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Healing set bonus


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Can we get a time table or even an acknowledgement that you know the set bonus isnt working properly? The superchared cell/gas set bonus that is supposed to grant an extra 5 seconds of it isnt wrking... When is this going to be addressed? I am currently healing the majority of the time in pvp and sucks i dont get the full use of my set bonuses
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Well knowing bioware we have about 2-3 months before it gets fixed. In the mean time you can use it by removing 4 pieces of gear on your right side and then re-equipping them anytime you zone into a new location (like a warzone or arena). For some reason if you remove enough gear so that you don't have the 4 piece and the put them back on it works. But as soon as you load into a new zone it disappears. Fun stuff.


This, ontop of the fact that the 6 piece set-bonus is a joke and that there are some tooltip bugs makes me wonder if they forgot to feed the interns that they use to code their game.


INB4 someone yells at me that coding isn't that simple and I'm a moron.

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the unequip and reequip trick doesn't work for me. I've taken off the 4 pcs' from the right side, zone to the fleet from my SH, reequipped the 4 pcs' and still am only getting 10s instead of 15. going back to my SH in the same fashion yields the same results for me.
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