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60 HM Bonus Bosses Not Dropping Guaranteed Decoration


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I have killed the bonus bosses a few times and never seen a decoration drop. First they dropped nothing, now they drop 2 elites/2 basics and a random massassi, but no decoration ever. Also haven't seen the story mode bonus loot such as the recovered relics or manaan research data drop in hard mode ever. Edited by FireFoxed
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Finished Korriban, Tython, and Manaan HMs each a couple more times. Zero decorations from the bonus bosses. Zero recovered relics or research data from any of the bosses. It seems exonium and even the walkers have a higher drop rate. Even solo mode drops recovered relics more frequently than hard mode. Are these drop rates right? Edited by FireFoxed
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Still not fixed for 3.1. Finally got 1 decoration from a HM bonus boss, but also saw 3 walkers from final bosses in the same number of runs. The drop rate must be astronomically low. No recovered relics or research data either. Edited by FireFoxed
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I'm puzzled WHY they're repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. People don't run flashpoints because of absymal rewards - they buff the rewards, everyone starts running flashpoints again. And then new Flashpoints come out, crappy in terms of both Cosmetic rewards and gear. Like, really, repeating the same "increase the rewards" mantra is beyond old now
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I'm puzzled WHY they're repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. People don't run flashpoints because of absymal rewards - they buff the rewards, everyone starts running flashpoints again. And then new Flashpoints come out, crappy in terms of both Cosmetic rewards and gear. Like, really, repeating the same "increase the rewards" mantra is beyond old now


Yep. Stop making "new" content until you can get the rewards right. This isn't rocket science BW. And that includes the achievements, which as I've said before - the person responsible for managing new achievements should be terminated. A mistake once or twice, we understand. A mistake 5, 6, 7 times is unacceptable. Sloppy work. Not buying any more time cards or cartel coins until BW starts to clean up their act. This show is getting old.

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I think I've run the HMs enough to say with confidence the recovered relics and research data do not drop in HM - only in SM/solo mode. And the bonus bosses seem to have the final boss's drop rate on decos rather than 100% as they have been in the past.


I'm puzzled WHY they're repeating the same mistakes over, and over, and over again. People don't run flashpoints because of absymal rewards - they buff the rewards, everyone starts running flashpoints again. And then new Flashpoints come out, crappy in terms of both Cosmetic rewards and gear. Like, really, repeating the same "increase the rewards" mantra is beyond old now


I'm still hoping these drop rates are a bug. Maybe they even screwed up the MK-1 vs MK-2 drops like they did 16m ops.

Edited by FireFoxed
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  • 3 weeks later...
As of 3.1.1 the bonus bosses still aren't dropping decorations 100% of the time. This includes the Republic/Imperial Commanders, Manaan droid, Infinite Army Prototype, and the Blood Hunt HM bonus. Killed all and zero decorations between them. Still no recovered relics and research data from HMs either. Edited by FireFoxed
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
It's patch 3.2b and bonus bosses are still not dropping decorations 100% of the time. More like 2-3% of the time. I can also get Recovered Relics and Research Data from solo mode versions of the flashpoints but not hard modes. Edited by FireFoxed
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