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carnage pvp


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So I have decided, carnage marader is not as lame as everyone says they are,,they do alot of damage have decent cooldowns if rotated correctly i have very little down time on targets, even ones with roots and knock backs..


solid class in a decent place..couple of other classes might need to be toned down though.

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So I have decided, carnage marader is not as lame as everyone says they are,,they do alot of damage have decent cooldowns if rotated correctly i have very little down time on targets, even ones with roots and knock backs..


solid class in a decent place..couple of other classes might need to be toned down though.


I agree. There are a few Marauders that the regular solo rankeds and I usually target first right away - not because they are a "free kill," but because they will cause a massacre if they don't die right away.

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what kind of gear would you recommend for pvp as carnage? im rather new to 60 and pvp


I'm don't play one myself, but I do know that accuracy is really important since most or all of your attacks are melee.


Other than that, I have a sneaking suspicion that alacrity will yield really good results for this class - especially since they get an alacrity buff right away in the discipline tree which amounts to about the same boost 3 pieces of alacrity gear would give you. Since 3.0 alacrity has become all the more useful, and I'm not too sure if Maras/Sents have quite caught on to it yet.


Then surge/crit of course.

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I'm don't play one myself, but I do know that accuracy is really important since most or all of your attacks are melee.


Other than that, I have a sneaking suspicion that alacrity will yield really good results for this class - especially since they get an alacrity buff right away in the discipline tree which amounts to about the same boost 3 pieces of alacrity gear would give you. Since 3.0 alacrity has become all the more useful, and I'm not too sure if Maras/Sents have quite caught on to it yet.


Then surge/crit of course.

I literally just had this conversation with a faction mate in General chat.


I'm finding the burst to be wonderful when I can stay on target, but the survivability and susceptibility to CC is just HORRIBLE. Our burst is useless without the uptime on a target to make it happen.


What I'm wondering is if I should essentially build around Fleetfooted and Expunging Camouflage (Heroic Utilities) and ignore Zen, making up the difference by stacking Alacrity.


If not, does anyone have any useful tips on Utilities and gearing? And how important is Contemplation for a PvP build? Do we NEED the frontloaded burst or is that utility less useful than it appears?


Thanks in advance, y'all! :)

Edited by RodneyMcNeely
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Thanks for replying. Is there a particular set that gives more alacrity or crit surge? or are the sets just the same all around?


I'm really happy to help, and if you have any more questions keep em coming!


I'm not too sure on the sets, but once you get your full set of Exhumed (first level PvP set at 60, should be a few different set names - just choose the one that has set bonuses that fit your abilities most) but once you do get the exhumed set, you can purchase warzone modifications from the vendors on fleet in the combat section. I usually get quick savant (power and alacrity max if I remember correctly) and switch them out for whatever mod is in the piece that doesnt have alacrity on it. I have 7 pieces of gear with alacrity, to try and balance out my crit/surge so they don't take too much of a hit. My crit is around 20% (before the 5% buff from either legacy or warzone players) and my surge is at 61ish%.


I literally just had this conversation with a faction mate in General chat.


I'm finding the burst to be wonderful when I can stay on target, but the survivability and susceptibility to CC is just HORRIBLE. Our burst is useless without the uptime on a target to make it happen.


What I'm wondering is if I should essentially build around Fleetfooted and Expunging Camouflage (Heroic Utilities) and ignore Zen, making up the difference by stacking Alacrity.


If not, does anyone have any useful tips on Utilities and gearing? And how important is Contemplation for a PvP build? Do we NEED the frontloaded burst or is that utility less useful than it appears?


Thanks in advance, y'all! :)


I won't be able to answer too many of the specifics, but I would think that maybe getting the most defense out of your utilities might balance out the problem youre having. It works really well on my sage and sorc, but my marauder isnt high enough level yet for me to have access to the heroic utilities

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This whole thread is pointless. You have to extremely naive to think that marauders, let alone Carnage marauders to be allright atm.


I think some people want to feel special because they manage to play a class that is underpowered compared to most classes in pvp. People that think because they manage to kill noob players that mostly PvE all day and don't know their classes or play to their full potential, are awesome and they have to state their regstar awesomeness to the people via thread.


Entertaining but quite wrong.


Fyi, i wreck most players all day every day. It's got nothing to do with balance of the game, it's got to do with the playerbase being mostly casuals.


Carnage imo is lacking dps wise. It lost 3 abilities that it uses on semi- to regular basis (and if you didn't, you didn't play it to it's full potential) aswell as losing a lot of upfront dmg burst on Ravage/master strike (which is quite important between the 20 second internal cooldown on VT/dispatch burst phaze). These nerfs to damage aswell as losing its root and BW giving immunities to root and stuns like candy sent our spec/class (carnage) from being a totally balanced high reward high risk class pre 3.0 to being severely punished in regs and solo/team R.


To the guys gearing: I am still experimenting on gear. I am currently running 3 alacrity pieces and 2 accuracy pieces. Rest of the stats is Power-surge. power > Main stat.

It's working quite allright.

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This whole thread is pointless. You have to extremely naive to think that marauders, let alone Carnage marauders to be allright atm.


I think some people want to feel special because they manage to play a class that is underpowered compared to most classes in pvp. People that think because they manage to kill noob players that mostly PvE all day and don't know their classes or play to their full potential, are awesome and they have to state their regstar awesomeness to the people via thread.


Entertaining but quite wrong.


Fyi, i wreck most players all day every day. It's got nothing to do with balance of the game, it's got to do with the playerbase being mostly casuals.


Carnage imo is lacking dps wise. It lost 3 abilities that it uses on semi- to regular basis (and if you didn't, you didn't play it to it's full potential) aswell as losing a lot of upfront dmg burst on Ravage/master strike (which is quite important between the 20 second internal cooldown on VT/dispatch burst phaze). These nerfs to damage aswell as losing its root and BW giving immunities to root and stuns like candy sent our spec/class (carnage) from being a totally balanced high reward high risk class pre 3.0 to being severely punished in regs and solo/team R.


To the guys gearing: I am still experimenting on gear. I am currently running 3 alacrity pieces and 2 accuracy pieces. Rest of the stats is Power-surge. power > Main stat.

It's working quite allright.



less whining more using your cooldowns right and you will be just fine..i did mention a couple of classes need to be toned down..but you must of missed that part because of how good you are at the game or something.. play on your strengths not your weakness's..or continue to whine your choice.

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what kind of basic knowledge should a brand new 60 marauder have if they wanna be decently successful in pvp? i basically get berserk up, use battering assault, massacrex1, gore, devastating blast, and sabre throw. then try to spam massacre until i can do this again. i throw in my defensives/interupts/cc when needed


I know this class isn't the best right now. I've looked on the ladders and see that the highest rated marauder is hundreds of rating below other classes (does rating even properly represent skill/class viability/ect?)

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what kind of basic knowledge should a brand new 60 marauder have if they wanna be decently successful in pvp? i basically get berserk up, use battering assault, massacrex1, gore, devastating blast, and sabre throw. then try to spam massacre until i can do this again. i throw in my defensives/interupts/cc when needed


I know this class isn't the best right now. I've looked on the ladders and see that the highest rated marauder is hundreds of rating below other classes (does rating even properly represent skill/class viability/ect?)


Ok, I know i'm not XeniusX. But i know a fair bit about Marauder PvP.


As a marauder, you MUST choose your battles. You cant just rush head long into any fight and hope to win. Marauder PvP requires knowledge of EVERY other class, if you want to succeed. For Carnage, you want to Prioritize leaping to your target, using Dual Saber Throw, Battering Assault, Massacre x1 then Berserk > Gore > Ravage > Vicious Throw (Auto Crit on Vicious Throw from Ravage) then your next Gore Phase will be Dev Blast, and like 2 Massacres. and you just kinda rotate between those two. I would highly reccomend learning to fight the right battles as Annihilation or Fury though, as they either can Last longer (Annihilation) or kill things before they get killed (Fury)

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what kind of basic knowledge should a brand new 60 marauder have if they wanna be decently successful in pvp? i basically get berserk up, use battering assault, massacrex1, gore, devastating blast, and sabre throw. then try to spam massacre until i can do this again. i throw in my defensives/interupts/cc when needed


I know this class isn't the best right now. I've looked on the ladders and see that the highest rated marauder is hundreds of rating below other classes (does rating even properly represent skill/class viability/ect?)


Hey there,


the first thing i would recommend you to do is to try and team up with people that you know are good at their class. Be it marauder or any other. The highest key factor for success is knowing your strengths and weaknesses aswell as knowing the enemies strengths and weaknesses.


some basic stuff:


- What gives point in the game, aka objectives. how can you help the team getting these points! Are you playing Hypergate, then remember that dying gives the enemy points in the game. Picking weaker targets and aiding healers might be your top priority rather than always go for healer.


Rotation: Gore+Massacre+DB+VT. You can achieve this by stacking 3 alacrity pieces and popping berserk. The reason i go with massacre is because its a 4 meter attack so if they run away you might still get off the 10 meter attacks being DB and VT. - Now the trick pony playing Carnage/Combat is getting to do this rotation without any interrupts. Tricking the opponent like waiting to activate gore untill the second time you approach him or the target is busy by someone else attacking him are factors that are more learned than taught.

- example: You are on the healer. behind u a target is halfway down his HP. Your target is still full health. Mezzing the healer, leaping the other target and finish him off with a burst are combos that are quite effective especially in coordination with other players.


Unfortunately without VT your burst is not very good unless you crit with ravage or on a couple of massacres. Gore+massacre+massacre+DB could be the second burst rotation or you could try Gore+Ravage+DB (by clipping towards the end of ravage and activate DB)


Other tips: Try and have your cloak available for escaping. Popping camo to break root should really only be done when you are dying, opportunity when guard is mezzed or healer not around etc and/or you can finish off a target quickly.


I could type all day really with tips and pointers and classes counters e.g obfuscate sniper while you pass him to go for the primary target etc etc. There are many things to consider in this game and thats why i love it. That and having a steady (dps) friend to play with and chat with.


It is, as you know, quite hard to be a marauder and especially a carnage marauder these days and it will most likely be a painful journey for you :p


If you have any more questions I'll try and answer them. Good luck and have fun

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Hey there,


Regarding gearing I would recommend going full surge/power with 4 accuracy enchancements which should bring you close to 95% using 174 gear. Augments I dont really feel any difference between STR/Power so your pick but I think overall there appears to be more and more switching from STR to Power.


Also be sure to pick up 4 enchancements you can replace the Accuracy ones for more surge/power that way you now have good gearsets for both Carnage and Fury.


Personly I prefer Fury spec for PvP but alas Carnage is very fun as well, have enough playtime to use both specs. They are quite similar in roles, both bursty they just have different sets of execution. Main draw to Fury for me was root break on the short leap (forgot name) and less punishing to use Predation as it doesn't hurt your burst as much as Carnage.


Also I would like to recommend a fellow marauder player, Skyrush. He has videos you can search for to give you some idea's. Anyways good luck with your pvping!

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