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3.0 Commando Healer Relics


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My Mando healer will very soon be ready for end game. I've been wondering which relics I should get, and have so far not found any clear cut answers from my internet search.


Any recommendations / which relics should I go for at lvl 58 (purple Ruusan version) and which are BIS (which should I strive for)


I was thinking

  • Ruusan Relic of Boundless Ages
  • Ruusan Relic of Serendipitous Assault (<-- unsure)
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Focused Retribution


SA + FR is the default setup and results in more overall healing..


Focused Retribution

Equip: Healing an ally or attacking has a 30% chance to increase primary stat by 835 for 6 seconds


Aaha - not a bad idea carrying one for special fights. Not considered that. As for FR I'd discarded using this for reasons I no longer remember. Will check it out, cheers

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FR and SA. Boundless Ages has been behind for a long time. Needing a BA is a symptom of something else, usually not understanding or executing your class's rotation for a burn phase.


Listen to Ordeken ;)


You may use adrenal for control burst.

Edited by Kantalahir
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FR and SA. Boundless Ages has been behind for a long time. Needing a BA is a symptom of something else, usually not understanding or executing your class's rotation for a burn phase.


While true, if there's a boss with easy healing apart from a few burn phases then BA is better. Whether you could do it with FR/SA combo or not is irrelevant if it's easier with BA.

That would be like saying min-maxing is not needed because you can do the ops-es with stock gear.

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if there's a boss with easy healing apart from a few burn phases then BA is better.


More often than not, no. For example, BA > SA or FR for a burn phase only if this burn phase is less than one minute. A majority of burn phases are 1 minute or longer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is ephemeral mending worth taking at all? It's a small heal, but one that stacks on top of something else you already did. Just wondering if it's a decent second relic once you have the mainstat lined up, or if you really want the power for the second. I mostly PVP, but I do PVE as well and it's never seemed terrible, but that's hardly theorycraft and number crunching.
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The problem with ephemeral mending is that you have no control on who get the extra healing, so it might in many cases just end up as over-healing.

The main stat and power proc relic are superior, because they will boost all your heals!

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The problem with ephemeral mending is that you have no control on who get the extra healing, so it might in many cases just end up as over-healing.

The main stat and power proc relic are superior, because they will boost all your heals!


Eh, makes sense. I'm saving up for the new relics now... not sure why I went with it before (heck I probably got that relic over a year ago), except for some argument about burst healing that made sense at the time from someone. Thanks for the help.

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Is ephemeral mending worth taking at all?


No. In every circumstance in which gear matters, an SA or FR relic is expected to outperform it. If your HPS is, for example, 4k, SA or FR outperforms Ephemeral Mending by ~70%. BioWare would need to almost double the amount of Ephemeral Mending's proc to make it a reasonable choice.

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