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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

I cry.


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Whatever you say pal. Keep thinking you're the one who's performing well and not the spec.


As a sage/sorc player (along with Op), I say +1 to what Hei said. When you have tried all classes you can see which one has advantages over others. Sorc is somewhat balanced (but do requires a bit of tweaking down such as DPS offheals completly overshadowing Ops and Merc DPS off-heals like it's nothing and having one of the best AoE in the game that requires no setting up time (like FlameThrower for pyro PT which does even less damage fully buffed up than FS) nor has any CD: Force Storm.

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It can be interrupted and forced to CD for 8s.


Nope. There is a bug with Force Storm that prevents it from being interupted. And don' t tell me they have polarity shift on, because i've LOOKED at their buff bar and saw no polarity shift when i interupted. BW still hasn't fixed this bug because BW holds a space close to their heart for Sorc. Pretty sad

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Someone is a little butthurt over not being able to get outta green circles.


The funny thing is that I've yet to come across a lightning sorc I can't solo kill on my sin, and the even funnier part is that lightning has zero excuse to be losing to deception. Go figure. I guess FOTM rerolling tends to hinder ones abilities.

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Then you should probably hop off the "nerf sorcs" bandwagon then huh? Since you're proving it's not difficult to beat them, and also proving that it does have to do with player skill and not the class. Edited by Ardusnyc
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I for one never spam force storm unless trying to keep people from capping a node cuz most people are smart enough to move out of it and/or come after you. High damage may win you achievements and medals but it doesn't always win matches.

This ^. I do use it to trigger a quick CL Procs on a group of two or more near death or to scatter group tightly packed together. I don't understand why some just spam Storm over and over again, as well equally those who just sit in AoEs willy nilly.

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