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The Clone Wars or Rebels


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And the Inquistor doesn't have that same potential? He's still just starting out as a character, just like a lot of characters who in their first appearance, didn't appear as much and then evolved.
I find it unlikely, the Inquisitor already appears in his prime age wise, and I'm not sure I can see this story taking place over years or decades.
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I find it unlikely, the Inquisitor already appears in his prime age wise, and I'm not sure I can see this story taking place over years or decades.


He could still improve, it wouldn't have to take place decades or years. Although the series does take place 5 years before ANH, so there is some room there, that there could be a possible timeskip.


Beni, you just seem to be throwing this character away is all which isn't exactly fair, because he hasn't been in many episodes compared to the TCW characters.


Also whose to say the Inquistor won't appear in other EU material?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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She would be able to decisively handle the Inquisitor. He can put up a fight, but in the end there is no doubt she'd stomp him.


He's just like the Inquisitors from the EU. He has just enough skill and training to do his job with the full resources of the Empire backing him up.


Just had to address this. The Inquisitors in the EU were NOT push overs as it seems to be thought here. Granted, they had very little screen time...


While Inquisitors are in general not as strong as Darth Vader, that does NOT mean that they are weak. Their entire purpose, their entire reason for being, is to hunt and kill Jedi. Think of Ventress, Grievous, Savage, magnaguards, and even the cortosis battle droids as proto-types if you will. Each had their merits, but in the end they went forward with Inquisitors, which blended elements from these others together for a more reliable result.


Each Inquisitor is individually powerful by themselves,


"Potential Inquisitors were put through a rigorous selection process. First, they were extensively tested and examined by Imperial Intelligence, then by the Grand Inquisitor, then by Palpatine himself. Applicants had to prove themselves powerful and reliable."


Sure, its from the wiki, but not really a debate worth tracking down the source for at this moment... The key parts to look at here is that they do not simply walk into being an Inquisitor, they are tested and challenged to ensure they are of high quality. Palpatine himself has to pass off on them. There are inaccuracies between who is stronger between a Hand and a High Inquisitor (conflicting quotes for the most part) but the mere fact they are comparable is something to note. Admittedly, in the Book of Sith, Palpatine does express some disappointment in the Inquisitorious due to being unable to find a good Grand Inquisitor to lead the organization.


I am not saying that the Inquisitors > Jedi, no! That would be filled with flaws. I am merely pointing out that they are all high quality Jedi Hunters that have gone through training and such that prepares them to defeat Jedi. This is not always from raw power, mind you, but also in tactics to employ such as the ones that the Inquisitor (wish he had a name...) has employed thus far. Others include the use of Dun Moch, hostages, and other such methods that drive at the Jedi ideals.


To go along with this, Inquisitors (in EU at least) came equipped with the equipment to do what must be done very efficiently. One thing to note is that most lightsaber battles are fought by sensing your opponent, reacting, and countering. With the visual displayed being merely the after effect of it if I am recalling it correctly. While that doesn't sound like it has anything specific to do with Inquisitors, there is indeed evidence that the vast majority of them had a major advantage in this aspect since Jedi do not often use direct combat applications of the force like sith do. They gain an advantage here because they tend to be equipped with these amulets which cloud all other force users when they attempt to sense the wearer, which in the confines of a lightsaber battle where precision is important, that is a noticeable edge. Mind you, powerful force users can compensate quite well, but the average Jedi will be hampered by this. They also came equipped with armor such as this, while for the most part wearing cloth for ease of motion. Combined, it allowed for a relatively effective defense against lightsabers and blasters alike. I would hypothesize that is the material the Inquisitor's armor is constructed of.


I could go on and on about Inquisitors of course, since I had to do much research on them for the Kaggath... But suffice to say that the average Inquisitor is very likely > average Jedi Knight in terms of combat due to the tactics they employ, their equipment, and their entire training being designed to defeat Jedi.


With all that out of the way... I know you saw this coming Aurbere, Beni... But High Inquisitor Jerec >>> (Rebels) Inquisitor. :p That would be a curb stomp, that... Just is not a fair fight...


Side Note: Added a brief line after the amulet to mention their armor.

Edited by Silenceo
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Don't be so predictable, Sil. :D


Well, I almost used a different video... but... If it ain't broke, why fix it? :p


There are many times I can predict which video it is with either of you guys too... Even more so when you want to say *of course!* or a Palpatine quote. :rolleyes: It must be a skill we are all developing... Learning to predict each others funny videos... Very useful when out and about, checking the forums on the phone... :d_wink:


Fine, to be less predictable... bullet point explanation attack! GO!



- Ahsoka forsook the Jedi way

- Gave up her lightsabers (if I remember correctly)

- Never progressed to Jedi Knight, even though she was as skilled as one

- Never really "defeated" any of the impressive CIS melee combatants previously discussed

- Jerec was only slightly weaker force wise than Darth Vader

- Jerec has armor, unlock Ahsoka

- Learned all he could from Jedi Archive

- Was a Jedi Master when Ahsoka was a Youngling

- Mental capabilities was something he could employ to great effect here

- Blind Fold of Epicness >>> Head Tail Beads of Shinyness



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Well, I almost used a different video... but... If it ain't broke, why fix it? :p


There are many times I can predict which video it is with either of you guys too... Even more so when you want to say *of course!* or a Palpatine quote. :rolleyes: It must be a skill we are all developing... Learning to predict each others funny videos... Very useful when out and about, checking the forums on the phone... :d_wink:


Fine, to be less predictable... bullet point explanation attack! GO!



- Ahsoka forsook the Jedi way

- Gave up her lightsabers (if I remember correctly)

- Never progressed to Jedi Knight, even though she was as skilled as one

- Never really "defeated" any of the impressive CIS melee combatants previously discussed

- Jerec was only slightly weaker force wise than Darth Vader

- Jerec has armor, unlock Ahsoka

- Learned all he could from Jedi Archive

- Was a Jedi Master when Ahsoka was a Youngling

- Mental capabilities was something he could employ to great effect here

- Blind Fold of Epicness >>> Head Tail Beads of Shinyness




The bullet points actually were predictable. :p

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Average Battledroid > Jerec, TBH. Lacks combat feats.


I would say

is beyond any battle droid... Unless they are a tank droid with a big gun ofc.


Or even

low ball... Keep in mind that the Jedi is a Jedi Master on some small renowned.


Not to mention is signature ability does this...


Little screen time, yes, but the parts he does have are impressive, even if the first one you see of him is quite low ball and easy to hand wave.


The bullet points actually were predictable. :p


:p I swear, if you post the response I think you will... :rolleyes: Edited by Silenceo
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What do you think I would respond with?


Well that would be telling!...







(Then again, most people seem to not really care for these cut scenes, so you might have just looked over this one... Oh well!)


Side Note: Many things wrong with that scene... Such as the ultrachrome not melting, or the chest plate where the blade hit not stopping it at all... But meh, it had to be done in that scene... :(

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For me, saw the inquisitor's lightsaber, shook my head and basically stopped watching it.

I hated that lightsaber at first - I thought it was a ridiculous 'we need a gimmick for each new villain's lightsaber' ploy that the franchise really doesn't need (*cough*crossguard*cough*). But I do have to admit, when I saw how he it came into play during the climactic fight at the end of "Gathering Forces" (Episode 9), I came away impressed and thinking they actually made it work in a way that added something new and interesting to that scene.


I still think it's largely unnecessary and gimmicky, but after that fight it really doesn't bother me the way it did early on.


Come to think of it, I've been fairly impressed with how they've actually, in practice, handled a lot of the 'gimmicky' things that seem like they were been added into Rebels just for the sake of selling toys - Ezra's slingshot-blaster certainly seems dumb at first, but it's nice how it mixed up the aesthetics of blaster fights with the different look of its projectiles, and I like how it can sting and throw off the aim of a Stormtrooper, but doesn't actually hurt them through their armor. Again, a very gimmicky concept, but handled well in execution to make some scenes more interesting.

Edited by DarthDymond
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