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ELO has cratered after one day ... what am I supposed to do now?


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Context: I only do solo ranked. My guild isn't into PvP, and I'm not leaving it because we're all friends. Group isn't an option. I play infil shadow, which is putting me at a disadvantage from the start, but I'm pretty good at it and class shouldn't be game-breaking, right?



So I decided to do some solo ranked to get the 10 match conqueror points. I should have probably quit after a few games when it became clear that imp PvP guilds were queing en masse and that reps were going to be weaker all night, but I thought I'd just bull through and get it done.


Now, three of the games were doomed from the start - two quitters and one guy in PVE gear. But I keep going.


The end result was 2 wins and eight defeats, and an ELO in the 900s. From what I can see that's it for me - no chance to raise that out of tier three. I'll never put together a streak of wins that will help me recover, especially playing for the weaker faction where losses are more common.


I can only conclude that there's no point in doing ranked, after one day. Is this right?

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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No, it is not.


Or, rather, if such is your attitude, then good riddense.


Do you know how all those "imp guilds queueing en masse" got good?

By quitting after ten matches?


By dying horrible deaths until they got good, and the nkilling everyone else horribly.


Do you want to know how I got good?

By going in, day in, day out, seeing what worked, what did not, and if that included rolling an imp toon, well, whats the big deal?


I would however recommend trying to at least befriend a few PvP guilds, even if you do not join them, for those times you queue solo.

It worked for me for a time.

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No, it is not.


Or, rather, if such is your attitude, then good riddense.


Do you know how all those "imp guilds queueing en masse" got good?

By quitting after ten matches?


By dying horrible deaths until they got good, and the nkilling everyone else horribly.


Do you want to know how I got good?

By going in, day in, day out, seeing what worked, what did not, and if that included rolling an imp toon, well, whats the big deal?


I would however recommend trying to at least befriend a few PvP guilds, even if you do not join them, for those times you queue solo.

It worked for me for a time.


I got carried my first 20 matches (wins), I was extremely lucky with my match ups and now I have a very high rating. I'm pretty sure i'm eligible for Tier 1 rewards now. I don't have to do any more PVP. Sucks to be someone who plays 100s of matches to try and raise their ELO from the 800s, sucks to be them who get matched up with bad teams. :rolleyes:


I tried on my other character, fully geared, after 20 matches I ended up with about 900 rating. There's no point in doing PVP on that character now because I don't want to waste time playing hundreds and hundreds of matches when theres absolutely no certainty my elo will rise

Edited by DartDaya
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I'll never put together a streak of wins that will help me recover


You wont need a streak, only endurance. If youre good youll win more than you loose, no streak needed.

You may take a look at season 3 cryyc. Playing as a sniper, probably the worst class season 3 for solo, he won slightly more than he lost and with over thousands games he managed tier 1. As a sniper. On tofn.


While it is very anoying to lose many of first ten games, it means really nothing. Do 300 games and first ten games mean nothing. If youre still tier 3 after 300 games, maybe consider its not badluck, you may be just bad.

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Though I am of the opinion that Ranked should be warzones, and not arenas. I do agree with the ranked people over not understanding this type of complaining. Ranked in this game is for all tense and purposes the playoffs/super bowl. So if you go solo you have to understand and be ready to get your arse handed to you, because you know you will be running up against players that do this on a regular basis. This means a couple things, first they are geared to boot, secondly they know their class, and thirdly they have a ts system set up for their team. My point is your guild does not need to be a pvp guild, and if you have lots of friends, it should not be too hard for you to find three that can do this with you over ts.


Ranked is met to be difficult, and why people try soloing it is beyond me. If I were to do rank, id make sure I had tier one done and augmented, and Ill also makes sure I had three other guys to do Ranked with on a regular basis.

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. If youre still tier 3 after 300 games, maybe consider its not badluck, you may be just bad.


You're right. Your elo really means nothing. I watched a few of cryycs streams, sometimes he got put with trolls, other times he got put against trolls. He just got lucky with his wins that's all.


Maybe consider that solo ranked is entirely based on luck?

Edited by DartDaya
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Im doing solo on your mirror class, deception sin, and I feel im doing alright. I havent had time to play much lately and yesterday when I do my internet screwed me over at the end of a match so I quit queueing (it never resolved itself) so I still only have 8 matches done and ive broke even on them, 4 wins 4 losses. Im gonna keep queueing all season long to see how I enjoy it. The rewards are nice and I enjoy being competitive but the main reason im doing this is cause its fresh and new and I want to see what its like. If I dont enjoy it, I wont play next season and instead ill just do regs or maybe even go back to pve, although I dont plan on that.
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You wont need a streak, only endurance. If youre good youll win more than you loose, no streak needed.

You may take a look at season 3 cryyc. Playing as a sniper, probably the worst class season 3 for solo, he won slightly more than he lost and with over thousands games he managed tier 1. As a sniper. On tofn.


While it is very anoying to lose many of first ten games, it means really nothing. Do 300 games and first ten games mean nothing. If youre still tier 3 after 300 games, maybe consider its not badluck, you may be just bad.


Many will not have time for thousands of matches tho...That real life thing; it kinda gets in the way.

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No, it is not.


Or, rather, if such is your attitude, then good riddense.


Do you know how all those "imp guilds queueing en masse" got good?

By quitting after ten matches?


By dying horrible deaths until they got good, and the nkilling everyone else horribly.


Do you want to know how I got good?

By going in, day in, day out, seeing what worked, what did not, and if that included rolling an imp toon, well, whats the big deal?


I would however recommend trying to at least befriend a few PvP guilds, even if you do not join them, for those times you queue solo.

It worked for me for a time.


O...M...G...get off your soap box dude....good riddance?

The fewer players like you this game has, the better off this game will be going forward.

Psssh, "if such is your attitude". :rolleyes:

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I can only conclude that there's no point in doing ranked, after one day. Is this right?


Well...yes and no. The good news is if you're a good player, you can spend the next 3 months queueing smarter and raise your ELO significantly. But you are at a massive disadvantage for sure. Your 1st 10 games are the most important so you need to be smart about them, and all following matches.


I have a "Rule of 2" (approriately named given this is star wars). That is if you lose 2 matches in a row, you stop for AT LEAST 1-2 hours. No ifs, ands or buts. If you lose one, win one, and then lose your 2nd...you can MAYBE keep going until you get a 3rd loss. But again that's it.


Gotta know when to hold em. Know when to fold em! :rak_03:

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Well...yes and no. The good news is if you're a good player, you can spend the next 3 months queueing smarter and raise your ELO significantly. But you are at a massive disadvantage for sure. Your 1st 10 games are the most important so you need to be smart about them, and all following matches.


I have a "Rule of 2" (approriately named given this is star wars). That is if you lose 2 matches in a row, you stop for AT LEAST 1-2 hours. No ifs, ands or buts. If you lose one, win one, and then lose your 2nd...you can MAYBE keep going until you get a 3rd loss. But again that's it.


Gotta know when to hold em. Know when to fold em! :rak_03:




Season 1 I grinded and grinded AND GRINDED to 1500+ rating. You have to put in the time when your first 10 matches don't go as well as you liked.


After season 1, I made a rule for myself much like soulcaster, 2 in a row and i'm done for a bit. Also depending upon your server, you have to take faction into consideration. I play on Harbinger so for the last 2 seasons I had to play Imp side more. Here is what I recommend for you to do:


1. Keep playing, but follow the "2 and i'm done" rule. Might as well practice.

2. Add all the amazing players and all the trolls to your friends list. Don't worry not that many pvp so it won't get full.

3. Don't be afraid to make an opposing faction mirror. I played on my main Jourrno all season 1, season 2 I had to make an imp toon because well I want rewards. You can look up Jourrno and see how I had a rough last 2 seasons, but Imp side was way easier to do. Won't reveal that name tho :)

4. If you see a troll queueing, just queue when he isn't in a match and hopefully you get a pop without him.

5. If you are having L2P issues, ask people who are the same class. MOST are okay with answering questions about gear and stuff, and you help their already girthy e-peen.


Ultimately, don't give up.

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Well, I went back in and guess what? four wins one loss - seems that the imp pvp guilds exhausted themselves the night before and it was just regular players playing.


I should say I'm no PvP noob and am running full Reaver gear (or whatever its called. I don't really pay attention to names, just stats) minus the relics and implants. I usually get in the top three of regular WZ, and am confident of my level of skill - not the best, but no-where near the worst. For example, today I soloed an imp dps sorc from a well-known PvP guild. Not bad for an infil shadow. Unfortunately, I turned round and the rest of my team were dead, but hey-ho (nuking the sorc had been the 'plan'.....)


So I have to say that those urging playing at the right time and against the right opponents are entirely right - no point queing when there's a horde of PvP guilders on the opposite team and you're relying on randoms (like myself). As a case in point, a couple of the matches featured a marauder so hopeless we were cheering him each time he appeared...... God bless that guy.


I think this illuminates the fundamental problem with the solo queue on servers (like mine - TOFN) where there's a wide and obvious faction imbalance in skill. It should clearly be judged on individual performance, not group results, and that the match-making algorithm is patchy at best. But this has been said before, I'm sure.


But, in conclusion, its clear that my ElO's got the shaft on day one ... so I'll play a few more to get into the 'he turned up' teir (think that's 15 matches, right?) and play no more. One would hope that there's a rethink of the solo queue's rewards system at some point of the future, because as it is it would seem to actively discourage players from playing past a certain point, which can come as early as day one - which all in all seems rather a waste after the time and effort that surely went into creating arenas in the first place.....

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Well...yes and no. The good news is if you're a good player, you can spend the next 3 months queueing smarter and raise your ELO significantly. But you are at a massive disadvantage for sure. Your 1st 10 games are the most important so you need to be smart about them, and all following matches.


I have a "Rule of 2" (approriately named given this is star wars). That is if you lose 2 matches in a row, you stop for AT LEAST 1-2 hours. No ifs, ands or buts. If you lose one, win one, and then lose your 2nd...you can MAYBE keep going until you get a 3rd loss. But again that's it.

I agree with this, but I also find it really sad. In order to get a better rating, you have to be smart about when you queue. That is indicative of a poor system design. The players with high ratings know this. They figure out when to queue and when NOT to queue.


In order for solo ratings to be more meaningful, we really need x-faction solo ranked queues. Everybody is in the same pool. Players are matched up more randomly, not along faction lines.


Ya'll are thinking to hard. Que up a bunch more matches before the end of the week, throw them on purpose so that Bioware thinks you are a wintrader, and then let them hit the reset button for you.


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