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Take the exploiter's unearned gear away! -petition-


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Its in no way unfair to you. He didnt take anything away from you nor did he deny you anything nor does he get some unfair advantage over you.

You what?


Of course he does...


How? In the instance of this particular "cheat", does someone using it take something away from you, or slow down your ability to get what you want in the game?

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There have been posts in the thread from people under the impression that Bioware had promised or committed to removing the items gotten from the exploit. That's not the case. It was said only that it was a possible action open to them.


People are now getting back from their 24 hour bans and are reporting that no change has been made to their ingame characters except for the removal of patterns learned through reverse engineering. People still have their chestpiece and optimized enhancements, and cargo bays full of Matter Transubstantiators and unused chestpiece tokens.


It seems clear that the unearned gear has not been taken away. Hence the OP.


I wonder how much of this anger is coming from frustrated jealousy.


I can't speak for others, but for me that is a large part of it.


Let me be clear. Bioware have sent us a message. That message is, we're all bark and no bite. We're going to talk tough, and try to scare people, but we cannot handle large scale exploiting. I don't know why this is. It could be that they want to handle it better, but they don't have or can't commit the resources that would be required to truly handle it. I don't believe that it is a failing of character on their part. However, the outcome speaks for itself.


The lesson for players should something similar happen in the future should be obvious.


Eric's post outlining the actions is a great post. It's well written. The praise started almost immediately. The problem is that when you find out the details, when you find out what the action taken actually is, you discover that it is misleading - Exhibit A being the people who have posted in this thread who thought that Eric had promised that the unearned gear would be taken away, when he did not.


Most of the offenders got a punishment so light that they are literally laughing at Bioware and those of us who did not exploit.

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If you think that "exploiting" is wrong, then don't do it.


If it's actually wrong, then your choice to not do it shouldn't be based on what Bioware does, and it shouldn't matter if someone else is laughing about what Bioware does.


I wonder how many people's sense of "right and wrong" is actually defined by fear of consequences, as opposed to actually being an internal moral compass.

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No he did not.


In short, of the players who get a 1-7 day suspension, "it is also possible" that their gear, crafting materials, credits and commendations were removed. It is in no way a given that all or even most exploiters had their ill-earned gear removed.


Yep, you are right. Despite reading that post of Musco's multiple times, somehow I missed "possible". Apologies to the OP and others.

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