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V3.1 postponed and Shadow Realms cancellation - What I have to say...


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I was looking forward to the Bounty Contract Week (BCW) to start today because of my week off from work it would have been nice to be able to play it this time without any problems like last one. Instead I don't see it available and find out that version 3.1 update, along with the BCW, are postponed two days and will commence on the 12th due to an emergency patch to resolve some bugs. I was also surprised to see the Gree event coming back later this month.


I was watching (on and off) the development of Shadow Realms. The game looked interesting and a cool idea for you to endeavor on. However I felt that the game wasn't that great. I also feel that you are thinning yourself out to much with all these new IP's your making and as a result loosing your fanbase over games you have established or need "polish".


Here is what I have to say,

I am happy to see that you are fixing an issue with the 3.1 update and delaying it to do so rather then releasing it and scrambling to fix it after.


I and other gamers are very tired of the "release it broken and fix it later" mentality that many developers have adopted or allowed themselves to adopt.


Seeing that your willing and able to postpone a patch to fix issues with it makes me happy to see that you care about the quality and content of this game and makes me less likely to feel that you just want to get your money back you put into it out if the subscribers and dump the game.


Also seeing that your canceling development of a game (regardless of what I think of it) to focus on Star Wars: The Old Republic makes me super happy to see because says to me that you want this game to succeed and want it to last!


Please continue to enrich SWTOR by keeping it cannon and allowing players to continue to enjoy the end game storyline via solo playability.


So I don't get flamed for this, solo play for end game story and end game raiding are two different things ;)


Thank you BioWare for SWTOR and thank you for continuing to developing this game into what it should be.

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I play for story and I don't give a damn if it's canon, in the Lucas-verse all Jedi are good and all Sith are evil, the Republic is good and the Empire is evil. Why the hell does anyone care if TOR is canon to such a black and white story? Bioware's writing is way better.
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Also seeing that your canceling development of a game (regardless of what I think of it) to focus on Star Wars: The Old Republic makes me super happy to see because says to me that you want this game to succeed and want it to last!



Please indulge me with a source for that? i don't mean the shadow realm cancellation, I eman all that team over to swtor :p


Edit: nvm, helped myself

Edited by Tachenko_Yuri
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They're not dedication more of the team to SWTOR, it's going to the new IPs they are creating and to the new Mass Effect game.


" But the biggest focus for our team in BioWare Austin will be on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As every Star Wars™ fan knows, this is a massive year in the Star Wars universe. We have some great plans for expanding this epic game this year, and look forward to sharing the news about those plans with our players in the coming weeks. "

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" But the biggest focus for our team in BioWare Austin will be on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As every Star Wars™ fan knows, this is a massive year in the Star Wars universe. We have some great plans for expanding this epic game this year, and look forward to sharing the news about those plans with our players in the coming weeks. "


That is a fluff comment from PR, it doesn't actually say anything...


If they had said, "our biggest focus will be on SWTOR, so we are moving the team and budget from Shadow Realms to SWTOR to increase the release schedule of content"...


THEN they would have said something...


The hope is strong in many of you, but you'll learn...

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That is a fluff comment from PR, it doesn't actually say anything...


If they had said, "our biggest focus will be on SWTOR, so we are moving the team and budget from Shadow Realms to SWTOR to increase the release schedule of content"...


THEN they would have said something...


The hope is strong in many of you, but you'll learn...


This people really need to learn to read PR-speak. What he really said there was "Shadow Realms cancelled, because developing new franchises is risky and we think this particular one won't make enough $$$. Also, buy our other stuff, now."

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