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Trooper Story


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So do Troopers ever fight the Sith Empire or do I just run around tracking down ex Havoc members until Rise of the Hutt Cartel and Revan? I thought this would be all about being a Trooper. This feels more like Imperial Agent without the stealth business and charm.
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You finish up the business with Havoc Squad at the end of Act I. Acts II and III will see you finally having some proper action against the Empire (deliberately being vague to avoid spoilers).


Yea - you get plenty of action against the empire as the storyline progresses. Trooper is one of my favorite classes, and out of my two main toons, Vanguard (currently DPS spec, but I have gear for tanking if I care to swap), and on the Imp side my Merc DPS/Heals.


I think you'll enjoy the story as it progresses and as you add troops to your unit.

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