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Mercenary returning


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Hey there,


I played this back at launch and up to the Hutt Cartel expansion, only got to 51, but I am looking to try this game out again, a lot of cool features have been implemented and I want to give it a shot. I saw some Mercenary hate on the fleet this morning when I was online, I was just wondering if people were just being whiny or if Mercs are a bit on the broken side. Is arsenal still a pretty good spec to go with? Have their been any huge changes to the game in the last year or so that I need to know about?



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To be honest merc have never been good in PVP. I see so many post complain about marauder, but merc compare to mara makes mara seem like god-mode.

I kinda wish bioware would play theyr own games and see how bad some classes are compare to other. Not just read statistics and such..

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To the OP ...


i don't know if you are still following this thread, but here is some advice.


1. Any level 50 PVP gear you have you should toss. Expertise level requirements have changed and this gear will do you more harm than good in PVP. Get what comms you can in PVP as you level and then spend them on gear once you hit 60 if you are into PVP.


2. Mekab is a long quest chain and it has you going all over the place. I really don't care much for it. I think it actually drags out the leveling process.


3. Start "Forced Alliance" quest chain as soon as it comes available. The "God Droid" can do all the heavy lifting for you in solo operations. Go in with a healer toon to keep yourself up since your gear and level will be lower than expected. Get near the end, you can restart it. Or you can finish them off on the first attempt. and move on to the next solo operation But solo operations yield massive xp and you can milk it if you feel you need to. Just don't complete the operation, leave, and restart the phase.


4. PVE gear is in abundance. The Devs went crazy with multiple PVE sets that they just give yu for the most simlistic of quest turn ins. So save your comms for 60.


5. Don't forget your Dailies. Places like Black Hole should take you under 30 mins to finish. At level 59, you will take practically no damage from these mobs and can clean house (Including the Heroic 4). On my level 60 dps toons I can clear The Black Hole in 20 - 25 mins. Net income is usually over 100k / run. And until you hit about 55 - 56, you should also get XP from this daily zone.

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Arsenal actually isn't that bad anymore. Its much more mobile with the new ability Primming Shot allowing your next Tracer to be instant, Blazing Bolts (the unload replacement) being able to cast while moving and Rocket Punch root (no longer a knock back). On top of that your Heatseekers and Rail shots still hit like trucks. I would suggest that you run a couple of warzones to see for yourself. Of course the class is a glass cannon in warzones so if you get focused its GG unless you have a pocket healer.


If you don't like it try out Innovated Ordnance.

Edited by Clogski
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