure why we cannot do that now.

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