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Time to rethink your F2P model...


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First of all I am a subscriber. I am making this because I meet F2P players and feel bad for them and do not think they will stick for ever.


It has been a while since this game has gone f2p. I think it is about time you guys went back and reassessed your F2P model. there is only minor changes I think would help not only the players (free and sub) but BW/EA too...


1. Up the amount of credits or put no cap on F2P credits. if you take out the cap, cancel out the escrow item from cartel market, this could help F2P players to stay and help the people who are sub or preferred. Most items that subscribers sell are for more than 250k or 300k. armors, decorations, etc. so it is hindering the subs from selling items to a larger player base. Also, F2P players cannot even buy a garage to the stronghold. Players can easily make 100k in less than an hour and have nothing worth while to buy.


2. Trading. Why stop a F2P player from trading and allow them to mail? that's just dumb in my opinion. There is more worth while things to entice people to sub.


F2P players sometimes do spend a few bucks on CM here and there. But not if you cannot even keep them in the game long enough to want to. I am sure there could be 1 or 2 more minor changes to F2P benefits that would not even hurt BW/EA from TRYING TO FORCE people into subbing. Change the benefits here and there and it could help the whole game and the community in the long wrong, especially with all the problems on the forums as of late.



Edited by Sikknasty
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Those aren't even close to the things that are dumb about F2P.


Unifying Colors & Hiding Head Slot should be F2P. I literally pay $15/month so my characters don't look awful. It's really dumb.


Also, half exp past a certain level = retarded.

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Those aren't even close to the things that are dumb about F2P.


Unifying Colors & Hiding Head Slot should be F2P. I literally pay $15/month so my characters don't look awful. It's really dumb.


Also, half exp past a certain level = retarded.


well, I took into consideration that they want people to sub. so some of the things you think are really dumb is the reason people sub. But, taking out things like credits and such will help every 1 and keep more players. where as some people could just buy dyes and not care to sub. that's why they make dye's and helmets that look good. looks will not keep some 1 from playing when there are ways around it. also, a f2p that has a lot of credits (if they took out the limit) can simply purchase CM items to be able to unify and hide head slot.

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Those aren't even close to the things that are dumb about F2P.


Unifying Colors & Hiding Head Slot should be F2P. I literally pay $15/month so my characters don't look awful. It's really dumb.


Also, half exp past a certain level = retarded.


at least you can unlock those. you literally do NOT have to pay 15 a month to unify colors and hide headslot.


however. inability to accept some of the quest rewards? is NOT unlockable. that said, I agree, xp nerf for free to play/preferred is just dumb. especially when you consider that there's barely enough content to get from 55 to 60 even with guild and consumable xp buffs. without them? you are stuck grinding out a level through other means.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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That half xp was the original xp gain rate and no they don't deserve anything because they don't pay free to play is a demo version for a reason.


not every 1 can afford, or is old enough to pay for a game. that is why I think they made F2P in most mmos these days. bigger player base the better off the company is.

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What gets me is the other F2P game I've played (LOTRO) had a full credit cap unlock you could purchase without subbing.


Pay the $19.95 (IIRC), get the gold cap unlocked forever, full stop. None of this escrow here and there BS.


IMO allowing F2P to purchase a full credit unlock would be much better for retention and make it much more likely for F2P to sub. I didn't sub to LOTRO until after I'd bought that unlock (and some others) as F2P, and I probably eventually spent $200-300 on that game before I left over its...legendary item RNG issues.


If I had to join this game all over again as F2P with none of the benefits I've received from being a CE sub since pre-launch beta, I honestly doubt I'd ever drop that much money on this game. The F2P experience just isn't inviting enough--most people who try F2P games have to get hooked into enjoying the game enough to justify spending any substantial amount of money on it.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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One of the things I find very odd is nonsense stuff like "No ability to purchase Inventory slots with credits", "Don't get Lockbox/creditbox rewards.". I just scratch my head and go "why". Yes, I understand it's free and not everyone should get things for free. I can understand Operation & flashpoint passes. Make end game be more of a "You have to buy access or sub" kinda deal, that makes sense! Honestly they should make people *want* to sub. Most of the time it's a headache to get some friends to stay on or even join because of these things that make people "HAHA YOU KIDDING ME?" and just leave. No one wants people to leave this game and never come back, especially if these were the kinda people that would spend good money on the cartel market & possibly sub. Honestly Bioware rethink some of these odd decisions.
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F2P needs MORE restrictions, not less. They pay NOTHING, leech off of guild XP bonus' and contribute NOTHING. Screw 'em.


Oh, and least we not forget are used by credit farmers!!!

Edited by Choloe
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F2P needs MORE restrictions, not less. They pay NOTHING, leech off of guild XP bonus' and contribute NOTHING. Screw 'em.


Oh, and least we not forget are used by credit farmers!!!


even wow has gold spammers/farmers. its the life of an mmo. google (game) gold for any mmo and you will find a site selling.


F2P players do more than you think to an economy, queues, and everything else in most mmos (probably more than you realize). I think swtor just restricts too much..


you remind me of the people all week that don't have much constructive feedback, just pure ************...

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even wow has gold spammers/farmers. its the life of an mmo. google (game) gold for any mmo and you will find a site selling.


F2P players do more than you think to an economy, queues, and everything else in most mmos (probably more than you realize). I think swtor just restricts too much..


you remind me of the people all week that don't have much constructive feedback, just pure ************...


I could not care less about the 'economy' of the game. I pay my subscription, I enjoy the game, but giving a moocher more because they can't afford to play the game? Sorry, I have no sympathy for them. Pay $5 and become preferred. If you can't do that, you're QQing to the wrong people.

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F2P needs MORE restrictions, not less. They pay NOTHING, leech off of guild XP bonus' and contribute NOTHING. Screw 'em.


Oh, and least we not forget are used by credit farmers!!!


Why do you honestly say that? Yes, maybe a lot pay nothing for this game, but honestly why is this a problem? If the game itself is surviving off the f2p model, still making content & making the subscription offer a decent deal for those who want to stay sub'd what is the problem?


See, someone can start off f2p. If they enjoy it, they may think it's okay spending money on the game. The first thing they will probably notice is the cartel market. If they find stuff interesting there (Packs, unlocks, weapons, races, etc.) they will spend money on it. Now they are no longer paying "nothing" for this experience. Their purchase could go from simply $5 (1/3rd of what someone just only subscribing pays), $10 (2/3rd), $20 ($5 more then a single sub) to even higher amounts. Now as they continue to play and continue to spend they could find wanting to participate with end game. They could spend for a pass for Operations or Flashpoints, but to get one someone has to spend money for it. They could spend money for cartel coins, or someone else could. That someone else makes credits off this, and if it's for a friend or revenue, it's incentive for *HIM* to keep buying it. SO no matter what, money is going into the game. They could even buy a sub, which would make them like us in terms of putting at least $15 into the game every month, which would be even more money on top of whatever they spend on cartel coins.


So don't just go "THEY DESERVE NOTHING FOR FREE!". The more someone likes something, the more likely money goes into the game. We WANT people to join us in putting money in this game, so we could possibly get more content and have the game stay lucrative for EA and thus stay up longer.

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Why do you honestly say that? Yes, maybe a lot pay nothing for this game, but honestly why is this a problem? If the game itself is surviving off the f2p model, still making content & making the subscription offer a decent deal for those who want to stay sub'd what is the problem?


ROFL, I'm sorry... "maybe a lot pay nothing"?


EVERY F2P player pays nothing... That is why they are F2P.


If they pay $5 they are preferred and the point of this entire thread is moot.


But giving someone who does not want to pay anything at all more abilities than they already have? No thanks.

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not every 1 can afford, or is old enough to pay for a game. that is why I think they made F2P in most mmos these days. bigger player base the better off the company is.


That's not the point. If you have enough money for a computer that plays ANYTHING then you most definitely can afford 15/month for a sub. Besides, buy spending literally 5 bucks, you become preferred which vastly better than pure F2P.

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I could not care less about the 'economy' of the game. I pay my subscription, I enjoy the game, but giving a moocher more because they can't afford to play the game? Sorry, I have no sympathy for them. Pay $5 and become preferred. If you can't do that, you're QQing to the wrong people.


Yeah, sell the F2P a full credit unlock like, say, LOTRO (which was F2P a hell of a lot longer than this game was), suddenly the F2P is preferred, and able to effectively participate in the game economy, thus making the game that much more enjoyable for that player.


Someone who enjoys the game is that much more likely to spend money on it. Oh, and when I'm checking out a F2P game, the credit cap is the first thing I'll pay to unlock, typically, while I'm dabbling in getting my feet wet.


Or SWTOR could continue with its uber restrictions, continue refusing to sell a straight up unlock, continue to nickle and dime for escrow releases, and drive new people who think as I do away. As mentioned earlier, it's a damn happy coincidence for Bioware that I was a CE sub long before the F2P re-launch, because if I was coming to this game as a new F2P now I'd look at the lack of credit cap unlock (along with some other restrictions, but not being able to buy a full unlock without committing fully to sub is the big one) and say **** it.


Oh, I speak of someone who additionally spent around $300 on hypercrates to decorate my strongholds in addition to that longtime sub, too. Again, had I come to this game later than the F2P release, that's more business Bioware would have lost.

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I think there's a difference between an F2P model that rewards a player for subscribing and one that punishes a player for not. That difference may be subtle, but it's there. EA's F2P model nickels and dimes you more than almost any other F2P MMO model, really.


You really get the sense that EA introduced the F2P model in a grudging and petulant "we don't really want to do this, but we're forced to, so we're going to make it as difficult as we can" sort of way.


I mean, I'm a subscriber and have been since launch. CE and all the trimmings, etc etc. I'm unlikely to unsub, at least in the foreseeable future, so it doesn't really affect me, but I can't help feeling that unlike many other F2P models, EA's model has insincere and petty written all over it.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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That's not the point. If you have enough money for a computer that plays ANYTHING then you most definitely can afford 15/month for a sub. Besides, buy spending literally 5 bucks, you become preferred which vastly better than pure F2P.

Honestly, it's really not that much better. The whole model seems very petulant to me.

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You really get the sense that EA introduced the F2P model in a grudging and petulant "we don't really want to do this, but we're forced to, so we're going to make it as difficult as we can" sort of way.


If you've been here since launch, then you'll know just how TRUE this quoted statement is. BioWare makes it's money off of us subscribers, and us subscribers are the ones who also support the Cartel Market.


Which is why many of us who PAY into the Cartel Market are still pissed about the CCSM. (But that's another topic)

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I've tried to get people into the game and things like limited hotbars, being unable to equip purple gear, unable to hide helmets, unable to open lockbox quest rewards, and the whole "YOU ARE NOW EARNING LESS EXPERIENCE, SUBSCRIBE TO FIX THIS" thing turned many of them off before the game ever had a chance to really draw them in.


First impressions are everything and the first impression SWTOR gives new players is that the game is going to pile on restrictions and annoyances until they spend money out of frustration, rather than out of a desire to buy something cool.


I feel the cash shop itself is generally fine, the only "problem" is with how Bioware tries to get people to subscribe. As someone who's put almost no thought into how to solve this, my suggestion would be to remove most of the visible F2P restrictions such as equipment/quest restrictions, match color, hide helm, ect. Then add more incentives to get people to subscribe to the game. Possible examples:


1) Add veteran rewards, maybe every so many months you're subscribed you get a token that can be redeemed at an ingame merchant that gives unique vanity stuff. Every so often more stuff is added to the merchant so there's always something new for long-time subscribers to buy.


2) Run deals every now and then to get people to subscribe to get a special item. Something like "Everyone who has an active subscription during the month of December will be granted exclusive access to the brand new swirly Red/White candy-cane color crystal."


A lot of people are going to dismiss this simply because "IT'S FINE BECAUSE FREE PLAYERS DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING ANYWAY," but I'm fairly confident in saying that someone is more likely to end up spending money on a game if the developers incentive subscriptions rather than penalizing free players. People don't spend money on games they don't enjoy so intentionally making the game worse for new players is just shooting yourself in the foot.


edit: With that said, I can understand why Bioware went the route they did. It's a LOT easier to just lock off parts of your game to free players than it is to add new stuff for subscribers.

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See, someone can start off f2p. If they enjoy it, they may think it's okay spending money on the game.


This. I always see this attitude (not just on the forums but in game as well) like F2P should feel bad or something but I wouldn't have ever considered subbing for this game if I hadn't started playing F2P (and soon after Preferred) first. I'm not paying $15 a month for a game I'm not sure I'll even like. I can't imagine I'm the only one that would feel this way. F2P (and Preferred) is meant to be a way to introduce somebody to the game, show them it's good, and then entice them to sub for all the benefits. F2P is a great way to build up the subscriber base, which leads to more money for the game and more population for the servers. I see no reason to try and hate on F2P players apart from elitism. It's extremely annoying and it bothers the hell out of me.


Anyway, as far as lifting restrictions, I'm kinda indifferent. I'd love to see the credit cap increased 'cause that's borderline crippling once you hit the end game, but then again that's kinda the point. They want you to subscribe. I wouldn't be mad if they lifted some of the restrictions a bit, I'll say that. I just don't really know what the best improvements would be.

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I've tried to get people into the game and things like limited hotbars, being unable to equip purple gear, unable to hide helmets, unable to open lockbox quest rewards, and the whole "YOU ARE NOW EARNING LESS EXPERIENCE, SUBSCRIBE TO FIX THIS" thing turned many of them off before the game ever had a chance to really draw them in.


Again, I'm sorry, but they have 14 levels to get 'drawn in'... If they can't make up their mind by the time they leave the starter planet, then you need to understand that they are too cheap to play the game in the first place.

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ROFL, I'm sorry... "maybe a lot pay nothing"?


EVERY F2P player pays nothing... That is why they are F2P.


If they pay $5 they are preferred and the point of this entire thread is moot.


But giving someone who does not want to pay anything at all more abilities than they already have? No thanks.


Preferred starts off as someone who pays nothing, though. If they don't like the initial experience they will continue to pay nothing and most likely leave the game. And honestly, preferred could just be they only put $5 in the game. There are still awkward and annoying things in this game that is locked because they are not "subbed". The game still treats them very similar to someone who paid nothing though they have a bit more breathing room. They can still play the game forever free and not attribute anything at all. That isn't much better then F2P at all for the long term of this game.

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Again, I'm sorry, but they have 14 levels to get 'drawn in'... If they can't make up their mind by the time they leave the starter planet, then you need to underastand thart they are too cheap to play the game in the first place.


You just have a knack for making generalizations, don't you? This is how you see things so that's how everybody else must do it or they're wrong. Your way isn't the only way and your broad generalization is way off base.

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Preferred starts off as someone who pays nothing, though. If they don't like the initial experience they will continue to pay nothing and most likely leave the game. And honestly, preferred could just be they only put $5 in the game. There are still awkward and annoying things in this game that is locked because they are not "subbed". The game still treats them very similar to someone who paid nothing though they have a bit more breathing room. They can still play the game forever free and not attribute anything at all. That isn't much better then F2P at all for the long term of this game.


Preferred players are former subscribers or anyone who spends at least $5 for Cartel Coins. No one STARTS as preferred.

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