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end-game stories' immersion


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Hi, i have a quick question:

in terms of immersion within the end-game stories (cz-198, rakghoul outbreak, operations/oricon/dread masters, forged alliances/shadow of revan, ilum/false emperor) which of these classes fits the role better: trooper or bounty hunter?


i'm rolling one of these to really dig into the end-game stories but i'd like to see the character progress to a point that it makes sense to see a trooper or a bounty hunter killing the dread masters for example xD


thanks in advance

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Well, any answer is going to be highly opinionated, both in terms of your interpretation of the stories and 'immersion' and how you're RP'ing you characters, and this answer is coming from someone who has played all of the above stories as both Empire and Republic, but not Bounty Hunter or Trooper.


Disclaimer aside, I would say it fits the Trooper better. Most of the stories have more to do with saving the galaxy, or at least your respective faction, which is more fitting for the Trooper I'd say, and I think it's going to be easier to immerse yourself as a Trooper who is trying to save the Republic as opposed to a Bounty Hunter whose main goal is making money (again, varies depending on how you're RP'ing), yet many of the stories, with perhaps the exception of CZ-198, don't really have a big emphasis on credits, more on protecting the Empire/Galaxy.

Edited by Swissbob
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I'd say Trooper. The stories tend to make more sense if you're playing someone with a vested interest in the Republic/Empire and is willing to go out of their way to see it prevail.


The BH story gets a little weird if you play someone who's just in it for the credits and holds no loyalties.

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