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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

need pvp advice sorcerer lighting : how to counter sin and PT


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ok. What's the ideal range of alacrity?


My alacrity is at 7.45% right now, I think it's 7 pieces of gear with level 60 warzone quick savant mods. I tried going all alacrity mods for 9.something% but it dropped my surge to about 50% and I didn't notice much of a difference (none of my activation times changed). Once I get enough comms to try out ranked mods, I will try full alacrity again

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Referring back to the sorc v sin thing, maybe a good idea would be to use the Force Barrier equiv (Don't know my imp terms) with the healy thing specced so while they are immune to the damage you aren't doing, you can heal yourself back up a decent amount.


I don't main sorc/sage, so I might sound a little silly :3

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