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need help, as healer how you guys getting invite for raid? aside from guild that is.


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Hang in there :)


As for gearing, I found my optinal set up to be:

power/alacrity ear and implants

4 other pieces of gear with alacrity and 3 with surge, out of which 3 have crit, rest power.


If you are wearing different ear/implants, just make sure you get 7 pieces of alacrity gear, and mix in some crit with the power, dont just tunnel vision power, some crit has its place.


The reasoning behind that much alacrity is that it shaves off .2 seconds off underworld medicine, and you get faster gcd, dot ticks, channel and cooldowns.


You should never wear any accuracy gear as a healer.

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1. alacrity until i can shave like 0.2 seconds for my underworld machine

2. 70% more or less on crit multiplier (surge)

3. 25% more or less on crit chance

4. power, if all those 3 above is clear


how about cunning? shouldnt i put more into that? considering its our primary stat afterall?


i take it for augment i should go with a mixed between endurance+cunning and power?

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You will have less then 70% surge if you are to keep optimal alacrity levels. Mine is currently at 333 rating which puts me at 68.24% in a mix of mostly ressurected gear with a few bits of revinite.


Dont be afraid to get more then 25% crit. While I wouldnt go overboard, a couple % over will not hinder you.


Augments are a matter of taste, if picking between skill or power augs. Power augs give slighty more bonus healing, skill augs slighty more crit rating. My preference is with skill, since the crit you gain from your mainstat is not a subject to diminishing returns like the one you get from gear.

Edited by rheia
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I have 8% Alacrity, 30% Crit and 70% Surge on my Operative. Currently considering shaving off Crit to give some room for Surge and replacing the 10 Skill augments with Power, but this build has been tested on both SM and survived well.


Take off anything that has accuracy in it and replace with Crit/Surge/Alacrity.


A way to get invites is by building yourself a reputation as a good player. When running group content - be it Heroics, dailies, flashpoints etc - talk to people in your group. Get a conversation going, mention that you have never run TOS/Ravagers and would love to try them. Most people would just say "oh that's too bad", but if you are lucky you might find people willing to add you into their friend list and invite you for a run. That's how I find people to fill roles when not all members of progression team can be online. I'd rather run it with someone who hasn't done the ops but willing to learn and can pull their weight over random pugging.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds like you greeblings just need to learn the way. Unless you master The Grobble... you will always attach pass/fail to numbers. Meaning you failed before you started. The Grobble is infinite!


We rolled the new ops on HM with 3 operative healer and 1 sorc. This was last night... with my scrub operative in 186 and non augmented gear.


Rule #1; No one matches us for hots. No one. Slow medpack, Keep kolto on tank, always. If he takes burst, and he got hots on em, guess what? He gonna stay alive long enough for a Underworld medicine and emergency medpack. If he can't then guess whaT? He standing in stupid and deserved the death.


Rule #2; No one matches us for Aoe heals. No one. We keep our dps alive since mos t time as heals you gotta focus tank and your own health. This converts to MORE win cuz of not triggering enrage:)


Rule#3; Alot of operatives dont even use Diagnostics. Tell yah, I can run lethality spec and main heal tank WHILE dot dpsing down boss... thats as FULL DPS. Reminder; Diagnostics = ****** healing that REFILLS power. Work i into every rotation and your worries will be few.


Rule#4; If you aint rollin hard as a scoundrel/operative... it aint the class fault. The problem is a little closer to home. The mirror will reveal who!



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