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PvP Ranked Suggestions?


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Only second forum post, forgive me if this has been brought up/formatting is off, or whether this would belong more in the PVP section. I have two suggestions for this aspect of the game:


When queueing for a Warzone, and upon entering it, let's say without an expertise crystal, the game will mention to you something along the lines of, "These items are not at their full expertise", and then list the main hand and offhand as being below their full rating. This helped immensely in unranked when I bought my weapon, and reminded me to put in the proper crystals.


The suggestion:I would think it would benefit the majority of those engaging in Ranked PVP, if those wishing to participate were barred if their expertise were not at full. E.G, the 'Queue" button would be greyed out, and hovering over it would display a tool tip of, "You do not meet the required expertise to participate in Ranked Warzones", or, "Please purchase more PVP gear from your vendor before queueing for Ranked". I've seen, and been in, more than a few matches thrown because someone has come in with 1200 Expertise, and it hurts those around them.


In addition, in unranked games, I'm sure many players have seen the message, "The Warzone will end in 30 seconds", due to inadequate members on one team. I am curious as to why this does not apply to ranked, as I've seen as well, some matches lost before they've started, due to a lack of members.


The suggestion: If a Ranked game has not started yet, and one team does not meet the full 4 player requirement solely due to someone not taking the queue pop, the game is put on hold for a predetermined amount of time, to allow the team to become full while a proper replacement is sought through those currently in queue. Should no players join, both teams draw, not affecting the rankings of those participating, and ending the game.


The above suggestion, however, should not apply to those games where a participant quits out mid session. While unfair to the team just losing a member, the exploitation would be hard hitting, preventing any ratings to be granted to any players, either positively or negatively.

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