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s4 sol ranked...bring the pain


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i had similar results though there was a series of 2-3 matches that were exceptions to the rule that were a lot of fun even though i came out losing a couple of them.

What was the difference... no stealth classes. Hard to believe i know but i actually had 2-3 matches in a row without the fotm element and they were incredibly fun, well fought, and for me what reminded me how much fun it could be instead of the double Sin burst me to death before i even see them drivel that most of it has been of late.

Seems like every game has its steath classes, and often some of them have hard burst but are typically weak in the sustained department and have no ranged abilities.

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to continue...

2 wins 2 losses tonight.....work early so no time for more.

2 wins, used the kite and live as long as possible method...teammates pulled out the wins ( 1 team w/ double h. sin and a lightning sorc the other team h. sin/ veng. jugg/ lightning sorc. the jugg and sorc actually peeled. thanks for the carry.)

the 2 losses, well...business as usual.

Did not survive a single round in any of the matches. gg.

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I went 1-9 yesterday. Every match there was a minimum of 2 sins/shadows. One match was 3 sins and an OP. My only saving grace is that I can share the love that Bio Ware gives Mercs with all my solo ranked friends. If my ranking is going to be bad by design then I will take as many down with me.


Most matches went like this. Sin attacks and stuns, take a couple of hits and come out of stun get stunned immediately again, use stun beak pop DC's and die. Every match 2 sins focusing on killing you. I hear people say you need to kite, but if the sins are cloaked how do you kite something you cant see?


Oh well going to continue to spread Bio Wars love to all my ranked friends.

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how do you kite something you cant see?


You can't. Even if you spec into Infrared Sensors you still can't see them in time to actually do anything about it. As always just spam Sweeping Blasters / Stealth Scan and hope you get lucky. If not, then we all know the outcome, you do no dps and just die.


Sometimes I literally just feel like standing there and not bothering even using CC break because I know my DCDs are useless.

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I went 1-9 yesterday. Every match there was a minimum of 2 sins/shadows. One match was 3 sins and an OP. My only saving grace is that I can share the love that Bio Ware gives Mercs with all my solo ranked friends. If my ranking is going to be bad by design then I will take as many down with me.


Most matches went like this. Sin attacks and stuns, take a couple of hits and come out of stun get stunned immediately again, use stun beak pop DC's and die. Every match 2 sins focusing on killing you. I hear people say you need to kite, but if the sins are cloaked how do you kite something you cant see?


Oh well going to continue to spread Bio Wars love to all my ranked friends.

Whats sad is you actually have people in the sin /shadow forum defending the class sayings its fine......
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Its bad when you have people who do not play merc/cpmmando telling you how to play. I read one guys post that went something like this. You need to have all or most ranked gear, all purple augs, then have a team with a tank guarding you and a healer dedicated to you, then you will see merc shine. To this guys credidt the one match I won I ad just that and I had about 1300 dps and 5 kills. But tell me another class that needs all that to be able to play it correctly? Also would not every other class dominate under those same circumstances? SO that is not a Merc remedy its an any body remedy.


Honestly, if I had kolto overload at 60% and HO makes you immune to all CC for the duration, maybe bump the cd to 45 seconds I would be fine, but HO is a useless ability because the moment I active it I am stunned. Also if resolved worked more than about 15% of the time it would help as well.

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You can't. Even if you spec into Infrared Sensors you still can't see them in time to actually do anything about it. As always just spam Sweeping Blasters / Stealth Scan and hope you get lucky. If not, then we all know the outcome, you do no dps and just die.


Sometimes I literally just feel like standing there and not bothering even using CC break because I know my DCDs are useless.


I hear you. I cannot count how many times I have died and could do nothing but watch due to being stun locked and globaled.

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I have barely gotten my toes wet at this point in ranked. I haven't even done 10 matches yet.


My take on the matches ...


If I have at least one team mate that can guard and taunt I got a chance. But otherwise I'm toast within the first 10 secs.


Having a healer just doesn't seem to help. When you go into a match as a commando, you go in with a giant bullseye on your head. The only time I haven't been the primary focus is when there is either another commando (rare), a healer, or a tank and the opposing team decides to focus on them instead.


The class has a crap load of utilities but they don't do a bit of good when you get stun killed. Once stunned you literally have to eat the stun and all the damage. Otherwise if you use your cc break on the first one, you are restuned and your dead anyway. Having guard all but ensures that you can survive the initial focus, and will have high resolve so you can be left alone long enough to heal up and dish out some pain. But even then you use ever heal you have and hope you are at least back up to 50%.


And that in a nutshell is the problem with the commando / mercs. They have no way to force a focus break and live long enough to actually earn a medal much less assist their team mates.

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Right now I'm sitting at 25/22 win/loss ration. I will fully admit that in a good portion of those matches I was carried and usually the first one, on either team, that died. My general plan is to live just long enough to throw out some hurt so that my team mates can capitalize on any damage I've done and the fact that I'm being focused first.


If I'm able to live past the first 10-15 seconds of actual engagement, then there is a decent chance that I will be able to start kiting and get a rotation going.


The biggest things that might, and this is a big might, have allowed me to be more beneficial to my team are a stronger KO with a percentage above 35%, preferably around 50%, and removing the cool down from Progressive Scan. Nothing like seeing classes with no access to off heals actually healing themselves up more reliably than you can.


Another change that I would like to see is the way stealth scan operates. Instead of being a visual and place able scan that 99.99% of the time is going to be avoided, make it so that the ability is automatically centered on the merc/mando with an increased radius, 8-10 meters instead of 5, and actually moves with the toon. Have the ability be persistent for a set amount of time, 1 minute or so, and actually be useful.

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Right now I'm sitting at 25/22 win/loss ration. I will fully admit that in a good portion of those matches I was carried and usually the first one, on either team, that died. My general plan is to live just long enough to throw out some hurt so that my team mates can capitalize on any damage I've done and the fact that I'm being focused first.


If I'm able to live past the first 10-15 seconds of actual engagement, then there is a decent chance that I will be able to start kiting and get a rotation going.


The biggest things that might, and this is a big might, have allowed me to be more beneficial to my team are a stronger KO with a percentage above 35%, preferably around 50%, and removing the cool down from Progressive Scan. Nothing like seeing classes with no access to off heals actually healing themselves up more reliably than you can.


Another change that I would like to see is the way stealth scan operates. Instead of being a visual and place able scan that 99.99% of the time is going to be avoided, make it so that the ability is automatically centered on the merc/mando with an increased radius, 8-10 meters instead of 5, and actually moves with the toon. Have the ability be persistent for a set amount of time, 1 minute or so, and actually be useful.


The stealth scan Idea is a REALLY good one. I'm going to use that, and quote you in the video I'm doing to spotlight this class.

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...make it so that the ability is automatically centered on the merc/mando with an increased radius, 8-10 meters instead of 5, and actually moves with the toon. Have the ability be persistent for a set amount of time, 1 minute or so, and actually be useful.


I do not play Commandos, but this is a capital idea!

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Right now I'm sitting at 25/22 win/loss ration. I will fully admit that in a good portion of those matches I was carried and usually the first one, on either team, that died. My general plan is to live just long enough to throw out some hurt so that my team mates can capitalize on any damage I've done and the fact that I'm being focused first.


If I'm able to live past the first 10-15 seconds of actual engagement, then there is a decent chance that I will be able to start kiting and get a rotation going.


The biggest things that might, and this is a big might, have allowed me to be more beneficial to my team are a stronger KO with a percentage above 35%, preferably around 50%, and removing the cool down from Progressive Scan. Nothing like seeing classes with no access to off heals actually healing themselves up more reliably than you can.


Another change that I would like to see is the way stealth scan operates. Instead of being a visual and place able scan that 99.99% of the time is going to be avoided, make it so that the ability is automatically centered on the merc/mando with an increased radius, 8-10 meters instead of 5, and actually moves with the toon. Have the ability be persistent for a set amount of time, 1 minute or so, and actually be useful.


LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea on the Stealth Scan, might be one of the better suggestions to date really.


overall a great post, and agreed save for KO should be usable anytime, as the jugg equivalent can be, and be equally as powerful. we have light beer versions of other classes skills that far surpass ours.. simply adjusting a few of them to the levels others have would make a world of difference without making up overpowered.


I posted some time ago a list of options that i think would make us viable without being OP.. ill add yours to that list if you dont mind..

-increase effectiveness of Energy Shield to be on par with Inquisitor Static Barrier in terms both of cooldown and effectiveness.

-change Kolto Overload to the equivalent of Juggs Enraged Defense, or at least let us use it at 70% as they can.

-some kind of immunity to gap closers like snipers have, perhaps for 3-5 seconds after JetBoost to give it a root or leap/pull immunity.

-remove the cooldown on our base heals heal since Sorcs dont have one.

-change Stealth Scan to work from the Merc with an 8M range that moves with the Merc and last for 30 seconds or more, perhaps with a baseline root if discovered. Also it should not be visible to the stealthers as obviously as it is so they have to at least think about avoiding it or getting caught in it .

-give us some kind of "oh crap" ability either an escape such as a reverse "Jet Charge" with the above leap/pull immunity or something to make the dps focusing us to at least think about target swapping as every other class has.


None of these would make us OP, even all of them wouldnt, but would make us viable in any group.

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