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Social points for warzones..


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Every war zone you are part of a team. Communication within that team is key and pvpers are very social in and out around that regard. Please consider adding social points to pvp queuers or at least those who group up to play wzs.



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Every war zone you are part of a team. Communication within that team is key and pvpers are very social in and out around that regard. Please consider adding social points to pvp queuers or at least those who group up to play wzs.





No. You are only really being social when you advertise on fleet for social runs of Esseless or Black Talon. Because you have to use your words to get a team and then you can ignore each other unless its to yell spacebar SPACEBAR! so you can get through it fast enough and justify another run.

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Social means playing with others and not doing events or quests solo... Every time you step in a wz, you are being social. Or like I said award social points if you go into a queue in a premade group. Questing in pve is not the only place someone should be credited for being social IMHO.
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