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can someone list all the where to get elite commendation?


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iam pretty at loss here, after 3.0 patch iam getting a hard time trying to get elite commendation, anyone can help me out?


all i know is:

- Daily group finder (26)

- weekly on yafin 4 (4?)

- weekly killing revan (4)

- weekly on oricon (4?)

- weekly tactical flashpoint (10)

- weekly galactic conflicts (10)

- weekly searching for allies (6)


aaand yeah thats all i remember, did miss anything else?

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iam pretty at loss here, after 3.0 patch iam getting a hard time trying to get elite commendation, anyone can help me out?


all i know is:

- Daily group finder (26)

- weekly on yafin 4 (4?)

- weekly killing revan (4)

- weekly on oricon (4?)

- weekly tactical flashpoint (10)

- weekly galactic conflicts (10)

- weekly searching for allies (6)


aaand yeah thats all i remember, did miss anything else?


Does the Weekly Tactical give out 10 elites? That number seems high to me. I thought it was more like 4...

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So all the elite things i know of at the moment.

Oricon Weekly (12 elites)

CZ-198 Weekly (12 elites)

Daily Hard Mode FP, lvl 60 (16 elites)

Daily Hard Mode FP, Level 55 (10 Elites)

Weekly Tac Point set (10 Elites, 4 Ultimates)

Weekly Galactic thing... can't remember the name XD or the award, its below 10 but above 5 iirc

Yavin-4 Weekly (4 Elites)

Revan Kill Weekly (4 Elites)

Yavin Walker World Boss Weekly (4 elites + 10 elites if you get the kill... not worth the bloody effort imo -_-)

Weekly Hard Mode FP 60 set (again can't remember the reward, 10-20 or something i think and 10 Ultimates)

If you haven't done the Dread Ops missions yet, there's 20 elites and 12 ultimates for each mission. Can also pug level 55 16m SM ops for elites or level 60 8m ops for elites.

edit: oh and the weekly level 60 ops missions, 20 elites and 10 ultimates for completing ravagers and ToS

Edited by EchoDrake
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i never did bounty hunts so i never knew that lol


so basically elite is mostly from weekly? (only saw 2 daily here)


Wtih the exception of the two flashpoint daily randoms then yeah everything is weekly. I've posted my list of what i know to get them along with a total of what it adds up to. I have omitted the elites per boss kill in 60hm flashpoint since i forget how many it is, so there are extra elites there not accounted for.


I think it is 2 per boss for the 60hm fp but i am not sure, but either way if you are struggling to get comms just doing the daily random run of both hm flashpoints with the hm flashpoint weekly, with the boss comms in the 60hm fp's will cap you.


Thats how i did it to get everything i could to 192 then started doing ops for the set pieces, relics and mainhand.


Searching for allies Weekly: 6 Elite

Tactical Flashpoints Weekly: 10Elite 4Ult - Note only Blood Hunt + Battle of RIshi Tact count towards this one

Level 50 HM Flashpoint: 10 for daily fp (70 per week if done every day)

Hard Mode Flashpoint: 16 for daily fp (112 per week if done every day) plus comms from bosses

Hard Mode Flashpoint weekly: 10Elite 4Ult

Ravagers Weekly: 20 Elite 10ult

Temple of Sacrifice Weekly: 20 Elite 10ult

Both raids 8man: 4 elite per boss (20per raid) for 40 total (if i remember right)

Cz198, Oricon & Makeb Weeklies: 12 elite per weekly

Yavin4 Weekly: 4 elite

Yavin4 The enemy within: 4 elite

Yavin4 Walking on hallowed Grounds: 14 elite (4 from quest, 10 from walker kill)


Total comms from this list: 346 Elite (not counting the 60 hm flashpoint boss loot comms)


Not sure about the 16m raid comm drops per boss i have only done 8sm due to the fact 16sm loot was same as 8sm up until the recent patch. If 16sm drops more elites then that will make the total higher, not that it matters since that list is well over the cap lol.

Edited by Rusah
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