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UI killing FPS: This should be priority #1 to fix


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So we need a lot of CPU power? Like 6k? Because some players have 4k+ CPUs and they have problems too. So we need a 5k or 6k+ CPUs just to run this game? I dont think so, because i oc-ed my cpu, my friend oc-ed his cpu too, and we dont get better performance at all. We all know the fact, every mmo mostly cpu dependant, then why i able to run other mmo-s with good settings on raids, dungeons pvp, but when it comes to swtor...


The problem is not on our side. Just look around on the internet, here, reddit etc. Some players have really bad *** machines, with i5/7, 8-12-32 gigs of rams, new generation gpus...and they have a really bad time running this game.


BTW: GW2 on World vs World = min fps : 34-38. Just the shadows on med, fxaa on, everything on max.

Edited by BeeRAether
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So we need a lot of CPU power? Like 6k? Because some players have 4k+ CPUs and they have problems too. So we need a 5k or 6k+ CPUs just to run this game? I dont think so, because i oc-ed my cpu, my friend oc-ed his cpu too, and we dont get better performance at all. We all know the fact, every mmo mostly cpu dependant, then why i able to run other mmo-s with good settings on raids, dungeons pvp, but when it comes to swtor...


The problem is not on our side. Just look around on the internet, here, reddit etc. Some players have really bad *** machines, with i5/7, 8-12-32 gigs of rams, new generation gpus...and they have a really bad time running this game.


BTW: GW2 on World vs World = min fps : 34-38. Just the shadows on med, fxaa on, everything on max.


I recently upgraded my system to an i7 6700k and GTX 980 TI. Didn't have much hope for this game. I was surprised to see that after the upgrade it does run better. BUT, the problem with the UI dragging down performance is still not fixed. I can actually play the game now but only because I upgraded and did some tweaking. If I turn shadows off I can actually PvP now and my minimum FPS in the middle of a Huttball melee is in the mid 50s. The only thing holding me back from a truly excellent experience with the game now is the damned UI. Again, this should be a top priority to fix. I should not lose 20+ FPS in combat because the UI is so shoddy. Get on it, Bioware!

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I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


Is there at least another update here? It's been 4 months since any acknowledgement of this problem.

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I don't know what people are expecting. Devs have clearly pushed aside all work on performance / game engine issues. They should have stopped developing content / cartel market items entirely and focus all 100% of their work force (except art department etc) on fixing the game. Clearly this is not going to happen.


In companies that have respect for their product, and realize that quality > quantity, that's what they do. Every couple of months you halt all feature production, take a week to bugfix, optimize, clean up code, or transition your code to a newer version of framework X if any of the stuff you used are deprecated or changed. Not sure how it's like in the gaming industry, but in other enterprise level high tech companies that's how it's done. At least where I'm from.

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09.21.2015 , 04:13 PM | #263

I just wanted to chime in here and mention that we're *always* looking at the performance of the game, including the UI. It's never something we push to the side.


One thing to keep in mind though when you turn off the UI with control+U you're not just turning off the UI, you're turning off any logic that has to deal with displaying it, so there will always be some frame gain by doing that.


We have some ideas we're looking into for UI performance improvements now; nothing definite yet. It is something we're always keeping in mind and looking at ways to improve it.


Cory Kolek | Lead Gameplay Engineer

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Last Activity: 10.17.2015 11:50 PM


Oh look, another bland post from another yellow poster that has since then long been inactive :D


On topic: Give it up, they are N E V E R gonna fix this mess of an engine :rolleyes:


They can't even if they wanted to spend multipe millions on it, they'd have to start from scratch again.


Well, start from scratch altogether, as they didn't even craft the engine themselves but bought it second hand before it was even complete from the Hero Engine team (which since then completed it, but they got dismissed when offering help to BioWare and can no longer help as they butchered the code to finish it for rushed release in 2011 :p )

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Well seeing now it has been over a year without any improvment or word , like many of us Said before , they cast away all of the graphic/engine issues. Well they cast away all of the end game pve and pvp as well.

Im guessing that it will Run it course until it doesnt bring money anymore

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the Hero Engine is old and tired...

They keep adding new stuff to it and it can not handle the load...period.


No way to change engines with out a total rebuild of the game.

SO, we get what we got and have to deal with it...

They can of course turned down all the pretty graphics to gain better FPS, but who wants that.


Try dropping down shadows and grass to rock bottom... helps some.

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