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Did the Sith Empire wipe out all live on some alien worlds?


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Now I'm aware that the Empire's started to recruit aliens following the Siege of Makeb, but I ask this for two reasons;


As an alien Inquisitor, you have the option to say "Some Imperial thought it would be fun to shoot my kind for sport."



There's a mission on Rishi available for Republic players which involves going after a "war criminal" named Raygus Mol, former Imperial soldier turned Revanite.



During the Sith Inquisitor mission on Rishi, Moff Pyron tells you that Darth Ravage wishes to enslave Alzar despite the Alien Initiations which started after the Siege of Makeb.


I can understand becoming a Sith after your clan/family has been enslaved, but if colonies have been wiped out for no reason I'd expect heavier opposition from united alien colonies.

Edited by Swedguy
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I doubt it, considering they employ a lot of slaves. They also seemed to have tried to turn several "alien" species against the Republic (i.e. Cathar).


Also, Ravage's Sphere is Diplomacy and Expansion. Ravage apparently goes for 200% expansion, 0% diplomacy.


I don't know how Ravage got that job, considering he's the most unamiable creature in the game.

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I doubt it, considering they employ a lot of slaves. They also seemed to have tried to turn several "alien" species against the Republic (i.e. Cathar).

^This :)

I'm starting to think the alien shooting the Inquisitor was refering to could have been a setup or something. Either that or said aliens opposed the Empire or something.

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That seems to be recurring, as far as the Dark Council is concerned. Its members are probably the unluckiest in entire galaxy.

Yeah. Kinda off-topic and kinda on topic. You know the quest on Coruscant with the Nautolan who asks you to find his mate? When you return, one of the options you have is telling him that she died in a freak trash compactor accident. Wouldn't it be hilarious if that was how Ravage got his position?

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Yeah. Kinda off-topic and kinda on topic. You know the quest on Coruscant with the Nautolan who asks you to find his mate? When you return, one of the options you have is telling him that she died in a freak trash compactor accident. Wouldn't it be hilarious if that was how Ravage got his position?


I don't think I ever got to say that to Nik on Coruscant. :eek:


Is it a line for Smugglers ONLY or something? DS choice perhaps?


If so, my Republic characters aren't evil enough apparently.

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As a result it feels kind of strange to have an alien Sith serve the Empire despite what they'd have done.


Yeah, it does seem a bit weird that alien races would want to become part of the Sith Empire after all the horrible things that have happened. Still the Empire looks to be improving with this new alien acceptance thing, I think this could create a better Imperial society for everybody within the Empire. However I think it's sad that the Empires is not actually turning a new leaf and becoming a more accepting society but accepting alien because they seriously need more allies if they are to stand a chance of winning the war.

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Yeah, it does seem a bit weird that alien races would want to become part of the Sith Empire after all the horrible things that have happened. Still the Empire looks to be improving with this new alien acceptance thing, I think this could create a better Imperial society for everybody within the Empire. However I think it's sad that the Empires is not actually turning a new leaf and becoming a more accepting society but accepting alien because they seriously need more allies if they are to stand a chance of winning the war.

It makes me wonder what would happen if word of Ravage's wish to enslave Alzar came out. I can see some form of rebellion from within the Empire happen.

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The enslaving of aliens could either win the war for the empire or be their ultimate downfall. I personally prefer option 2 as I am one of the few Republic players who is not just playing to be a good guy or is a spy for the empire! I know your names spys!


The empire is evil. Always has been, always will be. Since when is hiring aliens make you good? The republic has almost every species (exept rattacki, sith and chiss) allied with it and people hate 'em!


Also to answer the original question- the empire did wipe out some life. One planet is destroyed by Darth Angral in the jedi knight storyline and the emperor attempts to destroy belsavis, voss and correlia and then the galaxy! But the player thwarts his plans and destroys all the empire's hope for ever winning the war!

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Has the Empire abolished slavery?

That was my understanding following ROTHC.

One planet is destroyed by Darth Angral in the jedi knight storyline

I completely forgot about Uphrades. Then again it was a part of the Republic at first. I also did some research (and by that I mean browse Wookieepedia) and I found out Alzar was a Republic world during the events of SWTOR (I believe so at least. It says that Alzar became an official Republic world following the destruction of the Brotherhood of Darkness.)

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That was my understanding following ROTHC.


They never delved into that I believe.


Plus, one thing is to abolish slavery, while quite another is allowing aliens, outside the Sith Academy, to rise through the ranks -- such as Nadrin or Captain Hanthor. The Empire went for the latter, but it remains hush-hush on the former.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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They never delved into that I believe.


Plus, one thing is to abolish slavery, while quite another is allowing aliens, outside the Sith Academy, to rise through the ranks -- such as Nadrin or Captain Hanthor. The Empire went for the latter, but it remains hush-hush on the former.

Fair enough; they're pretending to have quit the whole enslaving deal. Going back to what I said earlier, the alien Sith Inquisitor has the ability to mention how someone went on a killing spree and randomly shoot a bunch of aliens; this is the only time I can think of a massacre happening to (potentially) non-Republic affiliated people.

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