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Any Aussies?


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If you are on the Republic Side: I recommend the guilds "The Renegades of Joker Squadron" or "Defenders of the Southern Cross" both are Australian led guilds and filled with nice people. They run Operations (I know you weren't interested in that) but also just enjoy doing casual stuff as well (including Conquests, which they actually win a lot at).


If you are on Rep side: Give them a try.


Also FYI: No these are not my guilds, but they are run by some friends of mine (who happen to be Aussies)

Edited by ThatEvilDude
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Well for now I am pub, but I intend to do imps as well.

For now I think its best I do not join a guild, I am still deciding if I want to move or not, I made a trooper and it was a ghost town.


Speaking as a fellow Aussie that plays on both factions on B.C., during U.S. Prime time, there is life aplenty. However come prime time in Australia, B.C. suffers greatly. Average fleet population after say 10pm Aussie East time is about 40-60 on both sides with pvp pops every 10-15 mins and if you are looking for GF, it can take even longer. GSF as I understand it is even worse during Aussie prime time (Have a friend who GSF's and she complains how pops are few and far between on our prime time). Outside of being in a guild, you may find it difficult to do ops etc as most Aussie SWTOR players reside on that terrible joke of a server Harbinger.


People wise, except for two certain Imp players that Bioware refuses to deal with or ban for continued harrassment and trolling (despite the numerous tickets logged by many many people on the server over and over), the rest are quite good and easily beat Harbinger there.

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