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Does 2x XP Stack?


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Yes it stacks, but only additive not multiplicative.



2x XP and 25% CM boost is 2.25x XP, not 2.5x XP.


It does get a lot more complicated when you add in guild XP, legacy XP, rested XP and subscriber XP, so I won't go over those, but they all increase your XP, just not as much as you'd think.

Edited by Jerba
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Yes it stacks, but only additive not multiplicative.



2x XP and 25% CM boost is 2.25x XP, not 2.5x XP.


It does get a lot more complicated when you add in guild XP, legacy XP, rested XP and subscriber XP, so I won't go over those, but they all increase your XP, just not as much as you'd think.


If I understand this right, they do stack multiplicative....


Thanks for the segue! Let me blow your minds :rak_03:


My understanding of the system is that all of our boosts will multiply from the new base of 200%, so now is the perfect time to get those Legacy perks and XP boosts. I will show you why.


200% base experience

+25% Flashpoint Boost

+30% Flashpoint Legacy perk


Since both of the boosts are being applied to double base XP, they are also doubled. Do you know what that means?!


+310% bonus experience! That is over triple the experience. Enjoying your leveling my friends!


TLDR, yes they stack and for the math nerds it is multiplicative on top of the new base of 200% (assuming I understood it all correctly)



Edited by wainot-keel
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They stack multiplicative, not additive.

No, you need to be careful. Multiplicative would be like this:

200% * 125% * 125% * 130% * 110% = 4.46x XP

(Subscriber + CM boost + Legacy + Guild bonus)


But actually, the formula goes like this:

2 * (100% + 25% + 25% + 30% + 10%) = 3.8x XP


In the end, every XP bonus will increase the XP, so one should definitely get as many as possible. :)


If I understand this right, they do stack multiplicative....

Sorry, but Musco is the last person I'd trust with my finances, they can't even get their maintenance times correct. When Double XP first came out, we did some tests, and the formula works like I wrote in this post. If you only take CM + Legacy bonus, you'll land at 310% XP with that formula, the same number that Musco quotes.

But you're right, my first post was wrong. Just the CM boost will give you 2.5x XP, not 2.25x XP.

Edited by Jerba
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