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Decided to put an end to the ranked misery


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Ok, now it's official - my sub runs out tomorrow and I won't renew until BW fixes DPS commando for ranked. Sorta tired of getting totalled in solo ranked ...


Anyone joining ?


No idea how long is left on my sub. Not long I would imagine. Class stories done aside from one (can't be bothered with it), new games sat in the wings. Once it's up it is over for me and SWTOR.


So you're not the only one who has got fed up with a terrible combat team who have let the classes go into season 4 in such a terrible place as they are, while refusing to actually improve some classes like ours that are severely lacking in some areas or toning down other classes to make the game fun for PvP.

I'm sure they're good at their jobs, however after 2 years I've given up waiting for them to prove it.

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Was an Arsenal Merc from day 1 and one of the first Battlemasters on my server...


I will always post under this handle and will be a "Merc for life" at heart, but the best thing to do (if you love PvP) is to just move on.


It hasn't changed from launch, and it isn't changing anytime soon. I love this game and always find myself coming back to play, but just move on from the PvP Arsenal Merc... It'll probably never be viable.

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It's great in TEAM ranked. Arsenal that is. As a merc, Gunnery commando.

Going the dot spec is pointless {don't recall new names} - the dmg is soooo weak.


Problem with this class imo, isn't dps. We do GREAT single target DPS. 15-16k heartseekers sometimes, averaging on the 12-13k end. No, the problem is lack of survivability. We have no escapes, our dcds are a joke. It's ridiculous.


BUT I want to know. Am curious. What do you guys think they should change, specifically, about the class to make it better. To make you enjoy playing it again?

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don't forget to give away your stuff.

also i think the merc/mando community is missing only a purge or a skill negating completely focus fire, like shroud/resilience, dodge or force barrier..


We need SOMETHING. Something different, but just as effective. It's not out of the question to completely retool the class. That's how bad it is in PvP.

At least, in ranked.


I want it to be said though, most the time I can beat a sorc 1v1 on my merc. Just gotta time your chaff flare.

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It's great in TEAM ranked. Arsenal that is. As a merc, Gunnery commando.

Going the dot spec is pointless {don't recall new names} - the dmg is soooo weak.


Problem with this class imo, isn't dps. We do GREAT single target DPS. 15-16k heartseekers sometimes, averaging on the 12-13k end. No, the problem is lack of survivability. We have no escapes, our dcds are a joke. It's ridiculous.


BUT I want to know. Am curious. What do you guys think they should change, specifically, about the class to make it better. To make you enjoy playing it again?



here is my list that would give us greatly enhanced survivability without adding 1 pt of dps:


-increase effectiveness of Energy Shield to be on par with Inquisitor Static Barrier in terms both of cooldown and effectiveness.


-change Kolto Overload to the equivalent of Juggs Enraged Defense, or at least let us use it at 70% as they can.


-some kind of immunity to gap closers like snipers have, perhaps for 3-5 seconds after JetBoost to give it a root or leap/pull immunity as other classes knockbacks have.


-remove the cooldown on our base heals heal since Sorcs dont have one.


-change Stealth Scan to work from the Merc with an 8M range that moves with the Merc and last for 30 seconds or more, perhaps with a baseline root if discovered. Also it should not be obviously visible to the stealthers. (credit for this one goes to DariusCalera. but i stole it for this list)


-one more that occurred to me... let Chaff flare have a blind/stun like the sorcs bubble as well as absorbing the next attack..


-give us some kind of "oh crap" ability either an escape such as a reverse "Jet Charge" with the above leap/pull immunity or something to make the dps focusing us to at least think about target swapping as every other class has.


All but the last could be done without adding anything to the game... and would not affect us in PvE at all.

Edited by Floplag
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here is my list that would give us greatly enhanced survivability without adding 1 pt of dps:


-increase effectiveness of Energy Shield to be on par with Inquisitor Static Barrier in terms both of cooldown and effectiveness.


-change Kolto Overload to the equivalent of Juggs Enraged Defense, or at least let us use it at 70% as they can.


-some kind of immunity to gap closers like snipers have, perhaps for 3-5 seconds after JetBoost to give it a root or leap/pull immunity as other classes knockbacks have.


-remove the cooldown on our base heals heal since Sorcs dont have one.


-change Stealth Scan to work from the Merc with an 8M range that moves with the Merc and last for 30 seconds or more, perhaps with a baseline root if discovered. Also it should not be obviously visible to the stealthers. (credit for this one goes to DariusCalera. but i stole it for this list)


-one more that occurred to me... let Chaff flare have a blind/stun like the sorcs bubble as well as absorbing the next attack..


-give us some kind of "oh crap" ability either an escape such as a reverse "Jet Charge" with the above leap/pull immunity or something to make the dps focusing us to at least think about target swapping as every other class has.


All but the last could be done without adding anything to the game... and would not affect us in PvE at all.


I like those ideas. Let me add a few as well. Give HO speed boost like PT and make a utility point to make you immune to CC while it is active. Maybe increase the CD to 45 seconds.


With shields I like the SWG thing. Make it start out at 99% Dmg reduction every attack it drops in absorption and adds to damge so halfway down it gives a 50% damage reduction and a 50% damage boost. At the end it gives a 1% damage reduction but a 99% damage increase. That would be a dont touch button because no one would attack you while it is active fearing a HSM that normally would crit for 15K would now hit for 25K+.


I am also in favor of a disengage ability almost like a reverse OP roll but a 2 second root with immunity to push/pull and a 30 meter jetpack jump away. Would be awesome and iconic.

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I like those ideas. Let me add a few as well. Give HO speed boost like PT and make a utility point to make you immune to CC while it is active. Maybe increase the CD to 45 seconds.


With shields I like the SWG thing. Make it start out at 99% Dmg reduction every attack it drops in absorption and adds to damge so halfway down it gives a 50% damage reduction and a 50% damage boost. At the end it gives a 1% damage reduction but a 99% damage increase. That would be a dont touch button because no one would attack you while it is active fearing a HSM that normally would crit for 15K would now hit for 25K+.


I am also in favor of a disengage ability almost like a reverse OP roll but a 2 second root with immunity to push/pull and a 30 meter jetpack jump away. Would be awesome and iconic.


A very good point on the speed issue for HO, forgot about that one. Yes why is that unique to our PT brothers.

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I'd like have no cooldown on my main heal then give reactive shield < 30% HP make you immune to interrupt and movement impairing. Replace the combat shield utilty with an upgrade to Electro Net where you can have 2 EN's or maybe reduce the CD significantly .


Maybe the combat healer will be a bit OP by this, so there might be some other adjustments necessary to correct this.

Edited by quantez
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Some of those suggestions I could see working. Some not so much. The one that increases dmg. We don't need anymore dmg. We have pretty good burst as is.


I will voice the ones I think would make the class better today in the video I put up. This isn't a plug. Well, it is and it isn't. I want you mercs and mandos to watch it more than anyone. I've read a lot of these forum posts, I main the class as well. And I think I can do the class justice. Maybe with a different outlet than these forums that Bioware seems to ignore, we can get attention? dunno, but am gonna try.

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Some of those suggestions I could see working. Some not so much. The one that increases dmg. We don't need anymore dmg. We have pretty good burst as is.


I will voice the ones I think would make the class better today in the video I put up. This isn't a plug. Well, it is and it isn't. I want you mercs and mandos to watch it more than anyone. I've read a lot of these forum posts, I main the class as well. And I think I can do the class justice. Maybe with a different outlet than these forums that Bioware seems to ignore, we can get attention? dunno, but am gonna try.


i for one applaud all who make the effort to help the community as opposed to the endless run of "i get picked on in the real world so im a jerk in video games" crowd

youll get flamed for it im sure.. everyone that does these things does.. but just give the haters directions to hades and its all good, lol

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here is my list that would give us greatly enhanced survivability without adding 1 pt of dps:


-increase effectiveness of Energy Shield to be on par with Inquisitor Static Barrier in terms both of cooldown and effectiveness.


-change Kolto Overload to the equivalent of Juggs Enraged Defense, or at least let us use it at 70% as they can.


-some kind of immunity to gap closers like snipers have, perhaps for 3-5 seconds after JetBoost to give it a root or leap/pull immunity as other classes knockbacks have.


-remove the cooldown on our base heals heal since Sorcs dont have one.


-change Stealth Scan to work from the Merc with an 8M range that moves with the Merc and last for 30 seconds or more, perhaps with a baseline root if discovered. Also it should not be obviously visible to the stealthers. (credit for this one goes to DariusCalera. but i stole it for this list)


-one more that occurred to me... let Chaff flare have a blind/stun like the sorcs bubble as well as absorbing the next attack..


-give us some kind of "oh crap" ability either an escape such as a reverse "Jet Charge" with the above leap/pull immunity or something to make the dps focusing us to at least think about target swapping as every other class has.


All but the last could be done without adding anything to the game... and would not affect us in PvE at all.


I can agree to each of the points. But altogether? No. You're trying to mesh what innate bonuses that different classes have, and just straight up giving it to the Merc. That's never going to happen. Stop being unrealistic. Especially your first point. Energy Shield on the same CD as Static Barrier. Are you insane? 25% DR on essentially what is a 20-30 second CD? I'd rather not get nerfed tyvm. And for the record, Static Barrier absorbs around 7k dmg untalented, 8k talented. The only reason that Static Barrier seems effective is because it has a 25 second effective cooldown. All I really want them to add is a **** CD ala Force Barrier. That's it. As someone said earlier, that's all we need to be effective.

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I can agree to each of the points. But altogether? No. You're trying to mesh what innate bonuses that different classes have, and just straight up giving it to the Merc. That's never going to happen. Stop being unrealistic. Especially your first point. Energy Shield on the same CD as Static Barrier. Are you insane? 25% DR on essentially what is a 20-30 second CD? I'd rather not get nerfed tyvm. And for the record, Static Barrier absorbs around 7k dmg untalented, 8k talented. The only reason that Static Barrier seems effective is because it has a 25 second effective cooldown. All I really want them to add is a **** CD ala Force Barrier. That's it. As someone said earlier, that's all we need to be effective.


i wasnt suggesting or asking for ALL necessarily, just listing options that could be combined many ways.

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Some of those suggestions I could see working. Some not so much. The one that increases dmg. We don't need anymore dmg. We have pretty good burst as is.


I will voice the ones I think would make the class better today in the video I put up. This isn't a plug. Well, it is and it isn't. I want you mercs and mandos to watch it more than anyone. I've read a lot of these forum posts, I main the class as well. And I think I can do the class justice. Maybe with a different outlet than these forums that Bioware seems to ignore, we can get attention? dunno, but am gonna try.


The shield was not a damage buff as much as a trade off. It worked great in SWG, the more damage your shield absorbed the less it stopped and the more damage you did. Its a trade off. If people are going to try and burn through your Defenses then the repercussion is you do insane damage. But the real effect is that people switch off of you which is what we want, not to be CC'ed and globaled in the first 10-20 seconds of every round of ranked.

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My CAD 0.02:


Rocket Punch:


For Mercenary only, increase the cooldown to about 45 seconds, and give it a hard-stun component. (In other words, a Smuggler Dirty-Kick that screams "Hooo-yoo-chen!" What's not to like about that?)




Range to 35-40 metres, remove hard stun, make it a root that goes through resolve. Reduce cooldown and/or add heat-cost as appropriate.


Jet Boost:


The talented extra knockback distance should be class-native, and it should have a root.


The shield:


A joke in its current form. Either reduce the cooldown to something almost reasonable, or make it like the Sorc's Force-Barrier whilst increasing the cooldown to similar or same time.


Hydraulic Overrides:


4 seconds duration, 120-150% speed boost.


Kolto Overloads:


Useable from 70% health, same D/R component as the PTech version.




Bring back Rapid Scan and Kolto Missile as class-native, there was no bloody reason for them to utterly destroy our off-heals as badly as they did. Incompetent/clueless dev-team is incompetent/clueless, and quite probably even most of them have no idea why they do the things they do :/




Temporary stealth-and-purge/threat re-set (for PvE) like the Mara's Force-Camo. Something along the lines of this, maybe...


Or just a 25-30 metre jet-pack "blast-off" like the Slinger's dive-roll, only more crazy and bad-*** looking.




The swear-filter turns "G-dam" into "gosh darn" now...Can they stop treating us like children whilst they're at it, too?

Edited by midianlord
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My CAD 0.02:


Rocket Punch:


For Mercenary only, increase the cooldown to about 45 seconds, and give it a hard-stun component. (In other words, a Smuggler Dirty-Kick that screams "Hooo-yoo-chen!" What's not to like about that?)




Range to 35-40 metres, remove hard stun, make it a root that goes through resolve. Reduce cooldown and/or add heat-cost as appropriate.


Jet Boost:


The talented extra knockback distance should be class-native, and it should have a root.


The shield:


A joke in its current form. Either reduce the cooldown to something almost reasonable, or make it like the Sorc's Force-Barrier whilst increasing the cooldown to similar or same time.


Hydraulic Overrides:


4 seconds duration, 120-150% speed boost.


Kolto Overloads:


Useable from 70% health, same D/R component as the PTech version.




Bring back Rapid Scan and Kolto Missile as class-native, there was no bloody reason for them to utterly destroy our off-heals as badly as they did. Incompetent/clueless dev-team is incompetent/clueless, and quite probably even most of them have no idea why they do the things they do :/




Temporary stealth-and-purge/threat re-set (for PvE) like the Mara's Force-Camo. Something along the lines of this, maybe...


Or just a 25-30 metre jet-pack "blast-off" like the Slinger's dive-roll, only more crazy and bad-*** looking.




The swear-filter turns "G-dam" into "gosh darn" now...Can they stop treating us like children whilst they're at it, too?


The rocket punch shouldn't have a stun or root. Give it a knockdown. Would look cool for one, rocket punch then bam, on their ***.


Electrodart should stay the same. But maybe add a debuff to it as a tier one utility. Where it reduces dmg dealt by 25%


Jetboost with a root, yes. Agree.


Shield upped to 35% cooldown reduced to 1:30


Just give us the ability to spec into the PT's version of HO


Then Kolto overload should work similar to enraged defense and sorc's heal to full barrier.


we don't need the heals back, just better dcds. Give us less of an escape, more of a disengage. Like I said, the PT's HO. Maybe give us something that makes us stun immune for 6 secs that we could pop alongside HO

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The rocket punch shouldn't have a stun or root. Give it a knockdown. Would look cool for one, rocket punch then bam, on their ***.


Electrodart should stay the same. But maybe add a debuff to it as a tier one utility. Where it reduces dmg dealt by 25%


Jetboost with a root, yes. Agree.


Shield upped to 35% cooldown reduced to 1:30


Just give us the ability to spec into the PT's version of HO


Then Kolto overload should work similar to enraged defense and sorc's heal to full barrier.


we don't need the heals back, just better dcds. Give us less of an escape, more of a disengage. Like I said, the PT's HO. Maybe give us something that makes us stun immune for 6 secs that we could pop alongside HO


You see, I actually don't think we need a lot of these things. Mainly because it'll be dangerously close to bringing a heavy nerf bat down on us at some stage in the future.


What would be nice from all of the above?


Electro Dart


- Once Electro Dart wears of the enemy deals 20% less damage for 6 seconds.


Justified if you look at other classes CC options. Placed in Skillful tier for utilities instead of Gyroscopic Alignment Jets (which is pretty useless) as an option, so you still trade off if you want to use it.


Kolto Overload


Just give us the exact same option as PT has for this for it to activated while stunned and to purge stuns. A second CC break, placed in the Masterful tier for utilities instead of Pyro Shield (which is completely useless) as an option. Again it's a trade off if you want to use it.


And coming back to the SWG shield DR thing. Perhaps something slightly different? Such as activating Shield allowing us to channel a % of the damage we take back into our own attacks.


Kinetic Feedback


- Upon activating Energy Shield, 50% of damage taken is channelled in addition to your next attacks. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds.


So essentially it acts as a multiplier. You activate the shield while you're being globaled? That's fine, someone is going to get hurt and possibly taken down with you. It would act as that "!*?" button option. Reduce the CD of Energy Shield to 60 seconds, reduce the duration of Energy Shield to 6 seconds. So it literally is a temporary thing and only gives you 3 maybe 4 GCDs of boosted attacks.


Place it in the Heroic tier of utilities, again use it and trade off something else.

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I would at least like to start with:


-change Kolto Overload to the equivalent of Juggs Enraged Defense, or at least let us use it at 70% as they can.


I agree we also need a better dcd but I just want them to give us something. Kolto overload is useless these days at 30% with all of the burst in this game. If they want to keep it at 30% then it needs to be a flat heal to be of any real use.

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All we need is 1 immune to dmg, so why not give this immune to kolto overload it will heal you to 35% and gives you 99% dmg reduction for 6 seconds give it even that u cannot heal over 35% health during it, but at least you will be alive.


This is about all a Merc/Commando needs and they will be in pretty good shape....a single "oh crap" button on a reasonably long CD. If they get any other serious defensive abilities, they will need their damage toned down by 10-15% as their burst is already nearing "insane" and as heals they can take a pretty decent pounding for as long as their shield is up.


Just in case you are wondering, I have been playing Merc as healer and DPS. I also have a fully geared Shadow, Juggernaut and Sniper to provide a bit of perspective on the class.

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This is about all a Merc/Commando needs and they will be in pretty good shape....a single "oh crap" button on a reasonably long CD. If they get any other serious defensive abilities, they will need their damage toned down by 10-15% as their burst is already nearing "insane" and as heals they can take a pretty decent pounding for as long as their shield is up.


Just in case you are wondering, I have been playing Merc as healer and DPS. I also have a fully geared Shadow, Juggernaut and Sniper to provide a bit of perspective on the class.


Each one of those classes match or exceed the burst of a merc/mando and all have far better DCDs. So why should a merc's/mando's damage be nerfed if they received and "Oh Crap" button?

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This is about all a Merc/Commando needs and they will be in pretty good shape....a single "oh crap" button on a reasonably long CD. If they get any other serious defensive abilities, they will need their damage toned down by 10-15% as their burst is already nearing "insane" and as heals they can take a pretty decent pounding for as long as their shield is up.


Just in case you are wondering, I have been playing Merc as healer and DPS. I also have a fully geared Shadow, Juggernaut and Sniper to provide a bit of perspective on the class.


Greetings from the land of sentinels, marauders and apparitions...I truly agree you guys could use a buff like this, however in the event that you would receive it...you must lose your God given electro net In the process...can you make that trade?

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Greetings from the land of sentinels, marauders and apparitions...I truly agree you guys could use a buff like this, however in the event that you would receive it...you must lose your God given electro net In the process...can you make that trade?


Why? There is zero reason one has anything whatsoever to do with the other.

Did you get asked to give up your vanish to survive.. no, you got it buffed... yet you somehow think we should lose a key skill which is almost the only real pvp utility we have, in order to live for more than 5 seconds?


How about no

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I would tweak their existing abilities:


Emergency scan: their needs to be a higher crit chance for this skill for DPS and it needs its base healing to be upped quite a bit for cooldown it has.


Kolto overload: keep it at 30% but tie 30% damage reduction to it like pyro pts have and have a utility allowing it to be useable while stunned/cleanse the stun.


Energy shield: have stacking damage reduction per attacker. If one person is attacking Merc 25% dr. If two people are attacking it 45% dr. If 3 people are attacking it 60% dr. If 4+ people are attacking it 75% dr. Would be a good anti focus tool without making it op in a 1v1 situation. They would need to stun/mez the Merc and switch focus, but energy shield has a decent duration.


Maybe not all three, but I wouldn't mind all three.

Edited by Saikochoro
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